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pretty lucky in colorado when it comes to pins - also a great community.

I play in the boulder (press play) and mile high (lyons classic pinball) leagues.

We just had the dory hill pinball campout a couple of weekends ago - every CO pinhead's favorite event (showdown is 2nd).

We had 2 "pins and pedals" events over the summer - one in boulder and and one in denver, basically a pin-golf tournament where you bike all over the city to the places that have just a couple of machines.

press play (boulder) - barcade -my hang out - dialed in, ghostbusters, star wars coming +10 more awesome machines - operator obsessive over keeping all machines in perfect working order.

lyons classic pinball - holy grail of pin selection - come play the zaccarria!

gunbarrel brewery - friend just put 10+ machines, good beer and amazing food trucks

-nighthawk brewery (broomfield) - haven't been yet but curious why they have 2 star wars le's together side by side

-wonderland brewery - (broomfield) - good selection of machines and beer.

- vision quest (boulder) - micro-micro brewery - if you like SS and ems (warning 1 beer will do the job)

- cuckcoo's nest - the dive-iest of bars

- of course 1up lodo (denver)

- pinball jones (ft. collins)

- penny arcade (colorado springs)

ok too many to list -

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