Hah, that's a hilarious mental image.indeed.....not
nudging is a part of the game. The problem with nudging on PC (and probably consoles) is that if someone IRL wants to have the same effect as in TPA, that someone would have to throw the pin out of arcade.
So yeah, I think nudging needs to be dialled back
It depends somewhat on the particular machine - drainy tables like Iron Man are usually have their tilts set somewhat more liberally than tables where players have a greater ability to control the ball - but in general most tournament machines will have tilts ranging from merely conservative to truly draconian.(Most pinball tournaments allow very little tilt from what I understand.)
Sigh...I know I've said this before, but you don't have to be a top player to want a more realistic experience. I'm nowhere near the top, yet I'd love for them to at least add an option for more realistic nudging. That would be a fantastic starting point towards giving us difficulty options, which they they had at least expressed interest in doing when I interviewed Bobby over a year ago.
But yes, the fact that they seem to have no further interest in doing so leaves me with very little interest in the game any more.
On point here Jeff.Sigh...I know I've said this before, but you don't have to be a top player to want a more realistic experience. I'm nowhere near the top, yet I'd love for them to at least add an option for more realistic nudging. That would be a fantastic starting point towards giving us difficulty options, which they they had at least expressed interest in doing when I interviewed Bobby over a year ago.
But yes, the fact that they seem to have no further interest in doing so leaves me with very little interest in the game any more.
Zen and realism should not be used in the same sentence. Oh wait, I just did.If I want closer realism, there's always Zen pinball or the old Pro Pinball series. But that's just me.
I hear you on this. It's incredibly hard to stay away from the VP tables, especially with the physics updates and DX9 versions getting better literally every day. And with most tables looking as good as (if not better, hello Monster Bash) than their TPA counterparts, there's not a lot of value in opening TPA.Don't get me wrong, TPA is cool for what it is (I really dug it on mobile), but on PC given the choice between TPA or VP/Pro Pinball right now, it's hard to find time to play TPA. I initially thought Farsight would try to cater more to the PC crowd by giving us more options (since the PC players have traditionally been the core pinball players if you look back in time), but beyond adding portrait mode, it's been quantity over quality.
Yeah, there is a giant difference between "nudging" - which is a subtle pop with your hand on the side rail as a ball nears the out/inlanes, and "slamming" - which is what the nudge actually reacts like on TPA. I can nudge all day on my real machines, even with a fairly tight tilt bob. What you can't do, is slam the table so hard the ball jumps, that's an instant slam tilt no matter what the settings. And TPA seem to have it cranked to the 9's, so every "nudge" translates to a "slam" and it's just too easy to keep the ball in play. Playing on mobile, without nudging, is closest to the real thing that TPA gets, IMO.
On point here Jeff.
Zen and realism should not be used in the same sentence. Oh wait, I just did..