Bug PC Version 1.19.6 Bugs

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BUG: When unlocking goals (standard goal, wizard goal, high score) in Steam offline mode, the achievement does NOT get unlocked when going online again. This is default behavior for other games and should work if the game was started online once. Playing the table again does not help.
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New member
Aug 18, 2013
BUG: When unlocking goals (standard goal, wizard goal, high score) in Steam offline mode, the achievement does NOT get unlocked when going online again. This is default behavior for other games and should work if the game was started online once. Playing the table again does not help.

this is not implemented yet (is on "future features" list you can see in articles on info page here on paf), so nothing to wonder


New member
Oct 20, 2012
Pin*Bot: Balls won't lock in eye sockets or bonus hole just to the left of the visor.
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 610 with 2GB frame buffer
System Ram: 3GB
Version #1.19.6
Display Mode: “Full Screen”
Display Resolution: “1024x768”

Frequency of Occurrence: “75% of the time”

Expected Result: “When ball is shot into visor or bonus hole, they should latch in ”
Actual Result:”The ball bounces against the rear wall and comes back out”

Comment: I also had this problem on my Nexus 7, but since the Android table upgrade, it's to a lesser extent-about 30% of the time.


New member
Jun 11, 2012
Bug: General. Rollover scores are not stored on some tables
OS Version: Windows 7, 64bit
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GTX 660
Ram: 16GB
Version 1.19.6
Display Mode: Windowed
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time when applicable

Expected Result: I play Creature from the Black Lagoon or Tee'd Off for several hours and get sweet scores and stuff
Actual Result: I play Creature from the Black Lagoon or Tee'd Off for several hours and I get nothing, because the leaderboards fail
to store scores past the game rollover on some tables. So far these two.

Personal note: I'm extremely tee'd off.
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Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012
Version 1.19.6: Plans to fix this?


Crazy Newt

Dec 2, 2012
BUG: on Medieval Madness "activate Royal Madness multiball" wizard goal did not register when this multiball mode was activated during game.

I believe to get the Wizard goal, you have to have all 5 madness options lit for 4-ball multiball play: damsel, catapult, peasant, joust, and trolls all must be lit before starting the madness. It worked for me this way.


New member
Nov 6, 2013
TPA version: 1.20.4
Bug: After entering my initials for a highscore run in Scared Stiff, the score was submitted successfully, but then the game stopped responding to any and all input - had to force quit through the task manager and restart the game to continue playing.


New member
Sep 14, 2013
Confirming issue 15-007 as also being present on the PC version. EATPM doesn't award more than one extra ball per ball in play at least from the right ramp. I like it better this way but I guess a bug's a bug.

Yep. Only one including the replay score extra ball.
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