PC Version 1.22.7 Bugs

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New member
Sep 14, 2013
Title Bug: Gorgar Scoreboard
OS Version: Windows 7 Ultimate 64-Bit
Graphics Card: nVidia GeForce 8800GT 512MB
Ram: 4GB
Version 1.22.7
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1280x720
Frequency of Occurrence: All the time

I second that one. Just have a Radeon graphic card, the rest is the same. I thought I messed something up but now I know it's a bug.:)

Mike Reitmeyer

FarSight Employee
Mar 13, 2012
Title Bug: Black Rose Special, when hitting the special in pirates cove correctly program tells you (DMD):"Special:0" no award, no Extraball
OS Version: Windows Vista
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 640
Ram: 4GB
Version #1.22.7
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080
Frequency of Occurrence: 80% every ball that enters pirates cove in Special mode

Expected Result: If you enter pirates cove while special is lit there, the game normally gives you an Extraball (description)

Actual Result:Entering pirates cove, when special lit don`t give you an Extraball as expected and shows "special:0" on DMD

Comment: I`m sinking two ships. Then I´m waiting, if I must hit the cove or the right lane for Special EB (limited time). Mostly it is pirates cove. I stop the ball with the right flipper and hit the cove in time. Unfortunately no Extra Ball. Sometimes the program works correct (about 2 out of 10 tries).

Special is set to award points. It says 0 but that is a bug with the real rom. You get millions of points it just doesn't show it on the special display. Your score does go up.


Well-known member
Aug 12, 2012


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Title Bug: Cannot skip status updates between balls on Fish Tales by holding both flipper buttons - work on previous tables where applicable/expected
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Graphics Card: NVIDIA geForce GX 580
Ram: 16GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.22.7
Display Mode: Any
Display Resolution: 1920x1200

Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time

Expected Result: Quick flip of status updates between balls if you hold both flipper buttons
Actual Result: Status updates between balls play full length version regardless of whether both flipper are held or not

Comment: Works fine in previous tables - seems to be just this one.


New member
Feb 8, 2013
Title Bug: Configurator displays resolutions for the wrong monitor in a 3-screen multi monitor environment
OS Version: Windows 8.1
Graphics Card: NVIDIA geForce GX 580
Ram: 16GB
Version #(Bottom right of game screen): 1.22.7
Display Mode: Any
Display Resolution: 1920x1200

Frequency of Occurrence: 100% of the time

Expected Result: Display 1 is left screen. Monitor 3 is center screen and windows primary. Monitor 2 is right and rotated 90 degrees
Actual Result: Configurator displays Monitor 2 resolution list for Monitor 3 and vice versa - the names are displayed correctly. Crashes silently when monitor 1 or 3 are selected.

Comment: Works fine in previous releases

LOG.TXT (After selecting Monitor 1 1200x1920 - ConfigUtil displayed rotated resolution but monitor not actually rotated - Monitor 2 is rotated)
vs 1.22.7
Main Start
Init Steam
Init Achievements
Init Heap
Largest Memory Chunk = 791281664
Alloc Resource Heap
Init Resource Heap
Alloc Resource Heap2
Init Resource Heap
Alloc Object Heap
Init Object Heap
Alloc Lua Heap
Init Lua Heap
Alloc STL Heap
Init STL Heap
Init Game
IMemoryInterface - Allocate
IMemoryInterface - InitHeap
Set display mode
Resolution = 640x480
PixelFormat = 0
DepthFormat = 0
StencilBits = 0


New member
Nov 5, 2013
Title Bug: "New game won't start after first game - No Good Gofers"
OS Version: Windows 7
Graphics Card: NVIDIA Geforce GT 670
Ram: 6GB
Version: 1.22.7
Display Mode: “Full Screen”
Display Resolution: “1920x1080”

Frequency of Occurrence: “Only happens sometimes, I first though it was due to pressing to fast but now it doesn't seem to be doing it anymore, it might happen on other tables too.”

Expected Result: “After first game ends and pressing start it should start a new game.”
Actual Result:”Instead of starting new game it just continues the rollovers of the table.”

Comment: Just play a game on No Good Gofers and then press start for new game after game is finished.
Last edited:


New member
Apr 16, 2013
Glitch/Bug: Twilight Zone. Tilt during end of round bonus on the 3rd ball. TILT text stays on screen during extra (4th) ball and prevents play (player maintains flipper control but flippers act transparent and don't interact with the ball)
OS Version: Windows 8.1 Pro
Graphics Card: AMD XFX Radeon 7870 2gb
Ram: 8GB
Version: 1.22.7
Display Mode: Full Screen
Display Resolution: 1920x1080

Frequency of Occurrence: Twice

Expected Result: TILT text and penalty ends when next ball is ready to start
Actual Result: TILT text stays on screen and prevents play

Comment: Please be descriptive. Explain the steps taken to produce the bug and explain exactly what happened as a result.
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