Pinball FX2 VR for Oculus Rift

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
We are excited to announce that Pinball FX2 VR is coming to the Oculus Rift on March 28th! Featuring advanced physics, detailed 3D graphics, robust social features combined with an immersive virtual reality experience, Pinball FX2 VR is pinball like you’ve never experienced before!

Pinball FX2 VR replicates the atmosphere of real-life pinball machines in a virtual play space, while presenting gameplay features and effects that simply cannot be recreated on a physical machine. Additionally, the game’s rich scoreboards will track your Pro Score, Team Score, table stats and more to let you compete against players from all over the world!

Harnessing the power of the Oculus Rift, Pinball FX2 VR transports players into an exciting new way to play pinball, moving beyond the silver ball and into a mesmerizing VR experience! Animated playfield toys spring to life on stunningly active table environments with spectacular depth.

Creating a brand new way to play pinball that deftly combines the look and feel of digital pinball with the sensation of a real-world experience, Pinball FX2 VR is the premiere place for pinball action on Oculus Rift!

Key Features

Unprecedented table visuals, lighting, 3D models and the most advanced ball physics on the Oculus Rift
Includes three beautifully crafted tables: Mars, Secrets of the Deep and Epic Quest
Explore a stunning beachside mansion that houses the tables
Immersive VR environments for each table
Robust social features, including Pro Score and Team Score leaderboards, detailed table statistics, and achievements!

Pinball FX2 VR launches on Oculus Rift on March 28th.




Is pinball FX 2/Zen pinball 2 VR also coming to playstation VR?

Just Oculus for now.

Will this update work with my existing Steam copy of FX2?

This is a separate version.

Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
looks cool
but... no HTC VIVE support ....ugg
no upgrade path for PC users must buy everything again..uggg
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New member
Mar 7, 2015
Will this work on dk2?

OK well, wearing anything over my eyes will never be a platform I play on. However… this does look extremely cool. I love the concept of Zen tables being actual “tables” and how cool is having the Epic Quest dude standing next to a “table” of Epic Quest….Zen Studios, you ought to bring an interface like that to the consoles too. Looks to be a nice piece of work. Too bad you are gonna have to use glasses to get that awesome looking interface :)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Most excited by the new lighting. Hopefully that makes it's way to the regular game. Pinball FX3 anyone?

The loafer

Oct 28, 2012
Works no problem on DK2

1 - The resolution of the DK2 is a little too low (or SDE is too high) for me to enjoy it as much as I'd like. Hopefully the CV1 will alleviate this issue

2 - I've always had to deal with some lag on my pincab and to a lesser extent on the PC. I know the way the Rift works, lag is kept to a minimum and man, this game has NO LAG! The pressing of the triggers is to me instant and more responsive for sure compared to PC/pincab and proof that the Rift and I gather Vive have done some good work on keeping that response lag to a minimum or near nill. There is HUGE potential here.

When I played it yesterday, it was pretty cool. Tonight I decided to try playing it standing up. Holy cow the entire experience was improved and even the resolution didn't bother me as much, maybe I'm getting used to it. Superb game, looks like the SOB's will be taking more money out of my pockets. Hope Farsight is paying attention here and does come out with their Rift support, day one purchase for me when that makes the trip to the Rift/Vive!


New member
May 24, 2013
I just played it worked fine on my dk2 as well..

The table seems to short though .. like the distance from front to back is squashed. Also its like im standing with my legs against the cabinet front wall , I have to seriously look down to see the flippers aera. I did set up my sensors to be right when im sitting in my chair .. im not planning on standing and playing. The height looks prefect in the home room of the oculus app.. so something is not quite right to me


New member
Jun 25, 2012
Played a bit on my DK2. Works great, as other said, except for the 'screen door effect' making it hard to read the DMD.


Nov 23, 2013
Really hope the CV1 is a lot better and not just slightly better. It looks absolutely killer on video though. I will make sure not to buy any more FX2 tables now hope they all are converted to VR.

Sun Vulcan

New member
Jun 28, 2012
Five More Exciting Tables Coming to Pinball FX2 VR

We are delighted to reveal that a new five pack of tables is on the way for Pinball FX2 VR for Oculus Rift! Launching on August 23, the Pinball FX2 VR Season One Pack adds an additional five original Zen classic tables to the base game for $24.99.

The Pinball FX2 VR Season One Pack adds five fan favorite tables to Pinball FX2 VR: CastleStorm, Wild West Rampage, BioLab, Paranormal and Earth Defense. Defeat your enemy’s soldiers and raze their castles with Sir Gareth on the CastleStorm table, defeat a crooked sheriff in a western showdown in Wild West Rampage, use your pinball skills to create a new alien species in BioLab, investigate a series of supernatural event in Paranormal, and save the planet from invading extraterrestrial forces in Earth Defense. Each table has been curated by the pinball wizards at Zen Studios and recreated with the spectacular effects that you can only experience in virtual reality!

Harnessing the power of Rift, Pinball FX2 VR is an exciting new way for people to play pinball, moving beyond the silver ball and to a mesmerizing VR experience. Animated toys spring to life on stunningly active table environments with spectacular depth.

See you on the leaderboards!


Robert Misner

New member
Oct 4, 2014
really wish they would just add native support for Vive at this point..tho I'm sure its a Oculus funded issue they won't discuss.
With Revive I do have it working and I've gotten it working now with my XArcade/Hotrod modded Controller with analog nudging. FuturePinballs visual quality/performance ratio is much better surprisingly but PinballFX2's physics are still the best.(tuned for arcade fun i know not tuned for simulation)
To use Xarcade controller I had to use autohotkey to remap the keyboard keys it uses by default(which you can't change in game for some crazy reason) Only thing I don't have working is proper plunger since there seems to be no key equivalent.

Keys are
left shift=left flipper
right shift= right flipper
q=reset center
a=autolauncher plunger
using zebboards analog nudging with x360ce .

interesting thing you can see playing these Mars seems to be a widebody Epic Quest and Secrets of the Deep are superwidebody tables, but the physicality of the tables in VR can't be beat, the tables are much more fun to play this way.
Five more tables are desperately needed. Paranormal looks cool the banzai run arcade cabinet backglass playfield should be awesome in VR

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