It adds all of the new table data even if you didn't buy them?
Then what does it download when you purchase Add-On table's?
played those tables ,there fine,just a translucent ball at the plunger,water off a ducks doesn`t stop you playing,it`s not the end of the world!!! now back to watch SYDNEY vs POHANG STEELERS !!! goodnight Irene !!!![]()
I get the impression FS should just concentrate on mobile and PC. Feels like they are damaging their image with a half baked console version ( I appreciate that the costs and DLC model is the main issue here).[/QUOTE
As I stated earlier in this thread or another, cost and DLC models on consoles are not excuses. Farsight has had their games on Sony and Microsoft systems for years now. They know how the game is played at this point. It's Farsight's responsibility to fix their inferior product that their customers paid for, not Sony, not Microsoft. Why are there so many other small, independent studios that seem to consistently update their titles on these systems, but not Farsight?
I get the impression FS should just concentrate on mobile and PC. Feels like they are damaging their image with a half baked console version ( I appreciate that the costs and DLC model is the main issue here).[/QUOTE
As I stated earlier in this thread or another, cost and DLC models on consoles are not excuses. Farsight has had their games on Sony and Microsoft systems for years now. They know how the game is played at this point. It's Farsight's responsibility to fix their inferior product that their customers paid for, not Sony, not Microsoft. Why are there so many other small, independent studios that seem to consistently update their titles on these systems, but not Farsight?
noted............ because FS spread themselves so thinly over so many platforms.
noted............ because FS spread themselves so thinly over so many platforms.
True, but what does that mean for the Stern Pinball App? They can't even handle their current pinball game. As I stated, spread thinly or not, Pinball Arcade has been on Sony and Microsoft systems long enough that they should have developed some sort of consistent system by now for releasing tables and fixing bugs. Hire another person or two to work on the console versions. If you can't afford that, instead of releasing a table every month on PC and mobile, take a two month break between seasons and just focus on fixing the problems on all platforms. Myself, I prefer to play on consoles over PC and tablets. And I'm a Pinball Arcade fan, but not a fan of Farsight. I appreciate what their trying to do recreating these tables, but it has the potential to be so much more than what it is now.
True, but what does that mean for the Stern Pinball App? They can't even handle their current pinball game. As I stated, spread thinly or not, Pinball Arcade has been on Sony and Microsoft systems long enough that they should have developed some sort of consistent system by now for releasing tables and fixing bugs. Hire another person or two to work on the console versions. If you can't afford that, instead of releasing a table every month on PC and mobile, take a two month break between seasons and just focus on fixing the problems on all platforms. Myself, I prefer to play on consoles over PC and tablets. And I'm a Pinball Arcade fan, but not a fan of Farsight. I appreciate what their trying to do recreating these tables, but it has the potential to be so much more than what it is now.
I second this exactly. Consoles players deserve bug free TPA. I know they have to keep revenue flowing with monthly table releases. But console players deserve equal attention. I would hate to see Farsight go steam/mobile only. But I am not happy with the frustration they have caused PS4 players and Wii U players. Different reasons mind you... lack of release for one and lack of bug fixes for the other...
But again, very well said thefly0810. Hire some console specific people and get these versions fixed/released, respectively.
I get the impression FS should just concentrate on mobile and PC. Feels like they are damaging their image with a half baked console version ( I appreciate that the costs and DLC model is the main issue here).
Nothing new here.
If I started a game studio, I'd only create games for mobile devices. The console process is BS.
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Which is why more and more devs continue to flock to mobile and PC.
I`m happy,there`s only 2 types of games I play ,pinball which I have about 130 tables and racing games.just on XBOX 1 and PS4 I have,FORZA 5,FORZA 6,FAST and FURIOUS,HORIZON 2,CREW and WILD RUN,PROJECT CARS,NEED FOR SPEED RIVALS,NEED FOR SPEED 2015,BIKES,WRC,GP 2015 and this year coming out HORIZON 3,ASSETTA CORSO,PROJECT CARS 2 AND THE GRAND DADDY OF ALL GRAN TURISMO throw in NO MANS SKY which I have pre ordered for something different.i prefer my games on console,except on PC PINBALL ARCADE is fantastic,PS4 is getting there I have THRUSTMASTERS for both XBOX 1 and you can see if I`m not racing I`m playing pinball !!!! I`m just a big bloody kid !!!you talk about bugs on PA you want to see some bugs on my racing games,and most of the companies are big ones like SONY,EA GAMES and MICROSOFT and people complain about a small company like FARSIGHT !!! WELL THERE I`VE HAD MORE THAN MY 2 BOBS WORTH.!!!![]()