Physics Spinout Observations


New member
Sep 1, 2012
iOS6 / iPad 3

One thing that I have noticed is the plunger and Spinout physics are too predictable. Basically pull the plunger back all the way and you are guaranteed the 100K x the multiplier every time. While that is good for scoring it is not realistic in terms of the real machine where you had to work it to get it a lot more. It would be nice to make sure a full plunger shot won't get you this big multiplier or throw in just a bit of randomness.... like dust and worn spinout mechanism to mix it up.

Anyone agree here?
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Richard B

New member
Apr 7, 2012
While some things (like eject holes) are better with some randomness, as this is the way real machines are, putting that randomness in a skill shot would push it too far towards luck. Having more sensitivity in the physics is always welcome, but I think they've more important issues to iron out first.


New member
Sep 1, 2012
Interesting. On my iPad2 /iOS 6, full strength gets me 5k consistently.

Upgrade to an iPad 3? lol...

Off topic - Seeing you are from San Jose did you go to the recent Pinball Expo? There was a Taxi there but I never got to play it. I'm in the Bay area as well.

an ox

New member
May 28, 2012
I have the iPad 3 and certainly don't get a consistent 100k with a full plunge. Usually it wraps round and I get some small score the second time round.

There does appear to be some random variation in the shot strength or the physics. Plunging from the same place sometimes seems to yield much faster spins sometimes than others. And once or twice it's appeared to go a little peculiar and spin unevenly, causing the counter to keep restarting from the beginning a few times rather than advancing and wrapping as usual.


Active member
Feb 20, 2012
Upgrade to an iPad 3? lol...

Off topic - Seeing you are from San Jose did you go to the recent Pinball Expo? There was a Taxi there but I never got to play it. I'm in the Bay area as well.

Nah, I opted out this year. I never miss CAX tho'.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
I find the plunger strength depends on how long you hold it back more than how far you pull it...i've gotten 75K with an instantaneous release at several quarter pull intervals...i've even had it only go around a couple times to 5k and once only 1k (without passing 100k) holding it at full strength.

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