no dlc trophies for ps3/vita

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
I am not sure what everyone is up in arms about here, obviously the omission of the trophies is an unforeseen glitch that will probably be corrected with release of the pack for the PS3. I think it is part of the graphics glitch ... something happened when that code was transformed from being in a hopper to going live ... rest assured they were not omitted by some decision on FarSights behalf not to offer trophies anymore.

please show me evidence that the lack of trophies is an "unforseen glitch."

The Doctor

May 1, 2012
Fine, trophies are amazing. The fact I can run them all off on my second pass on most of the games doesn't mean they are too easy, just that I am good. They feel so hollow I don't even bother glance up to see what it was just went ping and lit up in the corner, making a mundane ramp shot is more important.

well if you got RBION trophy for completing the wizard goals on your "second pass" then yes, you are just that good..

as for me, I personally really don't like the RBION table, yet I find myself playing it in order to unlock the goals and therefore the trophy. to me, and to others, it adds more value into the game by giving more of an incentive to play and/or get good at a table you might not necessarily like.... in some cases a person may end up liking a table that they played only to get their beloved trophy... why? I dunno, humans are weird.


May 23, 2012
Anyone can get a high score if they try hard enough.

Yes, but anyone and EVERYONE are different things.

It is the reason people collect things or compete at things, to set themselves apart in some way. When everyone gets a copy of a "special" reward it loses any meaning it could have had.

We live in a society that rewards the most pedestrian of accomplishments. Everyone is the best at everything and nobody is special anymore. Track and field day in elementary stopped giving out red white and blue ribbons when I was in 6th grade and instead EVERYONE got a yellow ribbon that said 'participant'. I doubt most of those ribbons even made it as far as the trash, much less home to be posted on the 'fridge. A lot of the people who were good at anything suddenly became a part of the "**** this" generation that day and quit trying while those who sucked at competition had a look of mortal embarrassment for getting the same reward as the winners.

Its OK to suck just as being the best doesn't mean you are a better person, a high score doesn't determine who gets to take home the prom queen. But Ill be damned if I want to live in a world where there is nothing to strive for but to simply limp over a low bar and call it a day.

I want a high score system that is honest and works correctly. Filtered by device should go without saying. Currently the leaderboards don't work. Someone asked about the high score for Black Hole...its a billion something if I remember. Taking the 30 min it takes me to get to 3 million and putting math to work and you see it would take that person about 7 days of constant play to get it, yeah I think thats fairly strong evidence of a glitch. All the leaderboards are broken, they all have insane high scores except TOM but its not possible to beat those scores anyway because of the rollover.

It will make any sort of tournament system pointless, its a game breaking problem when you have a game that boils down to score and that part of the game does not work AT ALL.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
I am not sure what everyone is up in arms about here, obviously the omission of the trophies is an unforeseen glitch that will probably be corrected with release of the pack for the PS3. I think it is part of the graphics glitch ... something happened when that code was transformed from being in a hopper to going live ... rest assured they were not omitted by some decision on FarSights behalf not to offer trophies anymore.

And now a word on my take on trophies ... Today trophies on networks (PSN, STEAM, XBOX) are really just an extension of what has already been in the games themselves for quite some time now. If you look at Super Mario World, there were 5 large golden coins in each level ... get all 5 and you get a 1UP. But the real trophies in the game were the hidden keys which unlocked an alternate exit within a level and this in turn would open hidden areas ... It has been years since I played the game and all my facts may not be accurate but the concept of what I am saying is. Ultimately, if you found enough hidden goodies, you were awarded access to to a hidden level in the game, thus extending your play time. If you beat all those levels in the secret zone, if you played the game again, some of the graphics where changed in the game .... the turtles turned into round faces ... etc.

Trophies are really for completionists who can display to the world what they have accomplished. I used to be a completionist but I am not any more. The reason I am not anymore is because games have gotten cheaper and I have more money. In other words, when I was in college and had to pay 30 - 40 bucks or more for game and there was no option for a cheap down loadable game or a place, like ebay or gamestop, to buy a used game ... I would beat a damn game to death!

I don't think this is a case of an unforeseen glitch on Farsight's part. If so they probably would have answered my question about it.
Maybe you have some inside info or something? If so, please share! :)

There are a few companies that release DLC with no trophies attached, but they are usually insignificant DLC like additional costumes, Rock Band songs, etc.. DLC Pinball table 2 packs on a game consisting of 4 pinball tables should really have them though.

I loved Super Mario World and after beating the game I played it a second time through to get 101% (I think it was that, unless I'm thinking of DKC on the SNES).
Eitherway, that's my point. It gives gamers who want to get even more enjoyment out of it to go for trophies. Not to show off either. When I found every secret exit in SMW
it was for me. I didn't care who else knew. I would feel the same about trophies even if my PS3 was always kept offline.

Trophies are for gamers who like a little competition. I am not a completest. If I were, I'd be going for Platinum and I don't often bother.

I'm happy to see a solid 75% or more on a game that I enjoy. I see trophies as giving games more longevity.

The facts are, they hardly take any dev time and people enjoy them. So to leave them off doesn't make sense to me.
I like them, other people like them, and there are even some diehard gamers who won't even buy DLC that doesn't have trophies attached.
I wouldn't go that far, but I will be a bit more selective on the tables I buy knowing they won't have that added value.

Honestly though, I don't see why everyone gets all up in arms when I ask about a feature that is lacking.
I asked if they could add the ability to play music from the XMB while playing a table and I got a bunch of stupid responses...
"Go plug in an iPod and be happy" and "Turn down the volume on your TV and turn on the radio" Really?? Wow.. I had no idea this was possible! Pfft...

I just want to see Farsight do well. If I didn't care I wouldn't have donated to them.
I want to see online play (w/ voicechat, BG music, trophies) because ZEN Pinball 2 is coming out very soon and will have all of those and more as default on day 1.
Some people say there is room for both companies, but they are not going to share the profits.


May 23, 2012
The facts are, they hardly take any dev time and people enjoy them. So to leave them off doesn't make sense to me.
I like them, other people like them, and there are even some diehard gamers who won't even buy DLC that doesn't have trophies attached.
I wouldn't go that far, but I will be a bit more selective on the tables I buy knowing they won't have that added value.

Honestly though, I don't see why everyone gets all up in arms when I ask about a feature that is lacking.
I asked if they could add the ability to play music from the XMB while playing a table and I got a bunch of stupid responses...
"Go plug in an iPod and be happy" and "Turn down the volume on your TV and turn on the radio" Really?? Wow.. I had no idea this was possible! Pfft...

I just want to see Farsight do well. If I didn't care I wouldn't have donated to them.
I want to see online play (w/ voicechat, BG music, trophies) because ZEN Pinball 2 is coming out very soon and will have all of those and more as default on day 1.
Some people say there is room for both companies, but they are not going to share the profits.

There is no reason to leave them off, I agree. When they are as no brainer as the trophy forumula is for this game you are correct, it should take all of 10 minutes in a morning meeting to decide what 10 things on a game are a big deal and plug that in.

When people lose their minds about trophies not being included while there are still game breaking bugs, the DLC is 2 months late and the most basic trophy system, score keeping, does not work I can't lend a sympathetic ear.

A music playlist system is a great idea, it works perfectly in Gran Turismo and being able to adjust the different sound levels to your own preferences would be fantastic. If I want to play "Eye of the Tiger" on repeat everytime I fire up Theater (I swear I dont) then I should not have to bust out the cassette deck. I already have 9gb of music on my PS3, its set up to do this exact thing.

The voice chat system they have now is perfectly implemented. I talk and rant and ***** the whole time I'm playing and it all comes through crystal clear in my own head. If they do get around to multi-player in the future then it will need some tweaking.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
There is no reason to leave them off, I agree. When they are as no brainer as the trophy forumula is for this game you are correct, it should take all of 10 minutes in a morning meeting to decide what 10 things on a game are a big deal and plug that in.

When people lose their minds about trophies not being included while there are still game breaking bugs, the DLC is 2 months late and the most basic trophy system, score keeping, does not work I can't lend a sympathetic ear.

Yeah, I agree about the other stuff, but supposedly some of it was on Sony. At least the trophy inclusion should go smoothly and take very little effort on their part.

I personally wouldn't mind if they took a break on digitizing new tables until they get everything else up to spec.
They seem to be getting ahead of themselves. I think we would all enjoy the new table DLC if they were build on a nice solid platform.

A music playlist system is a great idea, it works perfectly in Gran Turismo and being able to adjust the different sound levels to your own preferences would be fantastic. If I want to play "Eye of the Tiger" on repeat everytime I fire up Theater (I swear I dont) then I should not have to bust out the cassette deck. I already have 9gb of music on my PS3, its set up to do this exact thing.

Hell yeah! Or some Pinball Wizard in the background. Every time I play Zen Pinball I always play my music from the XMB and it really adds to it.
It brings me back to the old arcade days when they had music blasting in the background.

Also, how about this for the ultimate classic pinball in an arcade experience... Arcade Ambiance by Andy Hofle.
Playing our favorite pinball tables accompanied by classic arcade sounds from either 1981, '83. '86, or '92! It really brings you back if you were an arcade raider from the old days. :)

The voice chat system they have now is perfectly implemented. I talk and rant and ***** the whole time I'm playing and it all comes through crystal clear in my own head. If they do get around to multi-player in the future then it will need some tweaking.

Well, I was thinking more about playing with a friend or with my brother who is also a huge pinball fan. It's nice to be able to play a game and catch up on things at the same time. As far as playing with others who might get on your nerves that Mute button sure comes in handy. :)

So hopefully Farsight is browsing through here and will see that these features are important to us. We shall see.

Post removed by Admin - attacking another user

I'm not sure what this was about, but I'm guessing it was directed at me. ;)
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New member
Mar 29, 2012
Well, I can't say that I actually miss them and it won't stop me from playing the tables... however why anyone is releasing games without trophies in our time and age is a bit mystifying. And very 2007.

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
You kids and your silly trophies and achievements.

I remember the days where we only got a highscore to beat. On a machine they turned off each night. In an arcade that was 8 miles away. And we had to walk there. Through snow.

LOL oh and the friend vs friend challenge on who would beat the high score first.


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Yes, it is very disappointing. :(
I bought them either way.

Maybe Farsight will see that people actually do care about these things and be able to add them.
I wouldn't hold my breath though.

To be completely honest I probably would have only bought the tables that weren't on TWPHOF collection since the trophies were part of the selling point for me,
but it seems Farsight had this in mind when bundling tables as 1 old/1 new in a forced pack. Some would call this sneaky, while others call it good marketing.
I guess it is what it is.


New member
Jun 27, 2012
Farsight just posted (as a comment to a Facebook post) that trophies will be added to ALL DLC tables in July or August. So, a bit more patience, and we'll get there.

The Pinball Arcade We realize many users enjoy achieving trophies on PSN. We plan to add the following trophies on PS3/Vita for ALL DLC tables (previously released and future tables) in the July or August update:

Top 5 high score: Bronze
Table #1 high score: Bronze
Complete Standard goals: Bronze
Complete Wizard goals: Silver
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