Bug Multiple Bugs


New member
Aug 25, 2012
Well I finally did it just now....got past Stage 2 Unmask Voltaire and then stormed right through Stage 3 and got the 5th wizard achievement. I got the 13th highest score for the week! Unmask Voltaire was a real bi*ch but I finally made the pressure shots up the highwire ramp!

I'm a fairly decent Cirqus Voltaire player. I've gotten past Stage 1 of Join The Circus about four or five times. However, there are definitely some bugs that are affecting gameplay and they need to be fixed.

1) Sometimes when you start a new game the ball doesn't go to the plunger and the game hangs on the dashboard. I usually just exit and restart.

2) The ball flies out the right side of the screen occasionally and then re-appears in the playfield.

3) I lost a ball a few minutes ago as it was on the left flipper. It just appeared to go right through the flipper like it wasn't really there. And it happened just as I was about to defeat the fifth ringmaster to start ringmaster battle.

4) The last time I got to Step 2 Unmask Voltaire, the camera just started going all over the place. How can I concentrate on my shots when the camera is like having a seizure.

5) This may not be a bug, but the ball goes down the outlanes way too easily. I try to shake the board but it's impossible to save a ball that is teetering on the nub of the flipper. I think I've saved maybe 2 of 50 balls from falling down the outlane.

6) A few times I've "Tilt" the game just by pressing the left stick like once or twice. Usually you get a few warnings but on these occasions there has been virtually no warning and I just lose a ball.

This is a very difficult board and it's extremely frustrating to lose a ball due to a bug. Please try to issue a fix during a future update.
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Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
On the 360 you're having all these issues? I know the iOS version is borked for a lot of people, but I've only encountered issues with the ball occasionally leaving the playfield (or sometimes the backbox when playing Cannonball Run) on the 360.

As far as the outlanes, they're much better than the iOS version. Either nudge diagonally upward to pop the ball back over the slingshot, or failing that, use a light touch to nudge for the inlane. A hard nudge bounces the ball off the back of the slingshot and is pretty much a guaranteed drain.


New member
Aug 21, 2012
I've experienced camera glitches in the 360 version of CV, including the camera "moving all over the place" during some multiball modes. The ball flying off the table also happens from time to time, but usually it gets placed back onto the plunger.

The outlanes and tilt sensor are fine from my experience though. Yeah, it can be easy to lose a ball down the side, but that's part of the challenge of the table. I occasionally set off the tilt sensor, but I nudge a lot, so that's to be expected.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just had a few goes on the 360 version which I had not played yet due to the bad taste the iOS version has left in my mouth. Well, it's still a shambles, in one game I had a ball get stuck about 5 times at the top left of the table.

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
In addition to thread I made, there's just alot of bad collision detection all over the left part of the table. I have balls going through the highwire ramp, and basically all through the juggler area is a mess. Juggler multiballs get stuck up there and are colliding together badly all the time.

Recently I've had to stop a good game, because there were no balls on the table anywhere, yet when I called the attendent it would say "ball not stuck". Ball was probably jammed inside some geometric object or something, nowhere to be found.

Another glitch that I haven't spoken of/seen talked about, is you'll drain a ball and the table will not continue until you pull the plunger. Not game breaking obviously, but it's just another glitch sprinkle on this glitch sundae of a table.

In my experience, it's the glitchiest table on the service bar none.

As for the outlanes, I've learned not to nudge. Nudging actually kills you on Cirqus, and WILL NOT save your ass from outlanes once the ball is in one. They are very oddly designed outlanes, and it almost seems as they are designed this way (which is kinda genius actually... for the arcade, not you). Best to just use nudging to keep the ball away from that area at all costs. Pop bumpers aren't worth anything so don't even let it go the right side at all when possible. The left isn't so much an issue because the colored ball will usually keep it out of that lane.
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New member
Feb 20, 2012
Just gave this table another chance on my ipad 3 ios6 1.1.9 and its still a mess. Within about 20 seconds I locked a ball on the highwire ramp and the camera stayed on the playfield so I had to plunge blindly. Then shortly after that I played the canonball backglass game while looking at the playfield. Next during multiball the table tilted for no reason, I have it on shake to nudge and definately didn't nudge. Next I locked another ball on the highwire ramp and the camera didn't go to the plunger again. Ball 3 was plunged looking at the playfield and my last ball the same. I don't know why this table is as bad as it is, either way FS either don't care or don't know how to fix it. Its perminantly retired now until I hear its been fixed.
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Senior Creature
Mar 22, 2012
I'm with Kevlar on this one. Retired until fixed.

I tried a game out earlier today. Joining the Cirqus was very troublesome when the camera kept shifting between my main cam and the plunger cam when balls were being auto-launched.

Chris Dunman

New member
Apr 11, 2012
1 more with Kev here... Never really liked CV at the best of times but its gotten on my nerves so much now, I'm leaving it well alone. If only to save my sanity...

Mark W**a

Sep 7, 2012
This table is a complete mess, and it's actually the one I've played the least because of this. Already made my own thread for bugs, but I want to add my latest discovery:

Mashing on flippers increases the frequency of bugs in this game. If you mash on flippers during the sideshow, and you get the cannon ball run, you'll get that camera bug EVERY TIME. Mash flippers and plunger during Ringmaster's annoying little speaches, and you will get a sneaky lock 9 times out of 10.


New member
Apr 3, 2013

I plan to purchase CV/FH pack this week-end... Before buying a DLC, I check first the forum of each table.

Mmmmmh... It appears that CV is the most glitchy and buggy table of TPA so far.

Since the last year, have these bugs been fixed (well, some at least -I read in another thread that "outlane magnetism" have been tweaked- )?
Or should I reconsider my purchase, and wait the table to be improved?


PS: I have the first (MM/BoP) and the third (MB/Gorgar) packs, and they are very good (no disappointment due to bugs or whatever).
Except pack #2, the others don't appeal me (Taxi yes, but Harley-Davidson...:( )
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New member
Jul 20, 2012

I plan to purchase CV/FH pack this week-end... Before buying a DLC, I check first the forum of each table.

Mmmmmh... It appears that CV is the most glitchy and buggy table of TPA so far.

Since the last year, have these bugs been fixed (well, some at least -I read in another thread that "outlane magnetism" have been tweaked- )?
Or should I reconsider my purchase, and wait the table to be improved?


PS: I have the first (MM/BoP) and the third (MB/Gorgar) packs, and they are very good (no disappointment due to bugs or whatever).
Except pack #2, the others don't appeal me (Taxi yes, but Harley-Davidson...:( )

CV is quite nice on the PS3. Neon multi ball is especially a treat. IMO, that DLC is one of the best ones that FS released. Agree about Taxi and HD, but had to have Taxi.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
CV is quite nice on the PS3. Neon multi ball is especially a treat. IMO, that DLC is one of the best ones that FS released. Agree about Taxi and HD, but had to have Taxi.

Yep, I couldn't resist, and purchased CV/FH last week. No disappointment concerning CV (except the strange "lunar" physics near the flips), it's overall a very good table, very attractive because his difficulty. And the Neon thing is very well rendered. So far, my favorite table with MM (for the DLC packs).

It's another story for FH: it's a very buggy and glitchy table (broken plunger, vanish balls, strange ball trajectories). I hope some of these flaws will be fixed in a near future (It can be, it's not graphic updates ^^ )


New member
May 21, 2012
Circus Voltaire is still bugged after months on iOS. If the ring master let the ball go to the lock lamp, game is ****ed up when a new ball is locked. Disappointing.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I've moved on from CV as well. Too many bugs and when you finally do "join the Cirqus", your accomplishment is not even saved to the table. Maybe FarSight is simply leaving this table alone and buggy in the hopes that people will just give up on playing it & will just abandon it (if so, it seems to be working). They have done *nothing* with it in the bug fixing department (as far as I can tell)...pretty sad really since I really love the table.
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