PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #4 - Premium Licensed (Closed)

What Are The Top Ten Premium Licensed Tables That You Would Like To See Kickstarted

  • Apollo 13 (Sega, 1995)

    Votes: 126 25.0%
  • Back to the Future (Data East, 1990)

    Votes: 177 35.0%
  • Batman Forever (Sega, 1995)

    Votes: 74 14.7%
  • Congo (Williams, 1995)

    Votes: 96 19.0%
  • Demolition Man (Williams, 1994)

    Votes: 143 28.3%
  • Dirty Harry (Williams, 1995)

    Votes: 100 19.8%
  • Doctor Who (Bally, 1992)

    Votes: 212 42.0%
  • Elvis (Stern, 2004)

    Votes: 101 20.0%
  • Flintstones, The (Williams, 1994)

    Votes: 97 19.2%
  • Freddy : A Nightmare on Elm Street (Gottlieb, 1994)

    Votes: 120 23.8%
  • Goldeneye (Sega, 1996)

    Votes: 76 15.0%
  • Guns ‘N Roses (Data East, 1994)

    Votes: 167 33.1%
  • Hook (Data East, 1992)

    Votes: 46 9.1%
  • Independence Day (Sega, 1996)

    Votes: 31 6.1%
  • Indiana Jones : The Pinball Adventure (Williams, 1993)

    Votes: 390 77.2%
  • Johnny Mnemonic (Williams, 1995)

    Votes: 103 20.4%
  • Jurassic Park (Data East, 1993)

    Votes: 206 40.8%
  • Last Action Hero (Data East, 1993)

    Votes: 46 9.1%
  • Lord of the Rings, The (Stern, 2003)

    Votes: 317 62.8%
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Sega, 1995)

    Votes: 60 11.9%
  • NBA Fastbreak (Bally, 1997)

    Votes: 89 17.6%
  • Phantom of the Opera (Data East, 1990)

    Votes: 55 10.9%
  • Shadow, The (Bally, 1994)

    Votes: 192 38.0%
  • Simpsons Pinball Party, The (Stern, 2003)

    Votes: 343 67.9%
  • Star Wars (Data East, 1992)

    Votes: 231 45.7%
  • Stargate (Gottlieb, 1995)

    Votes: 89 17.6%
  • Starship Troopers (Sega, 1997)

    Votes: 62 12.3%
  • Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines (Stern, 2003)

    Votes: 79 15.6%
  • Who’s Tommy Pinball Wizard, The (Data East, 1994)

    Votes: 153 30.3%
  • WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994)

    Votes: 80 15.8%

  • Total voters


New member
Apr 17, 2012
DE Star Wars
The Shadow
Dr. Who

I love these pins, but don't know how much interest they would draw on a ks
Dirty Harry
Apollo 13

I wonder if the licence for the second tier table is much lower, whether it would be worthwhile pairing a first tier licence with a second tier licence to fund both?


New member
Feb 21, 2012
There's still two polls left in the series...stay tuned!

After the let down of a teaser of a flying squirrel for pack 16 and it wasn't for Rocky & Bullwinkle (RAWR!) I will be looking forward to voting for that one if it does indeed show up!!!


Active member
Aug 1, 2012
Some are no brainers like Simpsons or Lord of the rings. Excellent tables with super popular licenses.
Then there is that odd category for me, like Dirty Harry and Congo. Two great pins with top notch game play. But they have licenses that I just think wouldn't generate enough buzz to successfully fund a kickstarter.
I'm gonna vote for the 10 pins I would most want even if I think it wouldn't be a successful kickstarter.

That is what I did. Also,who is to say that all of these tables would require a KS? Also,the license prices would be different for each table. And I also believe that those prices would/could change - depending on the situation.

For instance - The Shadow license shouldn't be too expensive. I'd think the majority of that license money would go to Alec Baldwin,who is pretty popular now. But, go back 6-7 years when he was getting blasted in the media - and I'd bet getting the license would have been cheaper then.

Same thing would apply to Johnny Mnemonic. 1999. - Keanu Reeves was white hot after The Matrix. So that license would probably be more expensive then it would be today. So,even though Congo was a pretty awful movie - the table was decent enough so if the price was right,the table could get made. Probably not for $59,000 (cost of T2) but - say it was under $20,000 - then I think a KS for it could work.

FS is now three for three with premium licensing. If TAF is really next for a KS,and it succeeds - and also if FS can straighten out the kinks it has now in TPA - then the sky could be the limit for the game.


New member
Sep 8, 2012
Realistically my votes were IJ, LOTR, TSPP emphatically and then some other good tables to use up the last seven votes.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Let's presume the next kickstarter is Addams family. For the sake of argument let's also say the range is about 75-100k. If we break that, and it is possible that it may be by a hefty margin if the kickstarter is well executed, then there would be healthy overage. 20-50k could give you several premium tables worth of funds. Some of these are probably in the 10-20 range so you could stretch about 3-5 tables or even more in a best case scenario!


New member
Aug 30, 2012
I'm gonna vote for the 10 pins I would most want even if I think it wouldn't be a successful kickstarter.

I really hope that everyone votes this way; I did. Let's not worry about kickstarter's and just vote for the top 10 that we'd want to play in TPA!


New member
Apr 10, 2012
My choices with a little explanation.

- Dr. Who - Even though I've never watched the show, I do think the music is cool and it's an interesting table which I've played only a couple times at shows. Honestly, I voted for it to help out the guys on here that have been asking for it since the beginning of this site.
- Indiana Jones: TPA - No explanation needed. :)
- Johnny Mnemonic - Fast Gomez table. Has become pretty hot in the last couple years with collectors. Not a very long run made. "Power Down" is the sh1t. At least with a TPA version, the glove won't break. Maybe. :p
- Jurassic Park - Sure it's a complete rip off of WW mixed with FH but it works and, with its great theme, is one of DE's best.
- The Lord of the Rings - See above description of IJ:TPA.
- The Shadow - Brian Eddy's, the lead designer of AFM and MM, first game. Has become very popular with collectors and is definitely a great player. I actually like the movie.
- The Simpson's Pinball Party - See notes for LOTR and IJ:TPA. Although I would like to see the DE Simpsons packed with this one if we get it.
- Star Wars - The best Star Wars pinball game with a pretty cool layout. Music is ok but this was one of my last choices. Basically chose it just to get a Star Wars pin.
- Stargate - Gotta pick a Gottlieb and this was their best System 3 table. Almost plays like a Zen table with the way the ball is always disappearing and reappearing somewhere else on the playfield.
- Tommy - Very good DE pin. I like the theme and the artwork is cool with the heavy use of yellow throughout the design. Of course, the music is good too.

All in all, this wasn't too hard of a poll to pick from for me. When it comes to licensed games I usually either love it (very few), hate it (a fair amount) or have the "it's decent" (most cases) attitude. Much easier to decide here than the Williams and Bally polls.


New member
Apr 26, 2012
Dr Who
Indiana Jones: TPA
The Shadow
Terminator 3: RotM
The Simpsons: PP
Mary Shelly's Frankenstein
The Who's Tommy
The Flintstones (too bad it's not based on the classic cartoon... instead of that crapfest of a film)

Maybe we can revisit this poll once FS gets SAM emulation up and running. Here are the SAM tables I would've voted for (instead of The Shadow, Terminator 3 (T2 is better), and The Flintstones):

Transformers (2011)(Hated the films; LOVE the pin!)
AC/DC (2012)
Metallica (2013)


New member
Apr 13, 2013

Indiana Jones
Phantom of the Opera
Apollo 13
Star Wars
Dirty Harry


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
One thing I never knew about NBA Fastbreak but found out were able to link together 2 machines and have head to head scoring in the arcade! If only we could get ANY kind of online head to head out of FarSight.


New member
May 1, 2013
Loads of great! tables listed here, I voted for ten of them, but, would just like to say that "IMO" The Simpsons table/licence is a must, I really think Farsight should go all out to get this one, as other's have said TPA needs more cartoon tables and you can't go wrong with The Simpsons, simply a must get for Farsight before Zen snap up the Simpsons licence, I'm convinced loads of people would be happy to see this table on Kickstarter.

Second I'd put "Indiana Jones" be fantastic having that table in TPA.

Finally in third, any one of Dirty Harry, ELVIS or Freddy, I really like all these table themes, so would settle for any of them.


New member
Nov 19, 2012
I'm delighted to see FarSight taking this stuff seriously, and the selection in the poll is impressive. I'm really missing AC/DC and Spider-Man, though. :(( It seems like there are no plans to touch any S.A.M tables ever?

Even so, I could only pick 6 tables - most of the tables in the list are good, but these are the ones I really want to see (ordered by highest priority in the top)

Lord of the Rings
Indiana Jones : The Pinball Adventure
NBA Fastbreak
Johnny Mnemonic
Simpsons Pinball Party
The Shadow


New member
May 10, 2012
After going through what all of you have voted I am a bit surprised that more than a few of you have not voted for The Shadow, but a few Data East tables with low ratings on both pinside and IPDB get a lot of votes. Nothing wrong with that of course, but curios about how important the theme vs the quality vs the I have played this so I vote for it thing is for people. I have not played many of the DE/Sega/Gottlieb tables on here but out of the few I've played they seemed pretty boring for the most part. Guns And Roses being the exception.

I did vote for Tommy (played it) and Jurassic park (not played it but looks good at least). I have not played things like Star Wars, Frankenstein or Back To The Future (but all look pretty ordinary and not that exiting to me) so I am just wondering if these are any good at all and if those who are voting have played them.

And just to be clear. There's nothing wrong about voting because it is a cool license. I am just curious here :)

Anyway. Almost all 30 of these pins would be a welcome addition to TPA (Just hoping a few of them do not need a kickstarter.)


New member
Jul 5, 2013
Voted for the following:

Apollo 13 -- 13-ball multiball. That's all.
Dirty Harry -- Looks a lot like Star Trek TNG, and that is good!
Doctor Who -- Looks cool, and it's the Doc.
The Flintstones -- I agree that we need more cartoon-based pins (even if this is based on the movie), and it does look quite good. I also liked the appearance of "Move Your Car" guy from CftBL in there.
GoldenEye - Bond. That's all.
Jurassic Park -- I would've preferred The Lost World, but hey!
Last Action Hero -- More of a personal choice. Quite fun from what I remember.
NBA Fastbreak -- NBA Jam in pinball form. Defo wanna try it out.
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard -- Absolutely fitting for TPA.
WWF Royal Rumble -- Old-school wrasslin' meets pinball. Hell yeah.

I was gonna vote for TSPP instead of JP, but since Bobby mentioned it on the last interview it's likely that it will show up.

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