
Would you play any multiplayer modes?

  • yes

    Votes: 11 68.8%
  • no

    Votes: 5 31.3%

  • Total voters


New member
Mar 1, 2014
Would you like to see more multiplayer challenges, tournaments and stuff like that?

How the multiplayer part should look, any ideas for the multiplayer modes?

I would like a 1 ball challenge (only 1 ball and no extra balls). 3 rounds on 1 table, best score wins, about 4-6 tables / competition


New member
Mar 5, 2014
Yes! This could be fun:
Choose 2-3 tables each. Maybe even a ban phase to be able to choose 1-2 tables that can't be included.
3 balls. No extra balls.
Both/all players play at the same time and possibility to see the other player's score and number of remaining balls during play, and also be alerted if the other players have finished so we can move on to the next table when there's a clear winner.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Would be difficult to implement. They would need to alter the game ROM, probably in ways it was never meant to be altered. Even just keeping track of the ROM and keeping it consistent on two machines connected over the internet would be an extremely difficult task.

Zen don't have to deal with 20-30 year old software emulation, that's why they have much more multiplayer options.


New member
Jul 18, 2013
By multiplayer, I'm interrupting this as meaning players join a queue and compete against each other in real time, like the head to head mode.
I have to say no to this. While I don't mind playing with other people on a table in RL, waiting for my turn online is incredible boring to me and not in line with what digital pinball means to me. I can't see sitting around online for 20-30 minutes while someone finishes there round until my turn.

As tournament modes, I think these ideas are great. I'd love to see a one ball tournament and some of the newer machines may support that in the ROMs.
I'd also like to see a limited round in tournaments along with the time limit.


I voted for maybe

It would depend on how they were implemented, and how the queueing/invite system worked.

I am not awfully fond of the proposed mulitplayer challenges, as that is too much like video gaming. "It's Just Not Cricket"

Until FS has a means to insert ROM Settings into games via a type of pro mode option then it'll be 3 ball pinball for the world, unless they play Genie or Big Shot


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I simply want either a 'race to the score' or 'top score after x minutes' kind of multiplayer. I do agree that waiting for your turn in a head to head situation would be incredibly boring, especially on marathon tables. If it was head to head where both players were playing at the same time and a little meter showed you the other person's score, that would be alright. Only problem is, once your 3 balls were done, loser would probably just drop out rather than finish the game. Oh, and that's the other thing, it would HAVE to be 3 balls only.


New member
Jul 22, 2013
What I like to have is a type of multipleyer to have that "top score after x minutes". There, we can have unlimited extra balls and the goal is to score as much as you can. This can show how much each person knows about a certain tables (most tables have a certain way to score a lot of points; Multiball Madness in MM, for example: light all five modes (troll, damsel, peasant, catapult, and joust) to score more points for each jackpot earned.

Would there also be rules like in those pinball tournaments. Certain pinball techniques like the Death Save being forbidden during tournament.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
I'd like to have an in person multiplayer mode that supports more than one controller. I can't believe that this hasn't been implemented yet.

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