Request Now we write August 2013 <> Table 17 in front : Does a "sessionticket 3" is in view?


Feb 13, 2013
Now we write August 2013 <> Table 17 in front : Does a "sessionticket 3" is in view?

Only to go sure and this item will be covered in time:
The Table 17 is just in front and the Session2 will be included max. till Tablecollection 20. It's not a long time, till this tablecollection is available.
I hope, it is already planned to sale also a Table3 collection (21-3x ) instead of each table alone. [ I'll get also as a X-Mas gift :cool::cool::cool:]

Please confirm


New member
Jul 16, 2012
yes about 3 to 4 months from now season 2 will end (at table pack 20) and season 3 will begin (at table pack 21) and that should happen around December if all keeps on schedule.

What im really curious about is what tables will fill out the rest of season and two. Will every season attempt to have 2 kickstarter deluxe tables like season 1 had? If so that mean's another kickstarter has to happen very soon. I also feel that season 2 needs a couple more really awesome tables to make it equally as awesome as season 1 was. Perhaps some surprise 3rd party cheap licenses like when we got Elvira and Harley Davidson? I guess if they are able to get Addams Family for season 2 than that itself would make the whole season epic. In any case I think the next kickstarter is going to happen faster than we think.

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