Not impressed with dr.Who


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
South Park was correct! The food at casa bonita is not awesome but makes up for it with the all you can eat sopapillas. the arcade at casa bonita blows (kind of reminds me of hell) but the overall experience of casa bonita is indeed AWESOME. Anyone visiting colorado go to casa bonita skip their ghetto arcade then go to hyperspace a couple of blocks away = GOOD DAY.

Reminds me of arcades from when I was a kid - dark cool atmosphere, music pumping, and my favorite arcade games from back then. (star castle and rastan)



New member
Apr 25, 2014
Snorzel, check out hyperspace a retro arcade near casa Bonita. Has around 14 pins. $10 day pass with all the machines on free play. They are doubling their space and I think my friend is going to put his dr. Who on location there.

Hypespace is cool, last time I went about a month ago the same 2 pins in the best condition there were BoP & EATPM
I found Birde to be much more irl than in TPA, it seemed easier to get the billionaire shot irl too had a 3 billion game
Elvira is just awesome I love that game even more now, this is one for me when it first dropped on TPA I thought was ok, now I see the balance of the scoring and the feel and flow of the real thing. I got to put my initials in for the #1 score, Im sure they wipe em offten but it felt great none the less, 1 game got the 3mil shot the million twice and a jackpot like 3 times got like 12mil all said and done, one of the most satisfying irl games I can remember.

Now I want to head over to hyperspace this weekend, thanks for the reminder DA5ID :)

Casa Bontia is 'unique' it was sad to see the Space Shuttle they had eroded away by years of abuse.


New member
Aug 2, 2014
First or last, you will have a good time. Interesting table selection. Some tough pins in there.

Hardbody, X's and O's and Laser War are pretty awful, tbh. Dr. Dude and Fish Tales are tough for me, pretty ruthless games. Firepower is challenging, too, but that's one I really like. Johnny, Indy 500, DemoMan and Dr. Who are games I also like a lot but my playcount is relatively low. 6/10 are in TPA so I'll be studying the rules where I can.

Got to play more IRL Who today. here's what I noticed after a week with the TPA version:

Left loop is much harder to hit IRL, the TPA version wants to vacuum the ball.
The O ramp is also harder to hit but after a few games I found the sweet spot fairly generous.
Ball locks are much, MUCH easier IRL. Jackpots seemed easier, too. My overall multiball performance was better on the real thing.
Ball speed did seem a little faster, but not dramatically faster. Part of the problem is really just the TPA physics on a big, open playfield.
I seemed to get a lot of outlane drains on both versions. Not as many drains IRL off a failed O ramp shot, though. Definitely drain down the center more in TPA. Again, this I attribute to the physics. On the table I played the rubbers would often stop the ball short.


New member
Sep 27, 2015
This Pin is starting to grow on me. I've figured out some subtle bounce techniques that have made locking the balls easy and multiball jackpot targets consistently doable. I'll try to make a video of these shots and post them later. Almost all of these shots involve police box eject, hold up right flipper pass then timing the left flip after varying degrees of dead bounces.

I do like how the video mode animation changes after the end of each "round." Kind of reminds me of those Ms. Pac-Man animations.

Scored a 400m Davros Jackpot, but the goal didn't register so there must be some trick to that. Maybe it has to be exactly 300m. I don't know, but if you've achieved this goal please share your insight. It did give me an enter initial screen I'd never seen before, Highest Davros Wave.

PS My Big Hurt score is finally up on the leaderboards, minus a couple billion for some reason, but better than zilch and I'm temporarily ahead of Slam23! :cool:



Sep 19, 2014
Scored a 400m Davros Jackpot, but the goal didn't register so there must be some trick to that. Maybe it has to be exactly 300m. I don't know, but if you've achieved this goal please share your insight. It did give me an enter initial screen I'd never seen before, Highest Davros Wave.

I haven't gotten the goal yet either, but successive Davros Jackpots are 100M, 200M and 300M, with the 300M jackpot repeating from there. From the description, it sounds like you have to get that 3rd Davros jackpot, not 100M with the x3 multiplier or anything like that.


New member
Feb 8, 2014
I haven't gotten the goal yet either, but successive Davros Jackpots are 100M, 200M and 300M, with the 300M jackpot repeating from there. From the description, it sounds like you have to get that 3rd Davros jackpot, not 100M with the x3 multiplier or anything like that.

Correct, you have to get that 3rd Davros Jackpot (activated by clearing all 15 Time Expander targets!!) to get the Wizard Goal. The multiplier doesn't count.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
yeap, good luck to those who can do it. Spent the last 15 minutes hammering the 200M davros wall 9 times, was able to get in twice, 15 spot targets with this layout is going to suuuuck.


Active member
Jul 21, 2012
This Pin is starting to grow on me. I've figured out some subtle bounce techniques that have made locking the balls easy and multiball jackpot targets consistently doable. I'll try to make a video of these shots and post them later. Almost all of these shots involve police box eject, hold up right flipper pass then timing the left flip after varying degrees of dead bounces.

I do like how the video mode animation changes after the end of each "round." Kind of reminds me of those Ms. Pac-Man animations.

Scored a 400m Davros Jackpot, but the goal didn't register so there must be some trick to that. Maybe it has to be exactly 300m. I don't know, but if you've achieved this goal please share your insight. It did give me an enter initial screen I'd never seen before, Highest Davros Wave.

PS My Big Hurt score is finally up on the leaderboards, minus a couple billion for some reason, but better than zilch and I'm temporarily ahead of Slam23! :cool:

Nice going! Big Hurt probably has some issues correctly registering big bonuses and/or repeated roll-overs. Also the 16 card doubler may be at fault here. I was certain for example that my 22B actually was 32B.

As for dr. Who: starting with Doctor 1 has helped my game (thanks to I think Relaxation for this tip). This spots double escape letters, which leads earlier video modes, which leads to more spotted doctors, which speeds everything up and on top of that gives an early EB in wave 3. Still a modest 2B but also getting closer to controlling MB. The key for me is also using the Police Box eject: putting away the first ball to the left orbit and bumper area. Flipper passing the second ball to the left flipper and onetiming a Dalek hole, and flipper passing the third ball for an cradle and controlled shot to a Dalek hole. Or some combination of those shots.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
It's also possible to get the wizard goal with 10 time expander targets only if you keep 3 balls during the multiball.

I've seen where I thought Davros increased in value during multiball while the arches were still up, but with ball control on I can't replicate it. What the pre-req if I still didnt lose any balls? I started a 2nd multiball on Davros to try to keep it a 3ball and did.. but the value never increased, prompting the ball control.

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
I've seen where I thought Davros increased in value during multiball while the arches were still up, but with ball control on I can't replicate it. What the pre-req if I still didnt lose any balls? I started a 2nd multiball on Davros to try to keep it a 3ball and did.. but the value never increased, prompting the ball control.

I can't remember exactly. For sure I've got the 300M Davros with 3 balls and 10 time expander targets only. I believe it was a multiball started with a 200M Davros, I've got him and a following 300M Davros with all balls. I would try this in a separate game, playing for the wizard goal only. In my 100B game there wasn't any jackpot included... :)


New member
Oct 8, 2015
I would try this in a separate game, playing for the wizard goal only.

The need to do so seems to have passed, thanks for the offer.

Interesting, so you just have to score any Davros jackpot that's worth 300M?!

I think the final jackpot screen needs to read 300M, two of the jackpots were already 300M but my multiplier ran out and I had to time out the x4 to get x3 back so I could finish the set for the final screen saying 300M.

I could be wrong, I hadn't finished a davros wave with a multiplier on purpose before.. wasn't going to risk it.


New member
Sep 27, 2015
Interesting, so you just have to score any Davros jackpot that's worth 300M?! I got a 4xDavros at the 100M level the other day, and no Wizard Goal, and now I'm feeling somewhat bitter and disappointed. So this goal either needs to be fixed, or it needs to be clarified a bit better.

Thanks for discovering this relaxation. Should make this goal somewhat achievable.

I too got a 400m jackpot with no goal.

Who's making these confounding goals at farsight? The Riddler?


Active member
Mar 14, 2013
Thanks for discovering this relaxation. Should make this goal somewhat achievable.

I too got a 400m jackpot with no goal.

Who's making these confounding goals at farsight? The Riddler?

Must be the same Riddler who's deciding the HOF points. Get the highest score, oh that'll be 1HOF point to you sir !

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