My pinball Hi-Score diary (I guess) *YOUTUBE VIDEO HEAVY!*


New member
Jan 9, 2014
NOTE: If this is in wrong place I am very sorry!

Hi guys!

I have been a fan of pinball for as long as I can remember and I especially love playing pinball games on my PC because I would never be able to decide which pinball table I would want in real life never mind actually being able to purchase one here in the UK. But while I do enjoy playing these games I have noticed one thing over these years, I am awful at them. I think the only pinball game I was ever any good at was True Pinball on the Playstation 1. (Those where some great tables although annoyingly you could not save your scores on to memory cards.) Therefore I have decided to do what any youtube account holder would do, record and upload footage of myself playing said pinball games using Bandicam. I will be recording myself playing tables from both Pinball Arcade and Pinball FX2 (boo hiss, I know) since I do happen to own all the tables for both platforms.

This will be a thread where I will post my best videos. They don't have commentary or my live reactions (trying to keep these forums family friendly heh) but feel free to tell me how much I suck or provide tips and suggestions.

Central Park (10/01/2014) 3,245

Fish Tales (10/01/2014) 167,689,290
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New member
Jan 9, 2014
As you can see I have decided to go with Central Park and Fish Tales first.

Central Park is a really old machine and I will be honest I don't have too much experience with older machines but right now I am using it for when I want a break from Fish Tales. (which I will get in to in a minute) I happen to find the game rather relaxing although I am aware that my score on this table is bad and needs work. With that said this does seem like the most fun "early" machine available to me right now so I am going to try and stick with it.

Fish Tales I have always herd good things about but never actually got to play it till recently when it came up as Pinball Arcades first table of season 3. It's a fun table with a jolly theme which I am going to be honest I would of never of suspected to be a good theme for a pinball table but playing this one proved me wrong. Although perhaps starting with this table might of not been a great idea because while I do enjoy playing it, it's pretty brutal and requires precision to actually get anything over 100 million which is what you need to get an extra ball in this game and that is my current goal I have set for myself. My main strategy right now is to try and unlock the "monster fish" and "feeding frenzy" since they mostly rely on shooting at ramps which I am not bad at. That said too many times I have fish that can be "stretched" by hitting the left spinner and I always lose the ball before doing so, I feel I need to start getting those bonuses more as each fish is 3 million which will help my reach my goal.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Well first id start with learning basics such as the "dead flipper pass". Basicly when the ball is heading towards the middle of the flipper, you let it bounce off of it onto the other flipper and proceed to "cradle" the ball for a controlled and aimed shot.
In your videos it seems you mostly just flip instantly all the time. Learning to have "controlled" play will greatly improve your scores.

Honestly if you watch videos of professionals or good players in general play (even if their real life tables), you can improve greatly, which is how I started off learning.

Obviously each table also has its own tricks and strategies you can use to gain lots of points, but i'm no master (only 234 million on fish tales with around 20 games played) so ill let others give you some real advice. Cheers! And keep playing pinball!

Edit: Also, Central Park is a difficult table to put up really good scores without having a decent knowledge of nudging. My score went from around 3k to now 4,986 by just learning to nudge.
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New member
Jan 9, 2014
Thanks for the tip Enconex, I will need to practice that tech if I am going to get good at the game.

That said I did beat 100 million on Fish Tales late last night which I was chuffed at. There where certain points where I could of handled the situation better but considering my last high score on this table I felt it was a huge improvement.

I also assumed that CP was all about nudging but I keep forgetting to use it because I am used to more modern tables that tilt if you get a little too rough with the machines. Also those tiny flippers make judging shots hard haha.

Again thanks for the reply.


New member
Dec 10, 2013
Hi again :). Here are some videos of 2 techniques you can use in The Pinball Arcade:

Dead Bounce Pass:
Post Pass:

The post past is different for every table so you will have to experiment on how quick you need to flip in order for the best results. On some tables its easy, on others its hard, but it works on most of them with a few exceptions such as Central Park. Its a great way of getting the ball to the other flipper when you can only make the shot you want to on the other one. (Yes, it works fine on Fish Tales)

Edit: I forgot to add that on Fish Tales you can gain control of the ball right after you plunge. By simply letting the ball bounce off the left flipper as it comes around, it will bounce off of it and onto the right flipper where you can cradle it. Keep in mind the the "fast cast" goal is not possible using this technique so if you haven't got it and want to get it (mostly luck on the Pinball Arcade Version) you must continue flipping that left flipper.
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