:) :) :) November 1st!


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Did anyone see the official system requirements yet? For instance I'm curious if I can use my "DirectX" gamepad instead of having to go out and buy a XboX 360 Controller, but mere days before release the whole *finalized* list should be available.

Any controller that uses the other system (Directinput?) like my Logitech pad can be made to emulate a xbox360 controller with the 360CE program. You just put it in the game executable directory and it works fine. I agree it'd be better if there was a direct support but in case there isn't that one has always worked perfectly in every game I've had to use it on.

re: Biff. You're right I totally forgot about that. That's kind of a bummer. On the plus side if you have extra cents floating around in your wallet after buying packs, if you ever buy anything else off steam that allows you to use a credit card or whatnot, you can choose steam wallet as the payment option and it drains the steam wallet first and you pay the rest with the CC/whatever.
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New member
Sep 13, 2013
Excellent that you finally are releasing this on PC! Can't wait to play some pinball.

As a friendly note here. Try to push this for the first impressions of Total Biscuit aka Cynical Brit. He is doing these WTF videos of mainly indie developer titles, and has a huge influence for games success. 100+ thousand views on Youtube and it is quite common that what ever he likes ends up on top seller spot on Steam.

I actually think that he is the biggest promotion indie developers can today get.


New member
Nov 23, 2012
Excellent that you finally are releasing this on PC! Can't wait to play some pinball.

As a friendly note here. Try to push this for the first impressions of Total Biscuit aka Cynical Brit. He is doing these WTF videos of mainly indie developer titles, and has a huge influence for games success. 100+ thousand views on Youtube and it is quite common that what ever he likes ends up on top seller spot on Steam.

I actually think that he is the biggest promotion indie developers can today get.

I think TB may do a WTF for TPA since he referred to this game (discreetly) during his Star Wars Pinball video.

BJ Wanlund

Dec 29, 2012
TB referred to TPA discreetly all right. If by "discreetly" you mean "totally mentioned it all the time while never really actually uttering its name".

Volitar Prime

New member
Jun 24, 2012
I'm surprised to see this. I have been following the beta sub-forum even though I am not a part of the beta and it seems that there are still a bunch of bugs to be fixed. Especially graphical ones. I hope this is a good initial release with these issues fixed.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
My experience with online stores tells me usd=eur=gbp. :(
So I expect to pay 90 Euro for both seasons. (90 USD = 65 EUR)
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New member
Oct 29, 2013
My experience with online stores tells me usd=eur=gbp. :(
So I expect to pay 90 Euro for both seasons. (90 USD = 65 EUR)

Wow that would be taking the piss completely. £60 for two seasons would be stupid, you could buy two AAA games for that price.

30 dollars is about £18, I would expect them to round up to about £19.99 or so, hopefully anyway.

I've got around £45 in my bank waiting for this to be out, if it turns out that it'll cost £60 for two season packs then that's a complete rip off.


New member
Oct 28, 2013
2 AAA titles or 40+ pinball tables.

That sounds fair. If anything the 40 pinball tables should be worth more.


New member
Oct 29, 2013
2 AAA titles or 40+ pinball tables.

That sounds fair. If anything the 40 pinball tables should be worth more.

But taking the exchange rate in, it would be $96.42 for season 1 and 2. Does that sound fair to you? You can't do worldwide price, it just ends up being completely unfair.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
I just checked Batman Origins on Steam.

US Price: 49.99 USD (I had to hide my ip address to get this info)
German Price: 49.99 EUR

But as we know, 50 USD are 36 EUR.


New member
Oct 29, 2013
I just checked Batman Origins on Steam.

US Price: 49.99 USD (I had to hide my ip address to get this info)
German Price: 49.99 EUR

But as we know, 50 USD are 36 EUR.

Seems you guys are getting ripped off, Batman Arham Origins is £39.99 here.


New member
Mar 24, 2012
But taking the exchange rate in, it would be $96.42 for season 1 and 2. Does that sound fair to you? You can't do worldwide price, it just ends up being completely unfair.

Fair in that you might have to pay a higher price than people in other countries? Not by most definitions.

Still far from an unreasonable price for what you are getting.


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Well in some countries you earn more money for doing the same work. So, the people have more money to spend.
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New member
Oct 29, 2013
Well in some countries you earn more money for doing the same work. So, the people have more money to spend.

True, Australia for example is very expensive, thus games are very pricey. If an Australian developer created a game, and sold it worldwide for the same price as in Aus it would be ludicrous.

I would like some confirmation from Farsight on how much it will cost in other countries, but I guess we'll have to wait till Friday to find out.

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
I assumed since the Steam purchasing mechanic asks me to pass in the users Currency Code and the price in US Cents, that it would do the conversion. I have a tech support request in to Valve on this one.

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