Oh man, I love this table but...


New member
Jun 9, 2013
I love the table. I've only played it once at a convention before so I don't remember much from it. But I cringe every time Pepe and Haji comes up. Their accents are really not politically correct 25 years later. Especially Pepe, he's not any worse than Speedy Gonzalez, but every time he has 'Arriba' it makes me twitch a little.


New member
May 24, 2013
Please explain what a "politically correct accent" is?

What does an accent have to do with politics?

Why do you feel it is bad to use an accent to suggest/portray a persons nationality/district/state/town. These generalizations are not true for everyone yet are based on truths as well.

Are you saying 25 years later nobody in the world has an accent when speaking a foreign second or third language..?

I dont know what world you live in but in my country (South Africa) we have 11 official languages and accents flying all over the place everyday as people communicate. We do make fun of each other at times and its not offensive, well most of the time.


Apr 7, 2014
Please explain what a "politically correct accent" is?

What does an accent have to do with politics?

Why do you feel it is bad to use an accent to suggest/portray a persons nationality/district/state/town. These generalizations are not true for everyone yet are based on truths as well.

Are you saying 25 years later nobody in the world has an accent when speaking a foreign second or third language..?

I dont know what world you live in but in my country (South Africa) we have 11 official languages and accents flying all over the place everyday as people communicate. We do make fun of each other at times and its not offensive, well most of the time.

The table is basically mocking each ethnicity.

It would be like someone saying that just because you're from South Africa, then you must ride elephants all day.... or something stupid, ignorant, and nonsensical as that. lol


New member
Apr 5, 2013
Dude, there would be nothing offensive about saying he rides elephants all day, and only an idiot would take offence from it

I see nothing wrong with strong accents, and I think the world will be poorer when we are forced to pretend everyone is the same as everyone else.


Apr 7, 2014
Dude, there would be nothing offensive about saying he rides elephants all day, and only an idiot would take offence from it

I see nothing wrong with strong accents, and I think the world will be poorer when we are forced to pretend everyone is the same as everyone else.

It was the best example I could give at 3am in the morning, but you know what I meant. lol


Active member
Feb 9, 2014
They were never really politically correct.
so, they should have made them all sounds the same? Like in those east european synchronized movies where one guy/girl speaks for all the charathers.
Joke is a joke, politically correct or no and one should recognize it and accept it as a joke. Jokes don't hurt or kill people. But people behind politically correct ideas does.


New member
Nov 28, 2012
The characterizations aren't mocking ethnicity, it is political satire. The characters are stereotypes of politicians from the late 80's, relics of the cold war. This table is an historical artifact more than anything. A hundred years from now, the humor and political messages in the table will be lost on most except for perhaps historians. :D


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I once heard someone went on a killing spree after having their feelings hurt from a pinball machine. It's true. I read it on the internets.

Eaton Beaver

New member
Jan 25, 2014
I remember a bunch of 1980's and 1990's arcade games bringing out racial slurs or homophobic slurs against characters found in the games. I occasionally still see it on YouTube comments on game play videos. On the Howard Stern show they play audio of people arguing on like the XBox while playing Call Of Duty with full on racial slurs.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I occasionally still see it on YouTube comments on game play videos. On the Howard Stern show they play audio of people arguing on like the XBox while playing Call Of Duty with full on racial slurs.

Yes, but that's not caused by games.


New member
May 10, 2014
What I really want to know is why Boris has no particular accent. The other four are stereotypes, but Boris has no discernible Russian accent. Just sounds like some generic American dude yelling "I'll have burgers... and fries", except burgers sounds more like burglars.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
political corectress if that isnt an oyxmoron in itself what is

politically corectness is simoly a univerisal and culture spanning form of passive rasim, since it can apply to the norms or trends of that sociiety culture or nation

can we all go play linball not with big teeted weemens and shurnken heads in the pf, what abkut kur xenophboic attiude to anilens in afm

gimmie a bloody break

have a nice day

dont use the three sea shells youll hpget ****ty hands word to the wise


Active member
Apr 12, 2012

PC crap is all about people who have lost the ability to have skin of any thickness whatsoever. It's like their skin is thinner than carbon nanotubes.
An accent is nothing more than attributes of one's native language, or way of speaking their native language regionally, creeping in to the speaking of another. Some of those attributes make very recognizable traits when speaking a second language.

The results can be, at times, very humorous,
Anyway, being offended at a spanish speaking person yelling Ariba, would be like getting offended by a portrayal of a french speaking character yelling "debrouillez vous" seriously...

Krooze L-Roy

New member
Aug 30, 2013
My only concern with regard to cultural sensitivity is that nobody bothered to warn Hajii that the hotdog he ordered probably contains beef.


New member
May 16, 2012

PC crap is all about people who have lost the ability to have skin of any thickness whatsoever. It's like their skin is thinner than carbon nanotubes.

The funny thing about it is, that most often it's people being all PC to "protect" others. Mostly without said others needing or wanting that help. Very pretentious and patronizing if you think about it...


New member
Jun 10, 2012

PC crap is all about people who have lost the ability to have skin of any thickness whatsoever. It's like their skin is thinner than carbon nanotubes.
An accent is nothing more than attributes of one's native language, or way of speaking their native language regionally, creeping in to the speaking of another. Some of those attributes make very recognizable traits when speaking a second language.

The results can be, at times, very humorous,
Anyway, being offended at a spanish speaking person yelling Ariba, would be like getting offended by a portrayal of a french speaking character yelling "debrouillez vous" seriously...

Right. So let's have a pin called Mammy with Al Jolson in blackface on the backglass. Or maybe a football themed game called Redskins. Because those certainly wouldn't offend old white people,right?

Maybe certain people are overly sensitive, that doesn't make it any less racist because it doesn't apply to you.

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