need some help getting the Double Slide goal/bonus


New member
Sep 27, 2012
i am really enjoying this table. its a nice change of pace.

i am having trouble getting the double slide wizard goal. i'm fairly sure that i shot two balls in sucession up the slide ramp numerous times. am i doing it wrong? too fast, too slow? do i need to score a jackpot first and then try? any help would be appreciated. thanks folks.


New member
Feb 20, 2012
While not actually playin look at the wizard goals and you'll see that the instructions will tell you how to do it but yes, it's after a jackpot is scored.


New member
Sep 27, 2012
thanks kevlar. i did read the instuctions but i just didn't understand them. anyways i did manage to acquire this goal. its a tough shot that's for sure.


New member
Feb 25, 2012
I had to shoot, I think, four balls in succession up the left ramp to finally get the goal. After I scored the jackpot, of course.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I can't get this goal no mater how many times I make that shot.
Just to clarify, does this have to be done during multiball?

I had it show Jackpot and then I shot the Monster Slide Ramp about 6 times in a row and it didn't give me the goal.

It says in the instructions "Shooting the Monster Slide Ramp two times in quick succession scores a Double Slide worth 500,00". So how fast are we talking? I guess in multiball you could probably shoot 2 balls up the slide at nearly the exact same time, but that would be near impossible.

Any help would be appreciated.

Doing this on the PS3 by the way.


New member
Jul 6, 2012
If I recall it's only available after you collect the jackpot and obviously multiball still must be active. Im on PS3 also, and it actually worked the first time I made the shot.

Paul Petrissans

New member
Jan 4, 2013
I have the same problem and I don't get it. After a jackpot, I have, at least 4 times, hit the Monster Slide 2 times in a row, usually after a ball looped around. Just now I hit it two times right in a row with 2 different balls: super quick succession. I feel there must be something wrong, perhaps with the instructions. Hitting that Monster slide, it seemed like the table reacted as if I had a single ball in play. 'Course it was multiball so it's hard to keep track of the score. I wonder if all three balls must be active or something. I have even taken to stalling while the jackpot sequence completes before shooting the slide, trying to get it to register something that doesn't feel exactly like hitting the ramp in single ball play.

Anyone with info on this? I'm playing the PS3 version.

Paul Petrissans

New member
Jan 4, 2013
OK so today during multiball, I got a jackpot, and lost one ball. Another ball got stuck in the barbecue pit, allowing me to have an extended, non frenetic "multiball". I looped three 250,000 party ramps on the left ramp twice, then managed to loop 5 in a row... and still no double slide! Seriously, what gives?
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The monster slide has to shot 2 times, during multi ball, before the first ball loops. This cannot be completed with one ball trapped and the other used to complete it. You have to make two fast shots with two different balls.

If that helps at all.

Paul Petrissans

New member
Jan 4, 2013
The monster slide has to shot 2 times, during multi ball, before the first ball loops. This cannot be completed with one ball trapped and the other used to complete it. You have to make two fast shots with two different balls.

If that helps at all.

Thanks. That makes sense and I think I was very close once. Must have just missed it. Now the term "double slide" really makes sense!


New member
May 13, 2017
The monster slide has to shot 2 times, during multi ball, before the first ball loops. This cannot be completed with one ball trapped and the other used to complete it. You have to make two fast shots with two different balls.

I've been working at this for days. I just did it as described above. Thanks for the info!

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