Pinburgh 2014

Lord Boron

Apr 18, 2012
I was watching the PAPA circuit finals Thursday and the was an absolutely epic game of CFTBL in the final game. Looking forward to watching Sundays coverage.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
How impressive was that 10 year old kid? Amazing!
I really like the pin selection today. A cool mix. That Card Whiz is a brutal pin.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Way to go EG. Nice playin!
Did you have to play any pins you had never seen before? If so, how'd you handle that?


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Thanks Kolchak!

There were plenty of pins that I either never played before or only few times. Since I'm part of the Free State Pinball Association (FSPA), a lot of our league members were very knowledgeable about those games and were able to explain their basic rules, shots, and strategies for those games to me. In addition to that, I would take a minute to read the rule cards before I plunged and payed very careful attention to my opponents, and watch for how the ball bounces and identify the source of the drains and the dangerous shots.

The FSPA also had another resource that helped me out A LOT on those unfamiliar games. I can't tell you what it is just yet, but it will be open to the public sometime in the future (we decided to keep the beta private to us for Pinburgh).

I handled most of those games very well along with some silly mistakes that I made and could have easily avoided. Another interesting fact is that I own an F-14 TOMCAT and mastered that game in my home, but I completely bombed on their F-14. Could practicing on my own machine have hurt me on theirs?

Overall, I was very happy with my performance, I had a great time and I am looking forward to playing in (A or) B or C division next year.


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Thanks for answering my questions. Very interesting stuff, especially your comment on F-14 Tomcat. I guess every machine truly is different. You have me curious about the FSPA resource you mentioned. Be sure to let us know when that app or whatever it is goes public. Congrats again on your great play. Maybe I'll be watching you on PAPA TV next year.

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Another interesting fact is that I own an F-14 TOMCAT and mastered that game in my home, but I completely bombed on their F-14. Could practicing on my own machine have hurt me on theirs?
It's quite possible. The better I get at my own AC/DC the worse I seem to do on anyone else's. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my brain just assumes that the ramps, targets, etc. behave the same as my own machine - it's the same game, right? it can't be that different - until it is rudely awakened to the reality of the ball hitting the drain.

The good news is that a practice game or two on the "foreign" machine is usually enough to clear out the mental conditioning and get me fully present on the machine I'm playing.


New member
Jan 19, 2013
Thanks for answering my questions. Very interesting stuff, especially your comment on F-14 Tomcat. I guess every machine truly is different. You have me curious about the FSPA resource you mentioned. Be sure to let us know when that app or whatever it is goes public. Congrats again on your great play. Maybe I'll be watching you on PAPA TV next year.

I'll open up a new thread about our resource when it goes public, you'll be the first to know and have an advantage against competitors in your own league.

I was hoping that I would get to play at least one game under the spotlight, but I just missed the C division during the seeding and the D division didn't play any games in the PAPA TV banks.

It's quite possible. The better I get at my own AC/DC the worse I seem to do on anyone else's. A lot of it has to do with the fact that my brain just assumes that the ramps, targets, etc. behave the same as my own machine - it's the same game, right? it can't be that different - until it is rudely awakened to the reality of the ball hitting the drain.

The good news is that a practice game or two on the "foreign" machine is usually enough to clear out the mental conditioning and get me fully present on the machine I'm playing.

I had a 30 second warm up game on their F-14, I was trying to get a feel of the flippers and the shots that I wanted to make, I guess it wasn't enough. A number of competitors told me that they try to not practice on their own machines too much right before the competition, I'm sure that their is something to that. The lesson learned is, Play your own machines to learn the rules and try different strategies, don't assume that it will play like your game at home.
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