PC Tournament 2015-09-25: F-14, WhD, FT, TOff, ElDo, HD3, BS, LCA


New member
Feb 19, 2015
Until Farsight delivers a safe system (and I guess anything can be hacked) no scores are safe from being accused. Also there is no rule stating that you must post regularly on these forums to have legit scores. I guess what I am saying is: Relax and enjoy playing pinball.


Jan 30, 2013
Thank you all for the big compliments. If somebody hates cheaters it would be me. I think cheater with online leaderboards are sad people with really tiny **** (i censured it myself). I also emailed FarSight about great compliments and asked if they can provide some proof. But I was thinking. I will film all my scores for the next tournament. Just to make you look sutpid. And i'll post it on youtube.

But thanks again for the great compliments. I'm so good people think i'm cheating. Never would have thought i would be that good!

What I don't get is the one that is really suspicious is praised like some God. Mister Tarek. What's up with the 99 bilion score on Medieval? How many days have u played and left on your PC to get that score?

Hey man, don't worry it's nothing personal. Congrats if you deserve it. Unfortunately there is a constant flood of cheaters on the leaderboard. And all the cheaters just make us paranoid. But they're usually very obvious. And luckily they have been taken away before reaching gold division in the tourneys. I guess we're just waiting for some cheater to play it cool and just creep along and stay low with the scores and not stick out, which seemed what you did. So it's not that we think you are so good you must be cheating, it's that last tourney your scores were barely good enough for top 20 and this time they were all like top 3 across platforms and divisions vary fast, and I admit I didn't follow the standings the first day or two, but when I looked at the tourney your scores were suddenly there and it seemed almost all were no:1 by the tiniest amount. Usually the good players will put up some scores that are just enough maybe but also a couple that are greatly better than the no:2 score, especially early on. It was like you didn't want to stick out, which made you stick out, if you understand what I mean. That and what seems to be a big inconsistensy in your scores. All of a sudden like 3-4 no:1 highscores on regular leaderboard posted on the same day. It's this kind of behaviour that just seems weird, not your scores themselves. You now, not only do we have the stream of opportunistic cheaters, also there are some real psychos out there who seem to take any shortcoming of Farsights products as a personal attack and they go to great lengths and pretty much make it their no:1 life priority to mess with Farsight and they do anything to hack, ridicule and just fu*k with everything they can. Yeah seriously. And the same guy(s?) are persisent and have been at it for a long time. Sorry it had to affect you.

I don't at all think anybody better must be a cheater. I certainly know there are many great players out there. If I ever think I am somewhat good at pinball, next visit to my local pinclub will sure be a reality check and put my feet back on the ground.
Too bad you can't post anymore and explain the inconsistensies and what's up with the sudden burst of scores, but it don't matter you don't have to explain yourself, I was just curious I just find it odd. Maybe you have a steep learning curve. Maybe you just went unnoticed before. Maybe the tables weren't very popular this time so the scores were lower overall. (We all know Fish Tales was the only table worth playing this month, right ;) )

Anyway, great playing, looking forward to next months tourney and hopefully better table selection and looking forward to your streams, I always enjoy watching other people play.

Thanks to you all and congrats to everyone who endured this months selection.
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New member
Sep 22, 2015
If you play at that level in anything you will always be looked at as a possible cheater. How you take it shows a lot about who you are. Embrace the players and offering them approval is a good step. Calling them names... Not so much. Can't blame others for being suspicious in high scores in anything. Keep enjoying pinball!


New member
Sep 27, 2012
why wait until next tournament to record such high scores when able to display beautiful youtube scores now? many people pinbalerz prefer possible plausible perfect predetermined pinball scores.
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Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I don't get why he can't post here? Most of the players that play TPA that much seems to spend some time here as well. He does come off as a total dick in that post though so maybe it's for the best.

I don't know if it's the same guy or not (it sounds like it), but Gord approves every membership request. And some times people take offense to this and start berating him and the forum with emails that look exactly like the one posted above. Can't imagine why they're request doesn't get approved!


New member
Aug 20, 2014
Don't think I'll ever get accused of being a cheat with my scores :) For me it's not about winning...it's about surviving! Thought I was a goner this month but managed to survive relegation. What kept me in this month was reading the rules for big shot. I presumed that big scores came from lighting up all the balls and after a rule read, realised that wasn't quite the case and went from bottom of the table to around the half way mark in 1 game. Really does make a difference knowing how a table scores.


Active member
Jun 3, 2014
I never post big scores.
I don't want to be accused of being a cheater.
This. And my average skills.


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I only had a chance to play one day this time, but that's good too. As detailed in a past BlahCade Podcast, I need limited playtime in order to keep the week long tourney sane and fun for me. Anyway, I'm out of the Bronze!! Barely. Of the 26 advancing, I took 25th. Pleased though, as I still don't have F-14 so I was only able to post a score using the demo table (so sub 650,000). As much as I hate Harley, that was the table I concentrated on most as I can run the whole 20 minutes on it and just did video mode after video mode (safest way to score and not lose balls!)


New member
Apr 24, 2013
We had this same problem with in mobile when the tourneys first really got going. A few people implied that my scores and a few others were maybe not legit. Gotta say it was a bit shocking to be accused of cheating and it almost put me right off this game. I guess maybe I'm naive but I tend to think that everyone out there is putting up honest scores until absolutely proven to be a cheater by a moderator here or someone from farsight. Just sayin.
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New member
Feb 19, 2015
Congrats shutyertrap... you will probably advance from silver before me then. I have been stuck in silver level since the second tournament. :)


Mar 5, 2014
Of course! That's why I tilted out of my last game. Don't want to edge just ahead and then be called a cheater :) or I'm just an idiot :)


Active member
Nov 6, 2013
Honestly, that post makes Dizzer look more suspicious to me. It's not plausible that he's actually as good as the scores indicate but doesn't understand that going infinite on Medieval Madness is easily possible.

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