PAF Top Ten Most Wanted Table Poll Series : #4 - Premium Licensed (Closed)

What Are The Top Ten Premium Licensed Tables That You Would Like To See Kickstarted

  • Apollo 13 (Sega, 1995)

    Votes: 126 25.0%
  • Back to the Future (Data East, 1990)

    Votes: 177 35.0%
  • Batman Forever (Sega, 1995)

    Votes: 74 14.7%
  • Congo (Williams, 1995)

    Votes: 96 19.0%
  • Demolition Man (Williams, 1994)

    Votes: 143 28.3%
  • Dirty Harry (Williams, 1995)

    Votes: 100 19.8%
  • Doctor Who (Bally, 1992)

    Votes: 212 42.0%
  • Elvis (Stern, 2004)

    Votes: 101 20.0%
  • Flintstones, The (Williams, 1994)

    Votes: 97 19.2%
  • Freddy : A Nightmare on Elm Street (Gottlieb, 1994)

    Votes: 120 23.8%
  • Goldeneye (Sega, 1996)

    Votes: 76 15.0%
  • Guns ‘N Roses (Data East, 1994)

    Votes: 167 33.1%
  • Hook (Data East, 1992)

    Votes: 46 9.1%
  • Independence Day (Sega, 1996)

    Votes: 31 6.1%
  • Indiana Jones : The Pinball Adventure (Williams, 1993)

    Votes: 390 77.2%
  • Johnny Mnemonic (Williams, 1995)

    Votes: 103 20.4%
  • Jurassic Park (Data East, 1993)

    Votes: 206 40.8%
  • Last Action Hero (Data East, 1993)

    Votes: 46 9.1%
  • Lord of the Rings, The (Stern, 2003)

    Votes: 317 62.8%
  • Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein (Sega, 1995)

    Votes: 60 11.9%
  • NBA Fastbreak (Bally, 1997)

    Votes: 89 17.6%
  • Phantom of the Opera (Data East, 1990)

    Votes: 55 10.9%
  • Shadow, The (Bally, 1994)

    Votes: 192 38.0%
  • Simpsons Pinball Party, The (Stern, 2003)

    Votes: 343 67.9%
  • Star Wars (Data East, 1992)

    Votes: 231 45.7%
  • Stargate (Gottlieb, 1995)

    Votes: 89 17.6%
  • Starship Troopers (Sega, 1997)

    Votes: 62 12.3%
  • Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines (Stern, 2003)

    Votes: 79 15.6%
  • Who’s Tommy Pinball Wizard, The (Data East, 1994)

    Votes: 153 30.3%
  • WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994)

    Votes: 80 15.8%

  • Total voters

Captain Chris

New member
Jun 6, 2012
I went with these, really took me awhile to decide because most of these I've never played in real life so I had to check out a lot of videos! Really wanted Apollo 13 also but I couldn't fit that one.

Demolition Man
Dirty Harry
Doctor Who
Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure
The Shadow
The Simpsons Pinball Party
The Who's Tommy Pinball Wizard
Last edited:

Captain Rumwood

New member
Apr 25, 2012
It was very difficult to choose. There were at least five more tables I would've chosen.

Voted for:

*Apollo 13 (From the videos I've seen it looks like a very fun table. I'm curious about that 13 ball multi-ball.)

*Elvis (Huge Elvis fan.)

*Freddy: A Nightmare on Elm Street (It brings back memories of my teenage years and the Robert Englund films)

*Hook (WE NEED A PIRATES THEMED PINBALL!!!!I was surprised this one is a licensed table since Robin Williams and Dustin Hoffman likenesses weren't used in the artwork.)

*Indiana Jones: The Pinball Adventure (Huge fan of Indiana Jones. I spent alot of quarters on this one.)

*Lord of the Rings (Love the films)

*Mary Shelley's Frankenstein(Yeah, another one of my favorite monster films. Spent alot of quarters on this one too.)

*Phantom of the Opera (Is it noticeable I'm a Universal Monsters fan???)

*Stargate (Loved the film and loved playing this table back in the 90's)

*Royal Rumble (I know its a long shot, but I wouldn't think twice dropping $100 on a Kickstarter to get this one.)

The five left behind:

*Batman Forever (I thought it was a decent Batman film but way too colorful. I would rather voted for Burton's Batman table)

*Doctor Who (The Doctors ROCK!!!)

*Guns N Roses (Didn't vote for it because this table has a snowball's chance in hell of making it to TPA. It's one of my all-time favorites though)

*Independence Day (Loved the film)

*The Who’s Tommy Pinball Wizard (Brings back alot of great memories from college)

Captain B. Zarre

New member
Apr 16, 2013
Decided to only vote for tables I would actually support on KS (would like to support them all, but I'm not a terribly wealthy man)-
Freddy, JP and BttF. Gonna thow the rest of my votes away with write ins for Tales From the Crypt (unless it wouldn't need a KS), World Series of Poker and Bugs Bunny Birthday Ball. In the interest of full disclosure, I own Bugs. It's fun, but not amazing by any stretch, but I do think the lisense would sell.

Welcome to the forums, Neil, and feel the power of the wind!

It's nice to see another BBBB liker around here. Don't get all the hate for it, it's not that different from BOP (it was even designed by the same person!) I think the ramp in there is possibly one of the best in pinball.


New member
Jun 13, 2012
What would have been great is to have an idea of how much money a kickstarter would need for each. Indiana Jones would probably cost more than Congo for example. I would maybe have changed some of my votes. I voted for Guns N Roses but if Farsight were to say a kickstarter for Guns N Roses would need 500 000$ and a gold swimming pool for Axl I would rather vote for a machine that maybe does not interest me as much but has real chance of having a successful kickstarter.

Freddy would not cost that much... Vote for it. Plus we need more Gottlieb.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Voted for:

Apollo 13 (Sega, 1995)
Back to the Future (Data East, 1990)
Elvis (Stern, 2004)
Freddy : A Nightmare on Elm Street (Gottlieb, 1994)
Goldeneye (Sega, 1996)
Indiana Jones : The Pinball Adventure (Williams, 1993)
Jurassic Park (Data East, 1993)
Star Wars (Data East, 1992)
Terminator 3 : Rise of the Machines (Stern, 2003)
WWF Royal Rumble (Data East, 1994)

Probably should have voted for Simpsons Pinball Party, but I figured that will probably be in the top 2 without me voting for it.


Staff member
May 8, 2012
I'll tell you my reasons. First, I loathe the flippers on Data East machines. Even on a fully shopped, immaculate condition table, the flippers suck. Someone explained to me that there is no end of stroke switch on them as compared to other manufacturers (a cost saving step) and thus they lose power, even within one quarter, depending on how long you are holding them.

Next, Data East machines feel cheep in build quality. Williams tables, they seem bulletproof. DE feels like the Chinese knockoff. When Stern became the only game in town, they had a similar feel.

Now those reasons actually go away once you translate to the digital world, but the next doesn't...they're boring. They look all flash and seem like they might have some cool toys, and then you play and realize how repetitive they are. And not even in a BoP sort of way. There's only been a few that have grabbed my attention, G 'n R being one. I reject Jurassic Park strictly on the basis of it being a mirror layout to Whirlwind and still not as fun. So many DE machines are just carbon copies of Williams/Bally but without the rule set.

So there, that's my rant.

That person was me regarding DE flipper mechanics in an IRC chat on #pinballarcadefans. :)

And it was a common catch-cry of the era that operators (including one I worked for as a 14 year old) referred to DE tables as "two-ramps-a-popper-and-a-feature" ("popper" being a vertical up-kicker). It was a predictable, formulaic design. The only thing differentiating them was the license. And how well that was implemented.


Sep 12, 2012
Guns 'N Roses
Indiana Jones
The Shadow
Jurassic Park
Phantom of the opera
I have played them all either in RL or in VP and those are my choices! :)


New member
Jun 13, 2012
As a huge fan of the NFL I really wish MNF would have been in that poll. I don't know if there is a specialist in legal issues here but would monday night football now being on ESPN not on ABC cause a problem? Same thing with EA exclusvity deal with the NFL?


New member
Apr 10, 2012
I bemoan "Judge Dredd" being left off the list, though I suppose its rights would be much easier to obtain than that of a blockbuster movie, since it's just an indie comic book property.

And as others have mentioned, "Phantom of the Opera" is NOT licensed. Though obviously designed to cash-in on the popularity of the Broadway show, it's based upon the original public domain source material. Farsight could make it now if they wanted, without signing any extra contracts.

Anyway, I voted for most of the Williams, and a couple Data East tables. The licensed Segas never floated my boat.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
What would have been great is to have an idea of how much money a kickstarter would need for each. Indiana Jones would probably cost more than Congo for example. I would maybe have changed some of my votes. I voted for Guns N Roses but if Farsight were to say a kickstarter for Guns N Roses would need 500 000$ and a gold swimming pool for Axl I would rather vote for a machine that maybe does not interest me as much but has real chance of having a successful kickstarter.

Freddy would not cost that much... Vote for it. Plus we need more Gottlieb.

Since this is an unofficial poll its just about what we'd like to see. It has nothing to do with the likelihood of it actually happening.


New member
Apr 27, 2012
As a huge fan of the NFL I really wish MNF would have been in that poll. I don't know if there is a specialist in legal issues here but would monday night football now being on ESPN not on ABC cause a problem? Same thing with EA exclusvity deal with the NFL?

Using the abc logo in association with MNF might be a problem. EA has exclusive rights to video game NFL football not to NFL video pinball machine. But if EA raised a stink the NFL would probably back off and not allow the video pinball machine license.


New member
Apr 17, 2012
Using the abc logo in association with MNF might be a problem. EA has exclusive rights to video game NFL football not to NFL video pinball machine. But if EA raised a stink the NFL would probably back off and not allow the video pinball machine license.

Had a look at the machine, but when looking I also found this machine which I would love to see replicated. The only problem is that they were team specific, but I'm sure picking a team like Green Bay Packers should be fine for most of us. Really it depends on what teams pinball they could get their hands on.


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