Perfect time for Farsight to...


New member
Dec 23, 2012
I know it's been hashed up over and over but there are different circumstances now...with one table a month, the time saved from porting the re-release can be used to polish off the masterful list of season 1 greats. being as that season 1 has so many top tables, this NEEDS to be done at some point, as we all know (it could slide if it had a lineup of reserves, but we're talking the cream of the crop). Pinball After Dark will be great, but will likely kill any chance of this ever happening if it's not in this window of pinball heaven sent perfection. What are the chances of it happening?

Been away from the forums for a while I know, sorry if it's already been beat to death.


New member
Jun 4, 2012
id agree, but theres no point having a debate abiut it, if anyone would like to see this we would have to send all requests to support


New member
May 18, 2012
Well, I do hope they at least will finaly make a fix for Black Hole. It is the only table left on my iPad2 with terrible stuttering/lag issues. And that's such a pitty for this classic.


New member
Feb 21, 2012
They seem to have suggested that they are turning the tables out a little faster now during the Twitchcast last week. They have also mentioned they are doing a lot of tweaks for the PS4 builds that should trickle to other platforms. Largely artwork improvements but some bug fixes as well.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Let's not forget they are also working on that ps3 mega patch. They sorely needed that.
Small team and only so much time.


New member
Dec 23, 2012
just to be clear, I'm referring to errors or bugs and physics issues...graphical overhaul and visual appeal are not of importance... MM, MB, BK, RBION, BH, CV...the list goes on and these aren't take em or leave em tables these are top 25 of all time will be a disgusting mark if the top REAL tables are garbage in the VIRTUAL arcade, it would be similar to keeping the division winners out of the playoffs, or the pole winner starts a lap down in last, or the top end of the bell curve getting FLUNKED...think about it.

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