Need help with the 4 way combo shot.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
What am I supposed to be aiming at with the 3rd shot (upper left flipper)? Can hit the piano easily enough. Is there another target? Is there a vid out there?

Carl Spiby

New member
Feb 28, 2012
But it just fires the ball out of the hole, not to the right flipper.
I found this but I can't think what the combo hole is.

One 4-Way Combo is Left Ramp -> Right Ramp -> Combo Hole -> Hitcher or Camera; the other is Left Ramp -> Right Spiral (no Helper) -> Combo Hole -> Hitcher or Camera. All 4-Way Combos are worth 20M.

Nik Barbour

From Bowen Kerins IPDB rulesheet...

"Combo Hole"
won't score anything, it's just a passage just below the Payoff targets down to the upper right flipper. The combo hole is part of some 3- and 4-Way Combos. By the way, I made up the name, it's not named. Better than "Hole" though. The Combo Hole does have an optical sensor, but it appears to do nothing. Maybe it just looks like an optical sensor."


The "combo hole" is referred to as "The lane behind the slot machine" with an arrow pointing at it in the TPA instructions as well



New member
Dec 20, 2012
The easiest way I found was left ramp -> right spiral at medium speed (by not making a clean shot) -> hold top-left flipper to dead pass through combo hole -> top-right flipper to camera.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
1. Shoot left ramp
2. Shoot right ramp
3. From the top left flipper shoot combo hole (which is located just below the piano shot)
This will send the ball down to the top right flipper.
4. From the top right flipper - hit the camera shot.

Mark Miwurdz

New member
Apr 7, 2012
1. Shoot left ramp
2. Shoot right ramp
3. From the top left flipper shoot combo hole (which is located just below the piano shot)
This will send the ball down to the top right flipper.
4. From the top right flipper - hit the camera shot.

Have tried that dozens of times, not once made that 3rd shot. I'm mo mug on the PS3 version, you think I'd have made it once, even by luck.


New member
Dec 20, 2012
I'm still lost here.

Which bit? Before I figured it out, I was always looking for a 'combo hole', and I couldn't find one, which drove me crazy. There is no hole / sensor / anything. It's just where the ball has to roll after a right ramp shot in order to get to the top-right flipper for a camera shot. If you can get the ball into the camera another way soon after a LR/RR combo (e.g. lucky bounce), it still awards the four-way combo.


New member
Mar 26, 2013
The easiest way I found was left ramp -> right spiral at medium speed (by not making a clean shot) -> hold top-left flipper to dead pass through combo hole -> top-right flipper to camera.

I never tried it that way, I always used the left ramp -> right ramp combo... mainly because it's easier for me to hit those two to start.

The best way I found to hit the combo hole from the upper left flipper is to hit it from the very end of the flipper - sometimes it would go in, but usually it would bounce up the Lock a little ways, then fall back down to the combo hole. Definitely a tough goal.


New member
May 4, 2012
The easiest way I found was left ramp -> right spiral at medium speed (by not making a clean shot) -> hold top-left flipper to dead pass through combo hole -> top-right flipper to camera.

Thanks for the post... I got it, pretty quickly, doing this. The key is to just keep retrying until that right spiral shot is not clean, so it's slowed going around the loop. The rest is easy.


Active member
Feb 14, 2013
If you nudge right as the ball reaches the flipper after shooting the right ramp, it will float over through the combo lane if ya do it right. :)

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