

New member
Apr 27, 2012
Is anyone looking at getting this? An android format of the game that you can use a controller with. That's the best reason for getting one that I can think of. Get the Android release schedule but play on the big screen with a physical controller. I think I'll wait for reviews first...for both the console and TPA on it.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Wouldn't the Android version be a bit ugly on the big screen?
To me the play fields look a bit muddy towards the top, the blocky bumpers, Missing textures, opaque ramps.
Unless they made a high quality option I think it would murder your eyeballs.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
Pinball arcade could actually look pretty good on the ouya. Its going to be made for it and not just be a port of the Google play version. The ouya has a tegra 3, nvidias currently most powerful Mobile prossesor which is pretty good. Where as the Google play version has to run on all kinds of different devices the ouya version will be specifically catered to the ouya's hardware. In terms of things like image clearity the tegra 3 actually has an advantage over the Xbox 360's old outdated graphics card. The lighting might not be as good on ouya vs Xbox however.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I can't see a mobile version running on a console to be very well received.

Honestly, I won't buy a full sized game console to play on a television that only boasts mobile graphics....i have a phone that can do that.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
I'm definitly getting an ouya, but for me its more about video. With the ouya I can watch Netflix and YouTube and access my shared network of videos. For 100 bucks its a pretty awesome video player. Also... NES games should run pretty awesome on it :)

Nik Barbour

I won't be buying one, but it would also give you big screen access to emulators (Broglia, Mame ect) which would never happen on a console.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Wouldn't the Android version be a bit ugly on the big screen?
To me the play fields look a bit muddy towards the top, the blocky bumpers, Missing textures, opaque ramps.
Unless they made a high quality option I think it would murder your eyeballs.

I've been trying out TPA with the HDMI output on my phone, and it works fine (except from the typical Android stuttering of course), though it obviously doesn't look aywhere near as good as the X360 tables.

I'm definitely not getting an Ouya. TPA is seriously the only good Android based game I can think of, but hopefully it will encourage FS to make controller support for the game.

Nik Barbour

TPA is seriously the only good Android based game I can think of

Zen, Revenge of the Rob - o bot, Reckless Racing, Worms (in GB), all the Broglia emulators, all the Seleuco emu's Mame4droid, Mame4all, xpectroid... to name a few and I'm not much of a gamer.

Edit - just remembered GTA III & Vice City.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
Sorry, yeah, Rob-o-bot is excellent. Reckless Racing is a racing game (not for me), and Worms is a port, and the rest are emulators.
Ports, and tools for pirating games for other systems is obviously not a factor when it comes to justifying the purchase of a new game system. :) I can't see anyone buying a brand new console to play Worms and GTA3.

Nik Barbour

I can't see anyone buying a brand new console to play Worms and GTA3.

I can see it being a success - cheap or disposable gaming is very lucrative. Kickstarter success speaks for itself, people want this.

Of course anyone wanting to play COD or similar latest big title games won't be in the market for this, but it's not the market it was aimed at.

I won't be one of the ones buying though.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Well, I can't see anyone wanting to play angry birds on it unless they have it hooked up to a touch monitor, the GTA games are optimized for touch controls. Fruit Ninja Kinect is a disaster. I have a 5000+ game collection for MAME on my laptop, plus zSNES, plus Project 64, plus NullDC, plus my Amiga emulator, plus my C64 emulator plus my SMS/Mega drive emulator etc etc etc. Since my laptop has an HDMI out, if i want to play an NES stretched out to hell on 50" screen it's just a matter of setting my laptop down on a speaker and plugging in a single cable.

Pretty well anything an Ouya can do, an old laptop can do better. Not to mention that the GTA games available are best played on what would now be a bargain basement pc or laptop.

Cheap and disposable gaming are lucrative for a reason...people want something they can pick up and put down with little to no effort or any sense of commitment to a game. These games are designed to be played when in the crapper or waiting for a dental appointment. Not lounging in your living room.

Other than as a movie player, I can't see much reason to hook any android system up to a television.


New member
Jul 17, 2012
I have all other console and devices, so I will be picking up an Ouya. The price tag isn't bad for 100 bones! I don't want to keep draining my Galaxy 3 battery life to play games on it. I have a Vita and 3DS for that.


New member
Jul 16, 2012
nvidia shield looks kind of cool. what you guys are failing to realize about the ouya is it's not completely an android device, it's got NO google play store. Google said a while back they are not letting ouya have access to their market, so no gta iii, no vice city (unless rockstar specifically makes it for the ouya market). and you guys have to understand that the google play version of pinball arcade on android is NOT going to be the same version as the ouya's. The google play pinball arcade is made to support a multitude of devices where as the ouya version will be fully optimized to the tegra 3 and hardware of the ouya. people are being to quick to think just because tegra 3 is a tiny mobile processor and hearing the word "android" thrown in that the ouya is not better than a phone when in fact it's seriously not all that far behind an xbox 360. the ouya has double the ram of the xbox 360 (1gb vs 500mb). The tegra 3 can handle images better than an xbox 360, it has faster image post processing and they can crank the Anti-aliasing much higher on the ouya than xbox because it handles images better. That means pinball arcade will have smoother playfeilds with clearer more readable images than 360 or ps3. When the ps3 and 360 completely kill the ouya is in graphic shader units (8 vs 48). So on ouya were probably going to see a very smooth nice looking pinball arcade close to the consoles but missing the real lighting effects.

Nik Barbour

Re - Play store access.
There must be some way to sideload apk files. If not someone at XDA will soon have one.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Already have app-player Blue Stacks installed. Maybe that'll get patched for extra input-options in the future?


New member
Jul 16, 2012
im not saying tegra 3 is a more powerful GPU, nowhere did i say that... what im saying is that tegra 3 actually has built into it a much better process of handling image scaling than the xbox 360 did 8 years ago. bear in mind how old the xbox really is, a current gen graphics card for your pc like the gforce 670 is 24 times as powerful as what the xbox 360 has. also the ouya has twice as much of better ram as the 360 which means theoretically they can throw the anti-aliasing up more than twice as much (1GB of 1600mhz vs 512MB of 700mhz). there's no way it can look as good as the xbox 360 due to lack of shaders to handle real lighting effects, however the the textures can look very nice on a ouya and I think you'll be surprised when you actually see what it can handle. If ported right ouya can have clearer textures than xbox, but definitely not as good lighting. also polygon count doesn't apply much to pinball tables (were not talking about running gta 5's city on the little thing).

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