New tables tonight?


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Maybe i've just never listened to it for more than 30 seconds. ;)

Taking forever to download all the updates!


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Beat both sets of Wizard Goals this weekend. CC has that addictive one more game feeling to it. CP is also fun but easier than expected.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
It would be great if they applied the easiness of CP to Big Shot - That table is a ball drain fest!

I've been playing real pinball since the 70's and own several real pinballs. We need more of the mass sited tables of the late 70's & 80's or classics like Raiders of the Lost Ark & Lethal Wepon. Dr Dude & Cactus Canyon? Never saw or played these in real life, for me the value in investing in TPA tables (I've bought all of them) versus any other pinball app is because I played most of these tables in the flesh.

Looking forward to a return to the classics in next month's releases :)

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
No, please don't make Big Shot any easier! The challenge is what makes it so addictive. If it were any easier it'd be a snooze fest.


New member
Feb 2, 2013
I played the real Big Shot in the 70's at the local deli, and don't remember it being such a ball drain. An awesome TPA inclusion would be to have the option to choose table pitch & rubber condition. This would allow the player to customise the playing experience and make it more realistic. I don't get why people would want a pro mode like the one that allows you to manually control the ball - that's not playing pinball in my old man opinion ;)

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
An awesome TPA inclusion would be to have the option to choose table pitch & rubber condition. This would allow the player to customise the playing experience and make it more realistic.

Agreed man. I've been asking for this since before TPA even came out.


New member
Dec 1, 2012
An awesome TPA inclusion would be to have the option to choose table pitch & rubber condition. This would allow the player to customise the playing experience and make it more realistic.
Yep, I'd love to see this implemented as well. I posted a question in the "Ask Bobby King" thread asking if we would ever see physical table adjustments such as slope, kickout strength, outlane post position, etc.

Unfortunately, it hardly got any votes the last time I asked it. Hopefully it will do better this time.


New member
May 18, 2012
Yep, I'd love to see this implemented as well. I posted a question in the "Ask Bobby King" thread asking if we would ever see physical table adjustments such as slope, kickout strength, outlane post position, etc.

Unfortunately, it hardly got any votes the last time I asked it. Hopefully it will do better this time.

Good idea but I bet that IF they make such an option they will put it in this nonsens pro-menu.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I buy pro mode purely as a gesture of support i find almost ni use for it unless family mode cuts off certain effects etc,

A much greater incentive for pro buyers is a custom torunamnet mode where a machines tournament mode is vaild for a separate highscore list...possibly mentioned before lol it usuallynis with you lot!;)

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