Bug Multiple Balls Get Stuck in Dagger Scoop

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Device/OS: iPad 3 / iOS 6

Bug Description: In Terror from the Crate or Monster Multiball, the Dagger scoop sometimes ends up holding more balls than seem to physically fit. The balls will make a bunch of noise as if they're vibrating against each other, then the ball search will kick one or both out and normal play resumes. As long as the ball search can kick at least one of the balls out, this can be repeated any number of times. (Note that this is not the same issue as the one involving multiple jackpots being awarded due to multiple balls vibrating in the Crate, although if that happens, the chances of this bug occurring seem to increase.)

However, sometimes instead of the ball search kicking out the ball(s), the table will "destroy" one of the balls and launch a new ball from the plunger, similar to what CV does if a ball flies off the table. After this happens, any ball entering the Dagger scoop by any means (Crate, Dead Head lanes, or from below) gets stuck there (without the vibrating noise) until a ball search kicks in. In addition, you can see the top of the ball in the scoop, as if it didn't go all the way in.

Also, sometimes after this happens, the "destroyed" ball gets ejected much later from the Dagger scoop, leading to two balls active in what should be single-ball play. Draining either ball starts the bonus count and locks the flippers, ending the current ball in play.

Steps to reproduce: The most reliable way I've found is to play Terror from the Crate or Monster Multiball and put one ball in the Crate right before the other ball travels down from the Dead Head lanes into the Dagger scoop. Due to the bug that causes the eject from the Dagger to loop around to the Dead Head lanes, this is actually fairly easy to do. Otherwise, repeatedly putting multiple balls in the Crate usually triggers the bug eventually.

Frequency: Depends on how good you are at stuffing multiple balls in the Crate. The first part with "destroying" and re-launching a ball is almost guaranteed to happen eventually if you keep scoring Crate jackpots in the same multiball. The second part with the "destroyed" ball returning later is pretty rare, I've only seen it happen twice over the course of many multiballs.

This bug occurs both in games that were started when the table was first loaded from the main menu, as well as games immediately following a previous game without re-loading the table.

The bug does not seem to happen in Stiff in the Coffin multiball, even when multiple balls end up in the Dagger scoop simultaneously.

Additional comments: None.


New member
Nov 2, 2012
I have had the same problem. I have a game stuck with 250m points with 3 balls left.

On occasion nudging has freed any stuck balls. This is no help. Calling the attendant is also no help.

Hope this can be fixed


New member
Mar 9, 2012
My multiball problem here is if a ball drains early enough in the crate multi, the game / camera insists on staying in launch mode. All you can do is rapidly launch balls and hope one is still flippable
when all the others drain. (no flipper )

OT rant: Am I correct in assuming this
is the only major pinball game out there
without keyboard support?

Please tell me its in beta.

Matt McIrvin

New member
Jun 5, 2012
I've mentioned the same kind of thing happening with the Boogie/BBQ Bonus hole in Elvira and the Party Monsters. Nudging the table can sometimes shake one of them loose, though you might have to tilt.

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