New update just up on App Store


New member
Nov 5, 2013
I was playing SST after update and after game the enter score display wouldn't dissapear. I had to reboot to start again on iPad mini retina


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Nice ramps though

HOF points gone but back with remote backup
No fix for broken Firepower table since SST release
No fix for still broken POTO since POTO release


New member
Nov 28, 2012
Pretty Ramps! :cool: TOM looks fantastic. NGG is like a whole new table!

I'm not really seeing the sound improvement with SST...though, perhaps I'm not listening close enough?


New member
Jul 21, 2013
I have 7.1.1 still so maybe update is safe for me. I'am scared of updates period......hmmm I wonder why????


New member
Jul 12, 2014
Hopefully they'll start addressing some of the blurriness on the playfield elements too. Like the lettering on the playfield lights on NGG and the perimeter of the HD playfield. Season one def needs some polish.


New member
May 10, 2012
Just wanted to confirm that I too had the "HOF score reset, along with all my table goals vanishing problem" when updating on the newest Ipad with the latest ios update.

Somehow they are now all back. How it happened who knows and who cares :)
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New member
Nov 28, 2012
Don't use the 'restore purchases' option, that is what resets scores. Just use the app updater via the App store. No more score resetting.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
Hi Canuck,
Good to know that is what also resets the scores. It's not my total experience with resetting though, I just used the app updater via the Store and also had to do a remote restore afterwards without touching anything else. It's a pity that updating either TPA and/or iOS is getting to be a buttcheekclenching affair. I now have resorted to keeping my old iPad 2 as my backup machine on which nothing gets updated until I know for sure that everything works on my iPad Air 2.


New member
Sep 28, 2012
Good update! It's good older tables are not forgotten. Please keep this and improve other older tables as well. And, please please redo CAMERAs. All tables should have consistent camera angle/height/distance! Just put many choices to meet the request. Please really review all tables' cameras.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
Woooooow. You know I've had this app for years and auto-update enabled and I've NEVER had my table goals totally wiped out until now. I could care less about the Hall of Fame score after loads of shenanigans and bogus high scores due to table bugs, but the table goals I wanted to keep. I haven't done a backup for a while so hopefully the damage isn't too bad, but I guess I need to stop auto-updating my apps to prevent this happening in the future...sigh.

Now that's interesting. I'm positive I haven't done a Pinball Arcade backup for months and this past weekend I cleared the last table goal on Earthshaker, yet when I did a Restore using remote data I got all table goals current and the hall of fame score, which I lost with the Earthshaker update. Have they changed the app to auto-backup or something?

Haven't played yet, but the camera lock setting I had reset after the last update - hopefully that's all that's happened there. Ramps look great - especially on No Good Gofers. Now I don't feel like I'm playing a gimped version! I'd really like to see Black Knight get some love, both in the look of the playfield and emulation department - it's long overdue...
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