Pa '65


New member
Mar 13, 2013
Hey all. Just wanted to introduce myself. 1965 bday so I grew up with a lot of these tables. My family owned a fishing resort in MN. So we got a fairly good rotation of tables at the lodge. When I played Big Shot on this app I was time warped back to the 70s. I cut my pinball teeth on that table. I remember that big rubber bumper on the top left and how it was all dry and cracked. I probably spent an entire summer playing that thing. Anyhow the Star Wars tables by Zen got me interested. So I started checking all the pinball apps. I was hooked as soon as I saw all these old tables in Pinball Arcade. I never had the funds to really master them. So this has made for some late night sessions. Gorgar, Arabian Nights and Scared Stiff have got the most play so far though I bought almost all of them. Looking forward to the next tournament.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
Hey there! Gorgar is one of my faves on TPA as well. I remember playing it when I was a kid and being nearly petrified by the voice. I have always had a thing for the early talking tables. Can't wait to see TPA's version of Centaur.

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