PC Tournament 2015-09-25: F-14, WhD, FT, TOff, ElDo, HD3, BS, LCA


New member
May 4, 2012
And TO takes little time to dominate:

                                      | combined rank on each table:            |
dT RANK. PTS USERNAME          | t AP | -F14---WD---FT-Teed-ElDo-HD3E-BigS--LCA |
sS    1. 705 Tarek Oberdieck   | 8 88 |    1    4    1    5    4   20   11    3 |
pG    2. 666 choset            | 7 83 |   33   14    7   10    8    7   14   21 |
sS    3. 663 krakehz           | 8 82 |   15    2   20   20   49    5   16   35 |
pG    4. 659 Voof              | 7 82 |   33   20   29    8    6   39    9   13 |
pG    5. 655 franginxx06       | 7 82 |   33   36   13   15    9   13   18   47 |
sS    6. 650 Snorzel83         | 7 81 |   33   15   23   14   26   68   17   16 |
sS    7. 650 Viljem Zajec      | 7 81 |   33    7   40   53   17   12   21   32 |
pG    8. 646 Stonehedge16      | 7 80 |   33   24   28   61   32   15    6   42 |
pG    9. 645 Ouazegaga         | 7 80 |   33   11   17   54   16    4   91   20 |
pB   10. 640 ckknockerII       | 7 79 |   33   90  111   19   14   16    2   27 |
pG   11. 639 PEPSCHMIER        | 7 79 |   33   95   35    4   13   65   15   24 |
sG   12. 637 EldarOfSuburbia   | 8 79 |   21   34    4   65   40   10   25   98 |
sS   13. 635 guilbaua          | 8 79 |    2   26   37   56  112   30   27   55 |
sG   14. 634 invitro           | 6 84 |   33  236   10    1   12   89   24    9 |
pG   15. 631 Achika_Kuonji     | 7 78 |   33   12   64   69   51   24   64   22 |
pS   16. 629 xxtritium03xx     | 7 78 |   33   54    9   22   44   22  107   60 |
pS   17. 628 x_Zot_x           | 7 78 |   33   61   34   21   95   50   56    8 |
pS   18. 626 smotpoker42088    | 7 77 |   33   29   11   36   75  129   42   15 |
sB   19. 616 inkspill19        | 8 77 |   31   84   78   67   15   75   47   38 |
pS   20. 614 LoKahn            | 7 76 |   33  115   14   79   46   44   86   26 |
dT RANK. PTS USERNAME          | t AP | -F14---WD---FT-Teed-ElDo-HD3E-BigS--LCA |
pG   21. 612 Elvis-PARRA-EELS  | 6 84 |   33    9    3    9    7  384    8    5 |
sG   22. 612 Olivier           | 8 76 |    9  100   45   73   57   81   20   75 |
pG   23. 609 murmelmann007     | 7 75 |   33    6   32   62   48   25  223   51 |
sS   24. 600 tero              | 8 75 |    8   60   12   39  198   11   76  132 |
pS   25. 600 hasto40           | 6 78 |   33   38   76   68   39   34   33  217 |
pG   26. 599 MikeBaiano        | 7 74 |   33   27   30  170   80   41  132   28 |
pS   27. 599 Wettex67          | 7 74 |   33   71   73   29   30   85  199   23 |
pG   28. 596 mallraider75      | 7 73 |   33   82  152   16   31    3  123  120 |
sB   29. 594 Intelligamer      | 8 74 |   11   65   18   33  131  107   84  128 |
pG   30. 593 pttg84            | 7 73 |   33   83   22   41   89  133   85   92 |

d = device: s=Steam (PC/Mac), m=Mobile (iOS/Android/"other"), p=PSN (PS3/PS4)
T = tier (G=Gold, S=Silver, B=Bronze)
RANK = combined rank (rank among players, in all tiers, on all devices)
PTS = total points (using the 100/90/85/85-x/.../1+x/1 Farsight system)
t = number of tables played
AP = average number of points per table

highest scores on BigShot:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. pcash2                       552,740 | psn GOLD   |
    2. ckknockerII                  512,600 | psn BRONZE |
    3. GrandTheftRyan15             491,780 | psn GOLD   |
    4. djchrille                    410,370 | psn GOLD   |
    5. RedK-Steel                   408,430 | psn GOLD   |
    6. Stonehedge16                 386,470 | psn GOLD   |
    7. Massive_Drake76              378,210 | psn GOLD   |
    8. Elvis-PARRA-EELS             376,660 | psn GOLD   |
    9. Voof                         375,660 | psn GOLD   |
   10. pinballwiz45b                357,310 | pc  GOLD   |
   11. Tarek Oberdieck              350,470 | pc  SILVER |
   12. jack37813                    344,940 | psn BRONZE |
   13. aquinty                      339,750 | psn GOLD   |
   14. choset                       310,110 | psn GOLD   |
   15. PEPSCHMIER                   309,690 | psn GOLD   |
   16. krakehz                      300,890 | pc  SILVER |
   17. Snorzel83                    299,390 | pc  SILVER |
   18. franginxx06                  298,960 | psn GOLD   |
   19. henrikf                      273,130 | pc  SILVER |
   20. Olivier                      272,600 | pc  GOLD   |

highest scores on ElDor:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. Massive_Drake76            3,859,500 | psn GOLD   |
    2. RedK-Steel                 3,532,720 | psn GOLD   |
    3. pcash2                     2,894,500 | psn GOLD   |
    4. Tarek Oberdieck            2,740,370 | pc  SILVER |
    5. tripp42072                 2,390,460 | psn GOLD   |
    6. Voof                       2,343,290 | psn GOLD   |
    7. Elvis-PARRA-EELS           2,330,550 | psn GOLD   |
    8. choset                     2,258,220 | psn GOLD   |
    9. franginxx06                2,188,930 | psn GOLD   |
   10. MaxVanUppercut             2,175,950 | psn SILVER |
   11. games_blond                2,149,900 | psn GOLD   |
   12. invitro                    2,140,280 | pc  GOLD   |
   13. PEPSCHMIER                 2,076,300 | psn GOLD   |
   14. ckknockerII                1,968,180 | psn BRONZE |
   15. inkspill19                 1,896,410 | pc  BRONZE |
   16. Ouazegaga                  1,871,070 | psn GOLD   |
   17. Viljem Zajec               1,858,160 | pc  SILVER |
   18. lobbers1                   1,807,980 | psn GOLD   |
   19. Dreamdemon11               1,764,950 | psn GOLD   |
   20. X-Vor-X                    1,691,080 | psn BRONZE |

highest scores on F14:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. Tarek Oberdieck           11,522,830 | pc  SILVER |
    2. guilbaua                   9,817,750 | pc  SILVER |
    3. ZOGSLAYER                  8,943,080 | pc  SILVER |
    4. Nickoss II                 7,941,830 | pc  SILVER |
    5. henrikf                    7,321,860 | pc  SILVER |
    6. Slayer213Slayer            6,924,810 | pc  SILVER |
    7. AirmanKJE                  6,251,060 | pc  BRONZE |
    8. tero                       6,078,850 | pc  SILVER |
    9. Olivier                    5,665,490 | pc  GOLD   |
   10. Spelter                    5,100,140 | pc  GOLD   |
   11. Intelligamer               4,952,350 | pc  BRONZE |
   12. applezz13                  4,056,610 | pc  SILVER |
   13. KimmiKat                   4,001,460 | pc  SILVER |
   14. MattTW                     3,856,230 | pc  GOLD   |
   15. krakehz                    3,798,540 | pc  SILVER |
   16. Daddio                     3,769,820 | pc  SILVER |
   17. storm                      3,547,860 | pc  SILVER |
   18. Ayrton12                   3,252,570 | pc  SILVER |
   19. baelgor                    2,974,400 | pc  SILVER |
   20. RunnerTK                   2,950,750 | pc  SILVER |

highest scores on FT:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. Tarek Oberdieck        2,765,983,680 | pc  SILVER |
    2. pinballwiz45b          1,964,808,560 | pc  GOLD   |
    3. Elvis-PARRA-EELS       1,271,809,630 | psn GOLD   |
    4. EldarOfSuburbia        1,169,293,190 | pc  GOLD   |
    5. kenralf                1,107,961,780 | psn BRONZE |
    6. stinkvoet                836,901,420 | psn GOLD   |
    7. choset                   763,992,420 | psn GOLD   |
    8. kay989                   709,295,000 | psn GOLD   |
    9. xxtritium03xx            625,433,150 | psn SILVER |
   10. invitro                  621,416,000 | pc  GOLD   |
   11. smotpoker42088           616,000,580 | psn SILVER |
   12. tero                     575,271,060 | pc  SILVER |
   13. franginxx06              532,035,970 | psn GOLD   |
   14. LoKahn                   519,931,500 | psn SILVER |
   15. Ryllou2501               499,019,200 | psn BRONZE |
   16. RunnerTK                 494,521,590 | pc  SILVER |
   17. Ouazegaga                483,737,330 | psn GOLD   |
   18. Intelligamer             457,261,640 | pc  BRONZE |
   19. MotorCreed               443,783,090 | psn BRONZE |
   20. krakehz                  443,507,780 | pc  SILVER |

highest scores on HD3E:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. gr8witchking             672,484,390 | psn GOLD   |
    2. Terpsichore6             662,536,280 | psn GOLD   |
    3. mallraider75             631,252,460 | psn GOLD   |
    4. Ouazegaga                606,896,350 | psn GOLD   |
    5. krakehz                  596,253,960 | pc  SILVER |
    6. tito                     582,250,140 | pc  BRONZE |
    7. choset                   572,627,980 | psn GOLD   |
    8. MaxVanUppercut           552,945,760 | psn SILVER |
    9. Krakehz                  536,843,880 | psn GOLD   |
   10. EldarOfSuburbia          527,669,830 | pc  GOLD   |
   11. tero                     499,150,640 | pc  SILVER |
   12. Viljem Zajec             490,058,240 | pc  SILVER |
   13. franginxx06              483,465,410 | psn GOLD   |
   14. kenralf                  483,086,750 | psn BRONZE |
   15. Stonehedge16             478,153,400 | psn GOLD   |
   16. ckknockerII              477,762,920 | psn BRONZE |
   17. Smerrell                 473,394,160 | pc  SILVER |
   18. switch3flip              472,603,390 | pc  GOLD   |
   19. KBJAXMAN                 469,818,150 | psn GOLD   |
   20. Tarek Oberdieck          466,552,790 | pc  SILVER |

highest scores on HRC:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    ?. kenralf                2,012,043,160 | psn BRONZE |
    ?. rimmjobb1977           1,870,857,430 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. Stonehedge16           1,820,520,870 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. kategator              1,595,279,930 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. djchrille              1,528,713,940 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. x_Zot_x                1,303,653,440 | psn SILVER |
    ?. Zeus-O123              1,200,092,440 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. choset                 1,189,383,150 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. PEPSCHMIER             1,172,659,230 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. k44sax                 1,142,328,240 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. grahamgrilli           1,104,681,790 | psn SILVER |
    ?. franginxx06            1,098,310,390 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. ckknockerII            1,060,852,650 | psn BRONZE |
    ?. kampen81               1,031,835,200 | psn SILVER |
    ?. smotpoker42088         1,008,294,720 | psn SILVER |
    ?. MikeBaiano               992,310,840 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. kay989                   987,585,070 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. Ouazegaga                986,727,440 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. PHDrawde                 920,167,840 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. Jashugan-00              843,023,640 | psn SILVER |

highest scores on HRC:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    ?. kenralf                2,012,043,160 | psn BRONZE |
    ?. rimmjobb1977           1,870,857,430 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. Stonehedge16           1,820,520,870 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. kategator              1,595,279,930 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. djchrille              1,528,713,940 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. x_Zot_x                1,303,653,440 | psn SILVER |
    ?. Zeus-O123              1,200,092,440 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. choset                 1,189,383,150 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. PEPSCHMIER             1,172,659,230 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. k44sax                 1,142,328,240 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. grahamgrilli           1,104,681,790 | psn SILVER |
    ?. franginxx06            1,098,310,390 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. ckknockerII            1,060,852,650 | psn BRONZE |
    ?. kampen81               1,031,835,200 | psn SILVER |
    ?. smotpoker42088         1,008,294,720 | psn SILVER |
    ?. MikeBaiano               992,310,840 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. kay989                   987,585,070 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. Ouazegaga                986,727,440 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. PHDrawde                 920,167,840 | psn GOLD   |
    ?. Jashugan-00              843,023,640 | psn SILVER |

highest scores on LCA:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. jacques6873               34,156,700 | pc  BRONZE |
    2. pinballwiz45b             26,538,580 | pc  GOLD   |
    3. Tarek Oberdieck           25,270,780 | pc  SILVER |
    4. MWink                     25,153,920 | pc  GOLD   |
    5. Elvis-PARRA-EELS          22,712,070 | psn GOLD   |
    6. jac1k                     22,109,200 | pc  GOLD   |
    7. switch3flip               18,966,180 | pc  GOLD   |
    8. x_Zot_x                   17,252,450 | psn SILVER |
    9. invitro                   16,417,990 | pc  GOLD   |
   10. OnibakuShonan [pS]        16,010,170 | psn SILVER |
   10. OnibakuShonan [pB]        16,010,170 | psn BRONZE |
   12. devilishwonder67          14,857,570 | pc  SILVER |
   13. Voof                      14,287,060 | psn GOLD   |
   14. kay989                    14,229,950 | psn GOLD   |
   15. smotpoker42088            13,976,030 | psn SILVER |
   16. Snorzel83                 13,842,930 | pc  SILVER |
   17. catsarefun2009            12,995,960 | psn SILVER |
   18. Makk_31650                12,980,980 | psn GOLD   |
   19. RUFFLESROSCOMMON          12,873,890 | psn SILVER |
   20. Ouazegaga                 12,846,210 | psn GOLD   |

highest scores on TeedOff:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. invitro                3,895,792,190 | pc  GOLD   |
    2. wilfriedleboss         3,128,147,650 | psn BRONZE |
    3. Dreamdemon11           2,931,456,640 | psn GOLD   |
    4. PEPSCHMIER             2,778,931,940 | psn GOLD   |
    5. Tarek Oberdieck        2,767,742,150 | pc  SILVER |
    6. rimmjobb1977           2,679,476,170 | psn GOLD   |
    7. RedK-Steel             2,492,694,610 | psn GOLD   |
    8. Voof                   2,458,905,790 | psn GOLD   |
    9. Elvis-PARRA-EELS       2,345,998,190 | psn GOLD   |
   10. choset                 2,205,367,700 | psn GOLD   |
   11. AirmanKJE              2,011,429,480 | pc  BRONZE |
   12. FLUFFYBUNNY187         1,998,904,050 | psn BRONZE |
   13. jac1k                  1,859,443,590 | pc  GOLD   |
   14. Snorzel83              1,808,377,310 | pc  SILVER |
   15. franginxx06            1,805,131,060 | psn GOLD   |
   16. mallraider75           1,778,690,120 | psn GOLD   |
   17. Krakehz                1,729,645,120 | psn GOLD   |
   18. MartinWolf             1,528,549,050 | psn GOLD   |
   19. ckknockerII            1,475,309,790 | psn BRONZE |
   20. krakehz                1,462,164,010 | pc  SILVER |

highest scores on WD:
cRANK. USERNAME                       SCORE | DEV TIER   |
    1. pinballwiz45b         19,544,146,550 | pc  GOLD   |
    2. krakehz               18,622,988,860 | pc  SILVER |
    3. SHO                   16,035,874,940 | pc  SILVER |
    4. Tarek Oberdieck       14,332,033,010 | pc  SILVER |
    5. kenralf               13,414,025,890 | psn BRONZE |
    6. murmelmann007         12,748,984,910 | psn GOLD   |
    7. Viljem Zajec          12,502,295,270 | pc  SILVER |
    8. Terpsichore6          10,887,461,670 | psn GOLD   |
    9. Elvis-PARRA-EELS      10,463,630,330 | psn GOLD   |
   10. valere                10,444,850,890 | pc  BRONZE |
   11. Ouazegaga             10,209,570,610 | psn GOLD   |
   12. Achika_Kuonji         10,208,088,540 | psn GOLD   |
   13. Togaone               10,148,273,300 | psn SILVER |
   14. choset                10,145,356,400 | psn GOLD   |
   15. Snorzel83              9,061,411,100 | pc  SILVER |
   16. kategator              8,855,840,880 | psn GOLD   |
   17. manystangs             8,847,792,920 | psn BRONZE |
   18. natezebra              8,740,002,140 | pc  SILVER |
   19. rimmjobb1977           8,665,259,210 | psn GOLD   |
   20. Voof                   8,507,496,250 | psn GOLD   |

cRANK = combined rank (rank among players, in all tiers, on all devices)
d = device: s=Steam (PC/Mac), m=Mobile (iOS/Android/"other"), p=PSN (PS3/PS4)
T = tier (G=Gold, S=Silver, B=Bronze)
cPTS = points given for cRANK (using the 100/90/85/85-x/.../1+x/1 Farsight system)
tRANK = rank in the player's device and tier (where this score was made)
tPTS = points given for tRANK (using 100/90/85/85-x/.../1+x/1 Farsight system)

If a username looks like "karl [sG]", this means that karl played
in >1 tournament, and this is his score for Steam Gold.

(I will have to find a way to merge the F14 and HRC scores.)


New member
May 4, 2012
:) And first in WD now too. I have no ambition to beat all divisions in this tournament. I don't like most of the tables. Main goal is climb into the gold group only this time...
Hey Tarek... you're not 1st in F-14 Tomcat any more. ;) Now you d-d-d-d-die!

I am looking forward to the month when you try to get the top score on all tables, all devices, all tiers.

Tarek Oberdieck

New member
Jan 18, 2015
Hey Tarek... you're not 1st in F-14 Tomcat any more. ;) Now you d-d-d-d-die!

I am looking forward to the month when you try to get the top score on all tables, all devices, all tiers.

The 11,9M invitro score?. I will fix this later next week. ;) F-14 is one of my favorites in this tournament.


New member
May 4, 2012
YAY HD3 can also loose a ball in multiball :mad:
I had that happen. After being in tilt for about 10 seconds, a new ball was launched. Multiballs continued after I lost all but one ball, and when I lost that one, I tilted and the cycle continued. I think it helped my score a little, but I can't complete the video mode so it doesn't matter.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
OMG I'm so bad at Bigshot and Eldorado.. I just can't get anywhere with this kind of table :-(
In the amateur Bronze bracket those are the two that kill me... just no fun at all and got no feel for the lazy way the ball moves.


Mar 5, 2014
It seems Tee'd Off, Big Shot and ElDor are always bundled up in tourneys... I'm back from a trip and have joined the competition in the mobile tourney. My first game on Big Shot and I beat my high score. Pretty happy about that! :)
Not looking forward to learn that damn HD video mode again, but there's no way around that I guess :)


New member
Apr 24, 2013
It seems Tee'd Off, Big Shot and ElDor are always bundled up in tourneys... I'm back from a trip and have joined the competition in the mobile tourney. My first game on Big Shot and I beat my high score. Pretty happy about that! :)
Not looking forward to learn that damn HD video mode again, but there's no way around that I guess :)
Uh Oh. Bad news for the rest of gold mobile. :).


New member
Feb 8, 2014
Once again a certain player has come in and within the space of 24 hours got the #1 score in all tables in Gold. Some scores by "just enough", and I'd like to compare those scores with scores in other tiers/platforms. A couple have since been beaten, but it's all too suspicious in my mind.


Jan 30, 2013
Once again a certain player has come in and within the space of 24 hours got the #1 score in all tables in Gold. Some scores by "just enough", and I'd like to compare those scores with scores in other tiers/platforms. A couple have since been beaten, but it's all too suspicious in my mind.

I agree, I got very suspicious right away, top scores on all tables in no time at all, and just by mockingly enough in most cases. He's a disser alright (dizzer2012). Then when his score got beat, like I did on f14 by a good margin, a score just above the new top score gets set pretty fast. He was in your tier last tourney Eldar, how was the behaviour there? In the previous tourney his scores barely make top 20 judging by the spreadsheet here http://digitalpinballfans.com/showt...e-Diner-BK2K-GoinNuts-Centaur-ToM-RBIoN/page5. Now most are if not highest, then top 3. (You can see all the scores from all the tiers/platforms currently being played here http://www.pinballarcade.com/Tournaments/ ) Sure, most of the tables this time around are not very sexy so they probably don't get as much playtime as last tourney. I think many of us just post a score and move on this time. But then again, these tables are pretty obscure in the TPA library and to suddenly know them all well enough to post relative top scores right away on all of them, combined with the much poorer scores last tourney sure is incoherent bahaviour.
Ok, all the previous fake scorers might make me a little paranoid, and if the scores are legit then kudos to him. But you know, the way to fake your way without being caught on the way is to sneak by just enough, and win by just enough, but the name and behaviour is suspisious to say the least and I surely call fake.

The thing is, I actually hope the scores are real, because stiffer competition actually makes it easier to win because one guy doesn't hog all the extra points for being in 1:st, and it would be needed for upcoming tourneys if we want to have a chance to give Tarek a run for his money. But I want to play a fair competition and unfortunately I don't think this is the case.
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