New iPad Air and Mini


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm getting the iPad air. I skipped the 4th gen as there wasn't a significant improvement over the 3rd but now the difference in performance should be well worth upgrading. Plus it's thinner/lighter etc. My iPad 3 will be on eBay later.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
I gotta admit, TPA is the most strenuous program I regularly run on my iPad3 and it does it just great. Maybe I'll go for iPad Air version 2 :D

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
The only thing I don't like about my iPad 4 is the web browser crashes sometimes or just goes bonkers. Could use some more RAM apparantly.


New member
May 29, 2012
I loved the screen of the iPad 3, but it was too big and heavy for me. Sold it, got the Mini. Loved everything about it, except the crummy screen.

Now they combined my favourite features into one perfect little machine. And I agree, the A7 in the Mini was a big surprise, I would have assumed they´d take a weaker CPU to keep the price down. As it is, I´ll gladly pay more for the same power as the big iPad, because that makes it more future-proof. The Mini was never about price for me, but about weight and size. Making it just as powerful as the big model really excites me.

I use my iPad for many hours each day, that´s mostly because I otherwise have a desktop machine (Mac Mini), so I do most of my browsing, mail-checking and video watching on my Mini, pretty much as a laptop replacement. And TPA, of course!

And I don´t regret getting the old Mini one bit, either, because of the heavy usage it got in the last year. Good thing Apple products keep their resale value so well (especially since I always take very good care of them), that´s something that kinda offsets the higher prices compared to something like the Nexus 7 to me.

Finally I´ll be able to read inserts in TPA again ;) Pro Pinball Timeshock is going to look glorious as well!

On a sidenote, I wonder how TPA will evolve with these spec bumps. Hopefully Farsight can implement better light effects on iOS in the near future :cool:
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New member
Apr 10, 2012
I'm in for the new mini. RAM hasn't been revealed yet. I'm guessing a gig but would like a little more. Gonna get my wife the air for Christmas. Still rocking the iPad One, she's really due for an upgrade.


Feb 21, 2012
I went iPad 1 ---- iPad 2 ---- iPad mini. Next step is a retina mini, I'm looking forward to it for sure! Will order as soon as the buy button is active, it will be a fantastic device and it'll get even more usage than my mini does now.

They were always going A7 in my mind, so I was happy for the confirmation today. I even woke up at midnight to watch the live stream :)

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