Ditto. I've tried refreshing the Ouya Play screen several times. My internet was glitchy the other morning and I got a popup that my internet "wasn't playing nice" and TPA froze a couple times so I assumed not getting the update had something to do with it my network. But this morning my internet was running fine and I posted a few new high scores. LOL, I was on a roll playing the lower level on Black Hole but I looked up at the scoreboard and it said 459-something thousand points and I was surprized I hadn't topped my old score of 533 thousand yet. LOL, the score rolled and I was over a million and my score posted to the leaderboards, so I know the network is up. Still no update for me either, and I have the Season 3 pass so the tables automatically unlock. No Who Dunnit yet...Is it me or is WD update not on the Ouya store? Mine says last updated February 13. Didn't know if it was like this any one else?