Pinball and Karma

* A while back, OmegaDef wrote about in his blog two guys stealing the games he won during a tournament. I made the comment that pinball karma will come back around on them. We've all seen it happen, someone loses a ball, then slam tilts causing everyone to lose the game in progress. For the rest of the evening, that player can't seem to win a game, feeding quarter after quarter into the table like it was a slot machine in Vegas. Or Player Number Three crosses the line from harmless trash-talking to an insult, resulting in SDTM, STDM, left out lane and SDTM.

* It happens in the reverse as well. At an impromptu tournament, you front a friend a couple of tokens, only to find a dollar bill blowing thru the parking lot on the way to your car. You're doing well on a table, winning games, but time running out and you leave them to a couple of teenagers watching you play. Days later, maybe even months, you walk by a different table, in a different place with some time to kill, you look up and see there are a couple of games waiting to be played. It's karma.

* So, remember when you're at the arcade, scoping out a table to play, be mindful of those ahead of you. Lay that quarter (or token) down and take a step back. Take notice of that great shot, or of the save that the ball that for all intent and purposes should be sitting in the drain, awarding bonus points.

* After all, what do you have to lose?

(Check out "Nobody Special", the blog by OmegaDef)

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * *Updated Top Scores
Black Knight 1,668,060
Taxi 5,536,700
Cirqus Voltaire 57,223,590
Black Knight 2000 20,987,640
Champion Pub 45,571,720
Centaur 5,390,520
Twilight Zone 1,108,564,790
Victory 7,939,990
Class of 1812 27,436,320
Dr Dude 27,807,570
El Dorado: City Of Gold 1,450,360
Scared Stiff 82,877,580
Pin*Bot 9,999,999 (actual score 10,507,520-my first TPA rollover!)
Terminator 2: Judgement Day 175,165,050
Who dunnit 8,318,315,960
Creature from the Black Lagoon 231,622,470
Funhouse 24,493,740
Cue Ball Wizard 613,631,860
Theatre of Magic 1,251,591,490
Tales of The Arabian Nights 71,292,460
Harley Davidson (3rd edition) 248,979,940
Bride of Pin*Bot 1,191,704,369
Goin' Nuts 1,763,060
Medieval Madness 112,240,720

Season One Challenge completed 3/13/2014 with total points of 521.7
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * **
Overall points for challenges: 935.4 (I'm a Tommy wannabe!)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Hall of Fame points: 7817

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New member
Jan 30, 2014
Within two weeks of that happening, I ended up finding an incredible deal and buying my very first machine. Coincidence? Perhaps, but I'm sure having good pinball karma didn't hurt. I hadn't thought of it until I read this just now. Thank you for the reminder!


New member
Dec 27, 2013
I saw your pics and can only imagine how you feel! I would give my eye teeth for one of my favorites, if the teeth weren't already gone!

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