Oh my gorgar! Those outlanes


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Just help please, tips anything!

Gotta say i do have a bent for late 70s early 80s tables...i find it strange but heyho monster bash can wait;)


New member
Feb 20, 2012
I quickly put this game on my list of ones to return to once available on a platform that supports nudging (iOS still does not, unfortunately).


New member
Jun 4, 2012
I quickly put this game on my list of ones to return to once available on a platform that supports nudging (iOS still does not, unfortunately).

Aye man figured id need alot more consistant and sensitve nudging....from what ive seen even that wont help....gorgar hurt me!


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Actually, I just tried a game on my iPod, and found I like it better than the iPad since I can sometimes get it to nudge. On iOS, the only option that seems to work is swiping, and that requires reaching to the to the top of the screen - easy to do quickly on a smaller screen. iPad nudging would probably work better if they moved the swipe area much lower.

Anyway, seems like the best way to avoid the outlanes is to try to mostly stay on the left side of the playfield - hit the drop targets and snake pit a lot and the capture hole. In PHOF it was fairly easy to repeatedly hit the capture hole and then catch it again on the right flipper, often triggering the inlane switch in the process (which helps toward the 1-2-3-4 special wizard goal). That seems harder in this version, though at this point I can't say if it's because the physics have changed or I just haven't found the rhythm. From left flipper, I usually try to pull it and bring the ball back to the upper left. Later when the spinner (which on my small screen seems to have a squatting spiderman on it) is lit, I'll go for that to get more points and bonus multiplier. Usually don't aim at 1-2-3-4 spots until later when close to getting the special.

Looks like it'll be a fun table on the small screen. Black Hole is, as well. It'll be nice when more of these older less-cluttered tables are available.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
I'm on an iPad 2 and I can nudge. Only left and right on portrait, or up and down in landscape, but it works. And yes, it's very neccessary to use in Gorgar. Thankfully, I was able to open up the wizard goals and turn off the tilt penalty. Now I'm shaking my iPad like a lunatic when that ball even just looks at an outlane.


New member
Jul 10, 2012
I'm able to nudge horizontally when playing in landscape mode on my iPhone. Heck, it sometimes nudges inadvertently if I tap the screen too hard, lol.

It's necessary if you want a chance of nailing that "1-2-3-4 Special" Wizard goal - although I have to admit that I also have the phantom wall bug between the right outlane and plunger lane to thank for earning that last goal. :)
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New member
Jun 24, 2012
I've had some success nudging on this table on an iPad 3. I actually think it's the best table of all ten so far for practising nudging.

Dutch Pinball ball

New member
May 5, 2012
I played a good stint on it, and those outlines make this more a gamblemachine them pinball to me.

And ok, old machnines do have their charme, but in think i lost appetite for plunge and without a touch from me one ball after the other drains.

I play for fun, not to get screwed by lack of luck.


New member
Apr 16, 2012
I think the outlanes are great! :D
They make the playtime short and challenging which gives me the "one more game" feel.


New member
Jun 7, 2012
550 k then bad heretic

Same here! I can't seem to get any higher. But, I'm not all that great at pinball.

As for Gorgar:
I've seriously had a game where I've plunged the ball, and it has ended up either SDTM or in one of the outlanes, 3 times in a row, with me being completely unable to hit the ball with the flippers! Thank god we don't have to use quarters. I don't know how they did it back in the day when this came out.

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