Patch 1.25 NA and 1.26 EU


New member
Feb 2, 2015
Here is another reminder for the outstanding issues in SPA (PS4) and TPA (Vita). I've already reported them in separate threads on this forum and by e-mail. I've also got confirmation by e-mail that FarSight is aware of these issues, so if you're able please have a look at them so I don't have to repeat this post every month/patch.

Stern Pinball Arcade issues (PS4):

The Pinball Arcade issues (Vita):

If any additional info is required, please let me know.


Active member
Mar 31, 2012
Tom, can you look into adding the EM flipper hum sound to the PS4 version.

The link above is a video of the El Dorado EM on PC. Notice how you can hear a hum every time a flipper goes up. This does not happen on any of the EMs in the PS4 version.
Mar 9, 2012
Here is another reminder for the outstanding issues in SPA (PS4) and TPA (Vita). I've already reported them in separate threads on this forum and by e-mail. I've also got confirmation by e-mail that FarSight is aware of these issues, so if you're able please have a look at them so I don't have to repeat this post every month/patch.

Stern Pinball Arcade issues (PS4):

The Pinball Arcade issues (Vita):

If any additional info is required, please let me know.

What does this have to do with TPA PS4?


Nov 11, 2012
Because he's a programmer and not a graphics artist.

What he may mean is: can you please bring it up during Project Team meetings, or stick a post-it note on the fridge in the lunchroom, etc. We're lucky to have Tom here who looks at our feedback, but we don't know if the graphics artists are doing the same. There's no way to tell if they are even aware of any issues.


New member
May 28, 2017
Seems really weird how everything has just kind of died out... I think Farsight losing the Williams/Bally licenses is going to be the start of the end... Though some would say the end had already started, at least on the console side of things.... Like I mentioned in another thread talking about the lighting and graphics, I soooo want Farsight to prove me wrong and I'll be the first the apologize andti purchase whatever is new and I don't have if a whole new version came out that actually takes advantage of the current hardware in consoles, but I think that ship has sailed considering how things have been and gotten...

I wonder if the people that purchased all the tables on SPBA that are coming or I should say getting ported to the regular PBA, if we'll have to buy them again just to play and have them all in one place so we don't have to switch all the time, but being that SPBA looks much better and kind of plays a little better, that i'l just stay playing on SPBA as I'm sure most of you would do the same, especially if they make us purchase them again ...


New member
Apr 27, 2017
Seems really weird how everything has just kind of died out... I think Farsight losing the Williams/Bally licenses is going to be the start of the end... Though some would say the end had already started, at least on the console side of things.... Like I mentioned in another thread talking about the lighting and graphics, I soooo want Farsight to prove me wrong and I'll be the first the apologize andti purchase whatever is new and I don't have if a whole new version came out that actually takes advantage of the current hardware in consoles, but I think that ship has sailed considering how things have been and gotten...

I wonder if the people that purchased all the tables on SPBA that are coming or I should say getting ported to the regular PBA, if we'll have to buy them again just to play and have them all in one place so we don't have to switch all the time, but being that SPBA looks much better and kind of plays a little better, that i'l just stay playing on SPBA as I'm sure most of you would do the same, especially if they make us purchase them again ...

I'd like them altogether in one place, providing they still look as good. I certainly ain't buying them again. It'll be a total p**s take if they try and charge for them. (wouldnt surprise me if they did though). I'll just keep SPBA separate.

And yes, it does seem to have gone very quiet again.....but thats just because we're now used to regular info!?


New member
Jul 28, 2013
What he may mean is: can you please bring it up during Project Team meetings, or stick a post-it note on the fridge in the lunchroom, etc. We're lucky to have Tom here who looks at our feedback, but we don't know if the graphics artists are doing the same. There's no way to tell if they are even aware of any issues.

Yes, that's what I mean.


New member
May 28, 2017
Wouldn't it be the programmers job to program or put the code into the game to display the right graphics/art??? Twilight Zone's plunger was showing the tip of it and the rod as you pulled it back before these updates, but now it's gone...

Also what is up with the camera on the T2 table? It is really weird now when you lock the ball in the cannon that moves.... I really liked the way it used to look and probably still looks like on the 360 as that never got updated in over 4 years...

Also, why can't you all just use the coding and physics from Stern PBA on PS4 for the regular PBA on PS4? It looks much better and plays better that else PBA... or why can't we get a whole new updated version of PBA that is more tuned for the PS4 and taking advantage of the PS4 hardware...

You can't tell us with a straight face that the current version of PBA on PS4 is not a port from the PS3 version, or actually I should say a Frankenstein port from the PS3 with some tweaks and updates...

That's probably why there is so many issues with little things and why MORE issues comes up after each update.... Every single update tends to break something else and usually it's something little...

Like I've pointed out a hundred times, Zen came out with a whole new version of Pinball FX with FX3... FX2 was ok, it looked slightly better on PS4 versus the last gen consoles, but not by much.... THEN, when FX3 came out, you could CLEARLY see a huge difference, even with all the older tables... More so of course with the newer tables, but even the older tables are taking advantage of the upgrade and the lighting, etc... Then of course the physics are way better...

The PS4 is going to be around for the next few years or longer and if this is as good as it's going to get for PBA, then what's the point? There really is no reason why the PS4 version doesn't look like the PC version or at least a lot closer to the PC version instead of closer to the PS3 version...

Heck, i'm hearing that the switch version is better than the other console versions?!?! How can that be when the switch is the least powerful console on the market now, maybe because they got a version that was built from the ground up that is taking advantage of its hardware unlike the PS4 version is???

Please forward this to your bosses or whomever is in charge and makes decisions... The game looks nowhere near the screen shots on the PSN store and that's why there ends up being more upset customers on the PS4 and I assume it's the same on XB1 and that's why more people complain and or give up and leave without getting anymore tables...

I guarantee the would be more sells, more customers, more SATISFIED customers, which would also generate more because they/we would be promoting the game and telling people to get it, thus taking the time to do a new updated version with a new UI, better graphics, etc... would be more beneficial in the long run instead of just putting band-aids on the Frankenstein port that we have now...

I can honestly say that as of right now I would NOT recommend PBA on the PS4... I don't even stream the game anymore, not even for the new tables that came out... Ghostbusters was the last one and that was on Stern PBA....

It would be god like amazing if you all got the same options and settings as that Zaccaria Pinball game, but that I know is asking for too much.... All we want is a working game that is just as good as the PC version or as close as possible because it can be done....

We are tired of spending more time adjusting the light settings on each table we play, every time we play, then we do actually playing the game.... It just never looks right at all... Even with the latest updates... It doesn't look right....

Oh and finally, that lighter ball option doesn't seem to work anymore... I think it got turned off or something happened to it... No matter if it's on or off there is no noticeable difference between the two... Especially with tge default ball.... We shouldn't have to buy the glow balls just to be able to play the game...


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