One refurbished table per month!


New member
Jan 26, 2014
That would be so awesome.
I was just playing cftbl and man does it hurt to see those blurry textures. Especially in the ramp entry section where you always look at its a grey blurry mess. And the apron...Digital preservation of pinball my ass.
It really makes you wish these tables would be still on the release list as quality is so great in TPA now. Really is!
If I could vote ctbfl and monster bash need immediate attention. Those are one of the best tables of all time and they look like ****.


New member
May 18, 2012
Yeah man, but everytime we talk about better TPA graphics it's like talking to a big brick wall. Farsight just keep on producing with their blindfolds on. Perhaps in a year from now they decide it's enough, take the money and run, leaving their buyers with pre-historic graphics and bugs and all this will be the end of it. One refurbished table a month is something they could have done long ago, like they could have refurbished their menu. Remember how long it took to get rid of that blue planet carpet in the background? That was just a carpet.. :(


New member
May 17, 2013
This seems like common sense...

The problem is they waited too long and the pile got huge.

I'm hype for dx11. After we see how all the tables look on pc, this should be next on the list.


New member
Feb 26, 2015
As a bonus on PS4 we get to see the ball moving along the subway below the Hologram. Free x-ray vision.


Jan 30, 2013
I have had a lot of tables reload what says is a new version. What is new about them if they are not refurbished?

Usually it's some detail that gets improved, or some bug that's fixed, but absolutely not totally refurbished table. It can be a pop bumer light that's fixed, a ramp that gets a better transparent look or a maybe a bug in the initals entry for high score that gets fixed. But just because a table gets a slight improvement doesn't mean that all bugs are fixed. Ususally they fix similar stuff on a couple of tables at a time, so a couple of tables get better looking ramps witj an update. But little by little they are getting there :)

Which in a way probably makes it not a good efficient idea to do one refurbished table at one time, because it's more efficent to fix one bug across all tables at one time.

However, with the upcoming tables to be tuned, maybe we'll see bigger changes at once per table.
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