My favorite Zaccaria Pin so far is...


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Enough Zaccaria pins have been released that I think it would be fun to pick our favorite machine so far. I'll start it off.

This is pretty tough. There are a lot of these pins that I really get a kick out of playing and the last five or so released have been home runs to me. My favorite two are Shooting The Rapids and Magic Castle. But if I have to choose one I will go with Shooting The Rapids. The look and play of this one just keeps me playing it. Has that wonderful feel of an old Gottlieb wedge head that I just love. The spinner shot back to the rollovers is so satisfying!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
That's a tough one. Maybe Magic Castle as well, but, I really like completing the drops in Farfalla. Hmmm.


New member
May 18, 2012
So difficult to pick one, but I keep coming back to Robot a lot.
My fav list is: Robot, Magic Castle, Shooting the Rapids, Earth Wind Fire (but need a bug fix), Clown, Pinball Champ.


Oct 29, 2013
Farfalla. Target heaven :) I think they're all wonderful, and go through phases of trying to beat each. I never hear any love for Locomotion but find it quite a cool table. I have to agree with Kolchak that shooting the rapids is a satisfying table. Though not my personal favorite style, it seems the physics gel with that one particularly we'll.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I have to agree with Kolchak that shooting the rapids is a satisfying table. Though not my personal favorite style, it seems the physics gel with that one particularly we'll.

I think you nailed why I like it so much. Just feels so real to me. Thanks, that's it.


New member
Sep 23, 2012
I'm curious if people replying are using the default settings, and how long your games last in general.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I'm curious if people replying are using the default settings, and how long your games last in general.
arcade setting iOS 7 iPad mini (gen 1) 5 ball games don't nudge much. Game time comparable to real pin. that said locomotion #1 and stargod for #2 and hotwheels i guess for #3 .

Zevious Zoquis

New member
Jul 27, 2013
I'm curious if people replying are using the default settings, and how long your games last in general.

I generally use the "simulation" setting and 5 balls and my games do not last very long. lol. Most of the Zacc tables seem to suck balls down the drains like hoovers...and I also find it extremely difficult to actually aim shots at specific targets like ramps. I also find nudging to be problematic. I have some questions/concerns about the underlying physics actually but I still enjoy the overall feel of the tables (I prefer it generally over TPA actually) and still find most of the tables very fun...
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Oct 29, 2013
I'm curious if people replying are using the default settings, and how long your games last in general.
I use arcade or simulation mostly, and custom if I am concentrating on a table and it feels "wrong". I switch around at random depending on mood. 5 ball games. I don't find simulation an impediment - some tables seem to play more predictably with it so arcade isn't always an advantage. Games last about 5 mins usually once I've warmed up. Without nudging time machine, clown, farfalla games can last a few seconds, as they're all drain happy off the plunger.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I use custom settings. But I can't find a setting that makes me happy for all tables. I'm constantly changing them. Since the last update I have increased most of the physics settings. (Other than table playfield tilt, I like that a bit on the low side)


New member
Dec 3, 2012
My favorites:

1. Shooting The Rapids
2. Magic Castle
3. Robot (since v 1.9)
4. Pinball Champ
5. Farfalla

1. Pinball Champ
2. Locomotion
3. Magic Castle
4. Star God
5. Shooting The Rapids

1. Pinball Champ
2. Magic Castle
3. Earth Wind Fire
4. Farfalla
5. Soccer King

Since v2.0 I play custom physics (slings, bumpers, flippers, ball velocity all maxed out, lowest friction and playfield tilt at ca. 25% (slider position)).
Camera all zoomed out in landscape mode because 2.0 is really, really slow on iPad1.

Zevious Zoquis

New member
Jul 27, 2013
I think I've settled on Blackbelt as my fave so far. I think it looks stunning, and it really plays great...just seems to work well. It might be one of the best virtual pins I've ever played actually. Plus it's more "fair" than most of the Zac tables...


New member
Oct 13, 2012
Loves me some Robot, Star God, Farfalla, Pinball Champ '82, Magic Castle, and Future World. For reference, I'm using 5 balls on Arcade setting on an iPad 4 with IOS 7.


New member
May 17, 2013
Difficult to say which one is the MY best , but .... the ones I keep playing always are...... Earth Wind and Fire , Castle of Magic , Black Belt , Pinball Champ & Time Machine on the the favorites " most played " time to time I play also the other tables ....less play on Locomotion and Hot Wheels , and 4 me ...Earth Wind and Fire and Pinball Champ are one of the BEST sound on Pinball ! waiting for the NEXT table ....hope Space Shutle finally be release .....


New member
Jul 12, 2014
For my favorite Zaccaria table, I gotta go Blackbelt. I like to take the glass off, put it on dark mode with a black background and turn off all the used options. That way you can really see "The Dragon show his claws." Great flow. Easy rules. Cool design. I think it's a really fun table.

Devil Riders, Locomotion, Robot and Hot Wheels round out my top five.
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New member
Sep 14, 2013
Magic Castle, Pinball Champ, Spooky, Devil's Riders and Mexico 86. After some weeks my opinion might have changed a bit. A Farfalla with Specials and a fixed Robot would raise these 2 top tables.
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