

Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Some outlanes are tougher than others, but the only table that I believe is way off compared to the real table is CV.


New member
Jun 1, 2013
My only issue with outlanes is that some machines have toys/trinkets that totally block your vision of the outlane/flipper return. The guns on Cactus Canyon, for example, make it nearly impossible to tell what needs to be done to try to save the ball from the outlane...just sayin'...


New member
Apr 21, 2013
I don't mean this in a rude way, but I guess I really don't get when people complain about outlanes in TPA. The tables are already easier than the real machines as is, so if they tone down the outlanes, then the tables would be even less realistic, there would be less of a challenge, and the game times, which are already too long on a lot of the tables, would be even longer....no thanks! :)

Tough outlanes have been a part of pinball since the beginning. They need to be at least slightly scary, or else pinball just wouldn't be the same without them.

This is where it'd be nice to be able to adjust such things, but as the default setting for leaderboard eligibility, I think they should be similar to the real life machines. This is supposed to be a pinball simulation. We already have Zen for the tamer side of pinball, right?

As always, people are free to complain about this or anything else (myself included...see my latest Genie rants in the PS3 section). I just needed to get it off my chest that I don't understand this particular complaint. Carry on... :D
outlanes are just part of pinball at least i am not feeding it coins . Nudging helps with outlanes sometimes. (this part off topic a bit) About Zen i tried them i do not like the way it renders on iOS iPad mini. When you first load the free sample table they provide it looks nice in the shooter alley nice cam zoom. After you shoot in it the cam is 10 miles away and i tried all the cam settings i don't like any of them. Zen is OK on the PC however.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
My only issue with outlanes is that some machines have toys/trinkets that totally block your vision of the outlane/flipper return. The guns on Cactus Canyon, for example, make it nearly impossible to tell what needs to be done to try to save the ball from the outlane...just sayin'...

This is true in real life also. It is not so easy on most to duck and look under them in time to make a nudge to correct.


New member
Apr 3, 2013
I think they need to tone down the nudge and decrease the out lanes a hair on a few tables. Think the nudge is the real problem... You can save almost anything.

Agree with that, the nudge is too accurate, it's almost as you can control the ball. I would even say that suspicious outlanes or SDTM are welcome sometimes!
On the other hand, nudge (as it is in TPA) is essential on some tables (ToTAN, CV... even MM). Without it, the game would be too much tough.

Bottom line, I'm OK with the actual settings. ^^

kaoru said:
Oddly enough I never found Zen as easy as everybody else seems to think it is.

Zen is not easy, Zen is boring! It just doesn't feel like a pinball game, more like an action game, with a pinball theme.

I was a day-one buyer of Zen 1, and I have purchased the first 3 DLC (Street Fighter, Ninja Gaiden, Earth Defense).

On a "true" pinball game (virtual or IRL), the main goal is to keep the ball alive. If you're good enough, you can achieve a decent score, even if you don't know what are the rules and play randomly. And moreover, that's fun (when the table goes mad, flashing lights everywhere, crazy acting voice... and you just think: "Oh my! What's happening! It rocks!" :cool: ).

On all Zen's tables, you can play for hours without losing a ball, but you score nothing! (Tesla, El Dorado)
So, you decide to follow the rules and achieve some goals... Too bad, all the ways to start (and achieve) special modes are awkward, and just not fun.
Combined with the too slippery physic, and the inaccurate aiming, Zen just stands as a bad pinball game. Not a bad game, a bad pinball game.

Zen 2 tries to fix these flaws, but still misses it by far.
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New member
Jun 1, 2013
This is true in real life also. It is not so easy on most to duck and look under them in time to make a nudge to correct.

That's very true also but at least on a real machine you can move your head and or body over the glass to see what's what. No camera angle on TPA seems to allow for any decision making IMHO.

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