New Mustang/ACDC/Startrek tables


New member
Aug 20, 2017
I own 95 tables, payed around 400 Euros. Why would I buy whole bundles for alltogether 42 bucks that only include three tables out of ten I don’t own, yet. It doesn’t make sense for me. Why would they not just offer the new tables in single packages. Bull****, bull****, bull****, bull****. :mad::mad:


New member
Mar 22, 2013
Seriously? You can’t just buy the tables individually? So I’m guessing Stern Pinball Arcade is dead and all new development will be with Pinball Arcade?


New member
Oct 13, 2013
Just wait until FarSight releases the 8th season package. All of the machines you still need should be there.

But, I agree that the rollout of the new, non-Williams/Bally version of TPA has been a mess. Losing pretty much all of my standard & wizard goals sucks.

Hopefully, they'll be restored, but I'm not optimistic.

Craig Grannell

New member
Sep 30, 2012
Ah, so it’s not just me, then. I’d have grabbed Star Trek tonight for a fiver or so. But I already have much of that pack and am not paying twice for the same content. Bizarre decision. They just had a bunch of tables wrenched from them. You think they’d want people buying more, not being put off from doing so.


New member
Jul 7, 2012
Are the SPA tables cross buy? I already own every table. and I am not buying them again just to play in a different app.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Tables are not cross buy. SPA is going to be changing into a free-to-play model soon, where you'll earn "coins" or something of the like that you can then eventually outright buy the table with. It'll debut in Oculus VR first I imagine. I know this all sucks for those that have already purchased either the tables in SPA or already bought the season packs in TPA. Give FarSight a little time to work things out, perhaps you'll be able to buy single tables again soon. For right now, they just needed to reorganize the packs to make up for the license loss, and they are using what they set up for the Switch as the template (since that never got the full TPA technically).


New member
Jun 1, 2018
On switch eshop the table-packs are cross-buy between spa and tpa, so it could come to the other platforms as well.
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New member
Jun 13, 2012
I have to say I was surprised to see the new tables added to packs of tables I already own, but asking full whack for the pack. That doesn’t seem right. Glad I made a point to save my game data remotely given the last couple updates blew away my table goals!

I can only assume the same won’t be true in PS4-land, though there we don’t get to have our iOS save data...getting to buy individual new tables will be worth it though!


Jun 11, 2018
it has been mentioned that at some point in time, Mustang will be available as a single purchase for $10, putting it at an even cost of SPA, but I think that's the best you're going to get.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
So tables are £10 now? I mean that’s double the price of the last release, but I guess that means I’m not double-purchasing anything. Of course I think it’s a bit weak to charge one-for-one dollars to pounds even with a weak currency. Gotta mull this one over...


New member
Jul 12, 2013
Tables are not cross buy. SPA is going to be changing into a free-to-play model soon, where you'll earn "coins" or something of the like that you can then eventually outright buy the table with. It'll debut in Oculus VR first I imagine. I know this all sucks for those that have already purchased either the tables in SPA or already bought the season packs in TPA. Give FarSight a little time to work things out, perhaps you'll be able to buy single tables again soon. For right now, they just needed to reorganize the packs to make up for the license loss, and they are using what they set up for the Switch as the template (since that never got the full TPA technically).

Actually this was a reply to someone asking about cross buy on Facebook:

The Pinball Arcade Yes, it should be cross buy. If you have any trouble the support team should be able to help you out at

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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
So tables are £10 now? I mean that’s double the price of the last release, but I guess that means I’m not double-purchasing anything. Of course I think it’s a bit weak to charge one-for-one dollars to pounds even with a weak currency. Gotta mull this one over...

Modern Sterns will be $10, same as they were in SPA. Older tables will be $5 still.


Jul 3, 2015
I don't, which is why I used future tense "will" instead of "are".

Is this an "official" NDA based position, or hopefulness?

I do not foresee FarSight breaking the position they have established. Things are in packs, why allow individual purchases in the future? They have stated a slower release schedule, so that could mean not releasing anything until they have enough developed to push out a new theme pack.

If you have something to suggest otherwise ...


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Is this an "official" NDA based position, or hopefulness?

I do not foresee FarSight breaking the position they have established. Things are in packs, why allow individual purchases in the future? They have stated a slower release schedule, so that could mean not releasing anything until they have enough developed to push out a new theme pack.

If you have something to suggest otherwise ...

What are you talking about? FarSight has always sold tables individually at $5 a pop. AC/DC, Mustang, and Ghostbusters are $10 in SPA. This new organization of packs is the new version of seasons, since the old seasons would have been so gutted as to not make sense with the price being asked. While tables weren't sold individually on Steam, in game they were. So there's nothing NDA about this, nothing I say is ever and "official" position unless I am quoting a FarSight employee as I am not employed by them. The slower release schedule just means they aren't releasing monthly, but don't expect them to do like Zen and drop 3 tables at the same time. BBH and Whoa Nellie might come out together, but after that it's single table at a time.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
I’m just hoping to be able to buy Mustang and Star Trek. I don’t understand why I couldn’t do that day one, but I can wait.

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