Android - Request 'Nudge up' suggestion for mobile.

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Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
This game could REALLY use a 'nudge upwards' option.

For the existing touchscreen controls, this could be done either by splitting the current nudge screen area into 3, or alternatively by pressing both L & R nudge together simultaneously.

Shake nudging could be implemented by moving accelerometer forwards (same as Zen), whilst retaining shake left, and shake right.

Controller (when implemented) should obviously be as the console versions (d-pad - Left, Right, Up) or even better analogue.

Proper control without the ability to nudge up is seriously compromised in pinball. Zen Pinball HD for Android has this in place.

Please could this be considered. Thanks.
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New member
Dec 19, 2012
Nudge-Up would be excellent for me. That is the main way I nudge when I play RT's. That is one feature I've missed from the beginning of my TPA play.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I've missed nudge up as well.

Perhaps with controller support landing soon, the up button could be mapped...


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
As a big shake nudging user, I +1 all this but I also want to toss a request for proper nudging direction in the hat as well.

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
As a big shake nudging user, I +1 all this but I also want to toss a request for proper nudging direction in the hat as well.

Do you mean 'proper nudging direction' for Touchscreen nudging? - bit confused by your request.

Shake nudging on my N7 is in the proper direction already, ie you nudge the tablet in the direction you would nudge a real table (eg nudge table to the right and the ball would move left on the playfield)

Baron Rubik

New member
Mar 21, 2013
Managed to get a loose answer to this request (in regard to mapped controller support) in the Android Beta 1.13 thread last night and thought I'd share it here...


Me - will nudge via controller d-pad (including nudge up - please) be implemented when controller support is rolled out?

Ryan Routon - Upwards nudge is a global thing that has not been implemented due to some breaking issues, but nudge will be in joystick (not dpad). That said I don't think I will be able to get that in unless a miracle happens, the ouya code doesn't match up and I can't figure out why...

Me - Is it planned to try and resolve these 'breaking issues' caused by upwards nudge on this platform?
It really does comprise control on the mobile platforms without this feature.
If it can't be resolved, I probably won't want to continue buying for the Android platform which would be a shame.

Ryan Routon - Yea its been on Mike's list for a while I believe, its a design issue as well im told


Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
I've gotten so used to the lack of forward nudging on mobile that I forget to use it when I play on consoles. We really do need an option for this.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
We still need an option for this [MENTION=3799]FlippyFloppy[/MENTION] / [MENTION=4573]Scumble373[/MENTION]


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'll add it to the list. I could of swore their was a configuration that allowed up and down nudging.
Nope, not when shake nudging was activated. It is either Shake or Tap. Not a combination of the two.

PM me if you can confirm that the touch/shake profile exists, and I'll update the status of this thread.

I'll lock the thread for now seeing as the issue is entered i the bug tracker.
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