New Interface Needed !


New member
Sep 22, 2013
I'll preface this by saying I haven't opened the My Account section on the in a while, but it looks different than what I remember.
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Mar 25, 2013
New UI has been needed for awhile but I'd still put this lower on the priority list as you can still get to all the tables and play them. For me I see the immediate priority list as:

- DX11 (in progress)
- Table difficulty + separate leaderboards
- Enable PC Tournaments
- UI


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I'll preface this by saying I haven't opened the My Account section on the in a while, but it looks different than what I remember.

That's because it just had an overhaul. The leaderboards are new, sparkly, shiny, and actually more than a decent effort at making them good. (Still has the same old suspect scores, but there has been an attempt to filter out some of them; it's a manual effort though so it's not perfect and never will be.)
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New member
Sep 22, 2013
That's because it just had an overhaul. The leaderboards are new, sparkly, shiny, and actually more than a decent effort at making them good. (Still has the same old suspect scores, but there has been an attempt to filter out some of them; it's a manual effort though so it's not perfect and never will be.)

Interesting. Looks good. Kinda like what the new UI will be.


New member
Mar 10, 2015
December 2013. LMAO. Screenshots still available here.

"We will be implementing a new and improved interface that will greatly improve the user experience in 2014!" :cool:

That interface looks really amazing and very useful to me. Last played table, random table, table of the month... It looks ready so why they don't release it ???


New member
Feb 8, 2014
That interface looks really amazing and very useful to me. Last played table, random table, table of the month... It looks ready so why they don't release it ???

"It looks ready" and "it's just a bunch of screen shots our artist put together in Photoshop" are very different things.

What you see there is much closer to the latter than to the former.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
It looks ready so why they don't release it ???

Because that was just the design look of it. Programming it to work was being done by someone else who wound up leaving the company. He was doing it as a side project, after his main work was done, in an effort to push it through. When he left, so did any momentum. We have been told that UI is actually now slotted on the 'to do' list which means it will be given priority at some point, with a focused effort. Much like what happened with DX 11. While that might not appear to be anything, it is in fact an improvement from being on the "we're looking into it" or "we'd like to do that" status it had been. Like I said, it moved to a position of getting done officially due to other things that are being planned for the game but can't go forward without a new UI.


New member
Feb 17, 2015
Seriously, though, how much do you think FS regrets doing that 12 Days Of Christmas now (just look at last year's 12 Days for an idea...)?

They regret it as much as the Xbox 360's April Fool's joke on their Facebook page in 2012.

We were just informed by Microsoft that we made a mistake in our certification docs. Apparently, we entered 2013 for the year of release instead of 2012. Microsoft is being very strict and will not allow any changes since the date has already been officially locked in. We apologize, but we promise to release lots of 360 screenshots of the DLC tables over the next 12 months leading up to the launch on April 4, 2013.
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New member
Apr 3, 2013
I have all the tables and scroll through them fast enough. I don't know what you all are crying about.

Another example: you want to check a table leaderboards. Let's say Monster Bash.

1- You must select the table (in the middle of the scrolling menu, sorted by alphabetical order)
2- Enter the menu
3- Select "Leaderboards"

Now, you have the crazy idea to check the Who Dunnit? leaderboards.

4- you can through ALL the tables between Monster Bash and Who Dunnit? in the leaderboards menu (can take a while, because sometimes, the leaderboards freeze until the data are displayed)


4- you quit the MB leaderboards
5- You quit the MB attract mode
6- You goes to W?D icon (or search it) in the scrolling menu
7- You select menu in the W?D attract mode
8- You enter "Leaderboards".



Staff member
May 8, 2012
I only posted this in Android initially because it related to that platform. But it seems to dovetail quite nicely into this discussion as well.

I created an Android User Guide because of deficiencies in the UI and subsequently the overall UX. The introduction to the guide pretty much sums up my feelings about the UX and the purpose of the guide.


New member
Oct 20, 2012
I think the timetable they gave on some of these things is what's biting them in the a--. What sucks is that the UI looked great. PAD is a good idea. Orbals is awes....I'm sure it's going to be neat. DX11 is finally coming out....a year later than hoped for, but it's imminent. X360 gets closer every day, and those users are very patiently waiting.


But they did give us Haunted "Ghostbusters" House and now, they have given us a SS standalone app for Android. One table for $5 as opposed to paying that amount and getting SS AND Big Shot (you know, like most of us did three years ago). Plus, FarSight continues to drag their knuckles on the 360 and PC DX11 releases.

In regards to the SS stand-alone, it's on their FB page. You all can look it up-and I apologize for not knowing how to post links.

Rich Lehmann

New member
Aug 26, 2014
That's because you have a Kindle Fire, the menu is made for touch devices.
Try it out on PC or console and you know what we are all crying about.

I would but that would mean I am sitting on the couch staring at my tv or sitting at a desk staring at a monitor and I think that is just sad. The only excuse for an adult to play a video game is on a tablet or cellphone while at the airport or on the toilet.

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