Ouya version controlls still messed up since June


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I purchased both season packs on my ouya and have been waiting for it to be playable since Launch on June 25th

Pulling the right trigger back and letting go or pressing forward does not launch the ball on the Ouya controller, pulling back on the stick does nothing at all. Pushing up on it is the only way to launch the ball and since you cannot pull the stick back ALL skill shots are impossible.

The Ouya retail controller lacks quality and the triggers allot of the time actually get stuck rubbing up against the plastic when you try to press them down. This makes Pinball Arcade annoying and impossible to fully enjoy. Please add controller remapping in the options to change the controls to different buttons or add support for other controllers. ouya games can be programmed to work with other controllers but this must be added to the individual game itself and is not governed by the ouya console itself. Currently using a wired xbox controller works for everything but the flippers which are not assigned to any button when using a wired xbox controller, so it is unplayable with an xbox controller.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
From what I've read sales for games in general have been bad on the Ouya. Based on forum participation it looks like it's true for TPA as well. Unfortunately if the sales aren't there then the fixes and support probably won't be either. It's the only way to explain the lack of support for the Vita also.

Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
Ouya had us fix that bug ages ago. Are you sure you have the latest build of tpa and the latest controller firmware? If you follow the android forum I tried to implement a universal mapping functionality but never got it to work 100% due to trigger issues.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
perhaps when you guys fixed the plunger issue you accidentally overwrote that fix in the next release? all i know is when i tried to play it back in june it was messed up and when i try to play it today it is messed up. i didn't follow along every update in between so maybe it was fixed at some point, but it isn't anymore. I have the retail controller that was released june 25th and I have the latest ouya firmware and the newest pinball arcade.

Is the Ouya version of Pinball Arcade an actual port for the system, or is it just the same apk the android gets?
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Ryan Routon

FarSight Employee
Feb 24, 2012
it's an actual port specifically designed for OUYA. When the retail controllers came out it was completely broken due to the fact that the retail ones were way more sensitive than the debug ones. I will have to fire it up and take a look.

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