Oh Sony!


New member
Feb 13, 2014
I mention this in another thread but while you are making Mustang available as an individual purchase, can’t you also make AC/DC and Star Trek for those who want just one of them? I would but AC/DC now if I could for $9.99.

As it stands currently, I will wait for a sale on the bundle.

Unfortunately, you’ll probably be waiting a very long time for a TPA sale on the PS4. (I can’t remember the last one actually, they’re so few and far between). I get it that it’s the principle of the matter, having the tables available individually. Worse case scenario, and you have buy the pack, Sony does occasionally offer the random “15%-20% off your total purchase codes” and you can use one to save some money on the bundle. And Star Trek is a fun table, even if you don’t care for the theme. There’s a lot worse things you can blow an additional $10 on.
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Jun 11, 2018
looks like Tom is going to add individual purchases to the game. That's a good feeling. You are going to be able to buy Mustang, Ghostbusters, AC/DC or Star Trek individually if you want them.


Mar 21, 2014
Really wish they would have hotfixed that extreme brightness issue that happened to Mustang and AC/DC after the last update. Kinda makes them not worth buying (or playing) at this point.


New member
May 28, 2017
I understand what they are doing but I think they are missing out of potential immediate sales. I don’t want to pay $20 and really only want AC/DC. I have all the others except for Star Trek and will wait if it stays bundled.

It just seems like now would be the obvious time to make all three available for $9.99 since they are already doing Mustang.

You say that you have them all already except for Star Trek? I take it you have them on Stern PBA? If that's the case then just wait till they add the cross purchase... There is no point in paying for those tables again when you already did, just so you can play them on the regular PBA version... To be brutally honest, but for one, they are waaayyy better on the Stern PBA version. Both in how they look and how they play. I don't know if you've tried the free trial that lets you play until a certain amount of points, but it's like a completely different game/table because the ball on the regular PBA version feels like a light rubber ball that just bounces around everywhere extremely fast...

Also the lighting is completely jacked up on the Stern tables that was ported over...

If you already have them, then just wait. This is why they are taking their time in asking the cross purchase because they are trying to get the people that don't know anything about cross buy and or know they will be available to people that already got them eventually... They are trying to get people to double dip on them...

Then once they add the cross buy fix, they won't advertise it and or announce it... It'll just be a quiet fix, because they don't want the people that paid for them again asking them for a refund...

I've mentioned how it sucks the cross buy wasn't available immediately when they were ported over like it was for PC users and it's mainly just to be able to use a glow ball because the ball on the Stern PBA version is way to dark, darker than the one on the regular PBA version, but after seeing how horrible they played, I changed my mind and can wait...

Truth be told, I was starting to play the Stern PBA version more just because they play, look, and just feels better...

Stern PBA I believe was built from the ground up for the PS4 or for consoles in general.... There might be some coding that was used from another platform possibly, but I guarantee it's not like the Frankenstein port that we got for the regular PBA...

Star Trek is the one table you really notice the speed of the ball because it doesn't go as fast as it does on the Stern PBA, but on the regular PBA it's flying all over the place and goes up the ramps so easy and fast...


Nov 11, 2012
Does anybody else think that balls sometimes do not lose their sideways (up/down seems OK but is harder to see) momentum when they are supposed to? It's like the ball was going left, finds an obstacle (which appears to absorb the kinetic energy, stopping the ball from moving any further left), ball moves up or down along the obstacle, then when it clears the obstacle it suddenly continues to move left without any apparent force acting on it. In real physics doesn't it lose that sideways momentum and should move straight up or down at the angle it was travelling when touching that obstacle?

Maybe when I get my hands on a cheap 1080p60 recording device, I can record what I mean, and enlarge that part of the screen to show it.


Mar 21, 2014
Personally, I just want the lighting issues fixed on the newest tables, and make it where the sound doesn't cut out on Black Knight and I'd be good. I can deal with most other minor issues. Maybe a new table release or two....


Feb 8, 2014
Mustang is now available as an individual $9.99 purchase for PA on PS4. Also, the Stern Pack 1 & 2 store icons have been fixed to show the correct tables.


Mar 21, 2014
Mustang is now available as an individual $9.99 purchase for PA on PS4. Also, the Stern Pack 1 & 2 store icons have been fixed to show the correct tables.

Unfortunately, it doesn't show as purchased for those of us who have already bought the table in the pack.


Feb 8, 2014
AC/DC and Star Trek Vengeance are now available as individual $9.99 purchases for Pinball Arcade.

Can anyone confirm whether the Mustang individual purchase is now working? Or whether any of these are now cross-buy with SPA?


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
I'm the US store, Star Trek and Mustang are available as individual purchases, but not AC/DC. I don't know about the individual tables being cross buy, but the Stern packs are still not cross buy.


Mar 21, 2014
Still need TPA updated to fix the brightness issues introduced with the last patch that affected the newest tables. AC/DC is blazingly bright, even at 0% room brightness.

Yeah, I know a patch is coming, but sooner would be better than later.

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