New interface thoughts and comments.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I really like some parts of the new menu. I love seeing the goal completion listed on the table select. I think separation of tables you own and new tables is kind of cool, I own all the tables so it doesn't really apply to me but I could see where if someone only owned some of them it would be annoying to flip through them all to get to a different pack or whatever. Once your at the table selection the menu looks really nice, but the prior menu to that one where you select "my tables" "new tables" ect needs fixed up. something about the icons on that menu seems cheap, the old school 90's gradient effects makes me feel like i'm selecting things off an old dreamcast game menu. also this needs to be optimized to work on high resolution android devices because the menu options are scaling way to small on my htc dna.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Wow, the new update from today(?) just made things even worse! The interface still looks the same, but the first menu just doesn't care when I tap the "new tables" button, I have to do it like 20 times to get to the next menu. And the tables menu makes it impossible to select the game I want. Even if I do end up finally tapping the correct one, it either crashes when starting to load the table, or loads a completely different one! Star Strek worked fine, but when trying to load Monster Bash, I got Scared Stiff, and Medieval Madness crashed on me, while starting some other table in fact got me Medieval Madness. What the he..y..?

Captain Chris

New member
Jun 6, 2012
I'm not a big fan at the moment. First of all, I had contributed to the Kickstarter for Star Trek. When I go to "New Tables", everything is there, but for Star Trek it says (Buy Now) and that it's the free version. Then I go to "My Tables" and it only shows Star Trek with a "buy pro" and TOTAN so it seems that it works fine there. This makes no sense. Then if I add the "new" tables by opening them, I can no longer play Star Trek and only get the free version. This is probably very confusing to understand, but that's just how it is.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I'm not a big fan at the moment. First of all, I had contributed to the Kickstarter for Star Trek. When I go to "New Tables", everything is there, but for Star Trek it says (Buy Now) and that it's the free version. Then I go to "My Tables" and it only shows Star Trek with a "buy pro" and TOTAN so it seems that it works fine there. This makes no sense. Then if I add the "new" tables by opening them, I can no longer play Star Trek and only get the free version. This is probably very confusing to understand, but that's just how it is.

That's how it was for me and another board member. His fix, which worked for me, was to restore purchased tables and then log out of your Farsight account and back in again.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I really love pinball arcade it seriously is my favorite video game ever and pretty much all I play lately. And I would love to be nice and respectful of the developers for making us such a great game... The new menu is horrible, people hate it, people really hate it, it is destroying the quality of a great game. Every person coming in for the first time becouse they noticed star trek, is going to think the pinball arcade lacks serious quality. The old menu looked so good I don't know why you would change it to this. The only thing that makes sends is the old menu wasn't scaling right on high resolution screrns, but this new menu doesnt even fix that, all the buttons and options are still scaling much to small on my htc DNA and it still isn't filling up my entire screen leaving that annoying black bar. Just throw this out and go back or make a new menu from scratch that is nothing like this one


New member
Sep 3, 2012
I think the functionally is improved - only slightly - but the graphics are extremely outdated and actually cheapen the package somewhat.

I'd sincerely love the opportunity to work on video game Graphic Design and am open to working on this with you guys for next to nothing (well, maybe free table packs!).

Give me a shout if you're interested and I will email you my credentials and a portfolio. I'm not a timewaster and have almost 13 years professional design experience under my belt.



Active member
Feb 20, 2012
When it comes right down to it, I actually don't have a problem with the UI. Well, I can't believe it was released without portrait mode, and the art assets could use an update, but fix up those two items and I'm perfectly happy.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Well here's my two cents:

The buttons on the main screen are fine to me. Simple and get the job done, I mean better to simplify than to clutter.
The scrolling almost seems too sensitive, as if you try to tap and end up moving one pixel it doesn't register as a tap. This bothers me.

Once in the table selection, i do have the typical android issue where it seems really finicky when scrolling. Seems to not scale properly to the edges or something and sometimes scrolls the wrong way entirely. Works fine though if I start from the middle to the edge, however, in order to be more efficient than the last UI, it needs to be able to scroll edge to edge. Also, doesn't seem to have momentum on the flicks quite like any other app. That should be adjusted.

I like the way everything is organized, but i prefer vertical menus to horizontal carousels, myself.

I don't think it's really as terrible as everyone seems to be making it out to be. Using gradients and embossing can't be that huge a sin can it? Really? Is that where we are as a civilization now? I bet the guy who decided they should throw out the dead-baby icons is feeling really sheepish now :p

My biggest problem is the jittery scrolling on my device (Galaxy S3). By the sounds of it it's an android only issue.


New member
Aug 7, 2012
Sorry but i hate the new interface...

Why did u guys have to change the interface so dramatic? Now we are stuck at one mode until january? :( this new is so clumsy it dont really follow when u swipe the fingers to go to next board i play less now because of this and now the tables are in a new order to not what i am used to the old :(

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