Pins and Needles, Los Angeles


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
Molly! I wasn't trying to slam you and Pins and Needles in my post :( Here's the problem with my writing style...I tend to have a sorta sarcastic bent in general, and this can be misinterpreted. So let me address you directly and try and clear up some things.

First, I never said anywhere in the piece that I didn't like it! I enjoyed the fact that it felt like I was playing in someone's garage. The last thing I wrote in the entire piece was that I'd be going back. Yes, that was preceded by comparing yours to the Pinball Hall of Fame, but I mean c'mon, right? And as for parking, well that to me is a giant plus in my book whenever visiting anyplace in the Hollywood/Downtown arena. It's because of my fear of the parking that I hadn't visited sooner, and only after someone somewhere else mentioned that there was ample to be had did I immediately make plans to visit. I can see why this might tweak you the wrong way, again blame my writing. To you it probably sounded like this, "I went to an awesome parking lot and there happened to be pinball there too.", when in reality I was trying to say was "unusually for a location like this, there was ample free parking".

Okay, Rollergames. See that avatar of mine? I have HUGE fond memories of this table from when I worked in an arcade. So I was a bit crushed by it. Yes, the level I'm talking about was left/right. I cradled the ball on the left flipper, it started rolling right. All our ball drains were from the right outlane, the ball just always seemed to drift that direction. It was just the one table I was truly looking forward to reconnecting with.

Now my point of all this was, and I guess I didn't express it properly, that pinball in the real world does not play the way we're all used to with The Pinball Arcade. Unless a table is brand new or has just been shopped, there's gonna be all sorts of quirks to that specific table that have to be accounted for. As I stated, I'm spoiled by digital perfection. Later though you'll notice that I said all your tables were mechanically sound, no weak flippers or dead bumpers to be found, which is usually the state I find machines in. Again, Tim Arnold kinda raised the bar pretty high for what I was hoping to find locally. Expectations can be a real *****!

My comment about Future Spa next to Funhouse was just how comically different the angle of the 2 tables are. Not only am I fine with them being right next to each other, I found it to be a real eye opener. Reread what I wrote, run it through the filter that I did have a good time, and you'll see I was not being overly critical, just making points about interesting things I saw.

I feel properly chastised about pricing. What can I say, I'm properly stuck in the 90's when it comes to the prices. I'll get over it, as everyone else in this thread has pretty much said I need to!

I loved the dark lighting! My comment had to do with again, the differences of playing something for real versus on a PS3. Why did you think I was criticizing you about that? I didn't bag on the whole experience. I bagged on my own game playing ability, as most of the tables humbled me to a nub. My friend and I were laughing and having a good time. The only thing I truly bagged on was Genesis, cause well, uh, it's ugly!

You do have a unique grouping of tables and I'm glad you've opened up your collection to the public. Next time I come in, I'll even introduce myself as the a**hole that posted on the forums. I don't want you to take my experience the wrong way. $6 for 2 hours was a great way to spend the night, the whole vibe there was quite quirky, and if it wasn't for the fact I live in Orange County, I'd probably be a frequent customer. I wasn't trying to review your place, but review my experience playing real pinball for a change. And I headed straight for the forums cause I have no where else to talk pinball!!

So we all good now? You're doing the Lord's work there Molly. Keep it up.

And the next time you read something from me, try not to read too much into it!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
(Oh @#$%!, I never dreamed Molly would join these forums to defend her establishment!)
Ah, the sound of furious backpedaling! Have you considered a career in politics? You'd probably do a good deal better than 98% of our elected officials anyway. :p

And welcome to the forums, Molly!

Let's see, we've managed to get a developer's wife and the owner of a RL arcade signed up. Now we just need a legendary pinball designer and a former/current PAPA or IFPA world champion to make guest appearances, and our set will be complete!


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I don't know, was that backpedaling? Did you guys think I was ripping on her place too?

Maybe this was just my secret plan all along to draw out an arcade operator to have them join our fold? *rubbing hands together* MWAHHAHAHAHA!

So who else do we need to flush out into the forum wilds? :D


New member
May 16, 2012
I'd say every Pat Lawlor table I ever played was so-so at best... ;)

And for the record, I didn't think you were all that negative in your first post. But maybe that's because I establish sarcasm myself every now and then.

By the way: Welcome to the fold, Molly!

Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
I don't know, was that backpedaling? Did you guys think I was ripping on her place too?
To be honest, I thought your first review was mixed at best. I got the first impression that you had a good time in spite of numerous issues with the tables and environment. So no, I don't think you were necessarily full out ripping on the place, but I can easily see why Molly felt compelled to respond.


Jul 11, 2012
If it were my collection I might be be upset but Id bust out a level and an inclamometer with pics to back up my claims, thats me. SYT's review was of his experience in general and if you go play real pinball you will see like I have been saying and SYT mentions WERE SPOILED from real world pinball. Its still damn fun but the humblingness or reality is shocker at first. No back peddling just clarification as tone and sarcasms are hard to detect through text. Welcome MOLLY and agreed you are 1 of the few carriers of the Pinball Flame may it shine like Chrome Eternal:)


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
I didn't think you were that harsh. You just gave a detailed retelling of your experience and impressions of the joint. It actually sounded pretty good to me. If I wasn't across the country I'd check it out. Sounds like a cool mix of pins.

But I also love Molly going all mama bear to defend her place. That tells me how much she loves her tables. Very cool.


Jul 11, 2012
MOLLY POST PICS PLEASE! Since ehem Mr. I left my gopro in the car didnt.:) He'll be back! armed with a fist full of quarters NEXT TIME:)


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
MOLLY POST PICS PLEASE! Since ehem Mr. I left my gopro in the car didnt.:) He'll be back! armed with a fist full of quarters NEXT TIME:)

Actually now that I think of it, with all the lights turned off my GoPro wouldn't have been able to see squat anyways! Outdoor action camera, not indoor low light camera. Perfect camera though for taking off the glass and setting right on top of a slingshot. Be just like the super low angle view!

Jeff Strong

Staff member
Feb 19, 2012
Hi, I run Pins and Needles. Thank you for coming in, though I'm sorry you didn't like it. The best thing about your visit was the parking? Ouch.

Couple of things, in my defense. First off, Rollergames is level; I checked top and bottom and it's level. Is it the L/R leveling you mean? Or the pitch (steepness) of the playfield? Some of the pitches are steep, for sure; the LA Pinball League meets there weekly so I like to vary the pitches to keep 'em guessing. Different eras of games are designed to pitch differently. A classic Bally like Future Spa isn't going to be as zippy as that you're saying they shouldn't be next to each other? Haha, okay.

You're complaining about $.50/play? Uh, Future Spa, Jungle Queen, Flash, Scorpion, Laser War, & Bazaar are all on $.25/play, and good luck finding another TRON that's only $.50/play anywhere else in Southern California. Modern pinballs in other locations are running $.75 pretty much across the board, and around here they're essentially unplayable anyway, particularly en masse. Oh, I also keep at least 2-3 games on free play at all times, so folks without money can still try out titles here and there; again, good luck finding someone else who offers free games on location.

As for the lighting...can't help you there. Most people just compliment the beauty of the space I've spent years putting together rather than nitpicking every last detail, so this is a new one. Of course I have overhead lights, but not a soul has ever once asked for me to turn them on for play.

A few tips: if you're plunging the ball out and it repeatedly drains without so much as a flip, try adjusting your plunge a bit instead of just declaring the game "bad". I mean, surely you didn't think real pinball was going to be exactly like poking around on your iPad, right? It takes practice! A lot of these games are over 30 years old, and many were rescued from trips to the dump! Yes, you see a warped insert or two, but to say "you wish everything was in better shape" is actually sort of hurtful. It's pinball. The games are old. You say "everything works on the games" but "you wish they were nicer!" just leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Where are you playing new-in-box condition games that are set up all easy, anyway?

I've spent years assembling a unique collection, and it really bums me out that you can't find anything remotely nice to say about it, save for the fact that you enjoy Whitewater and had little trouble parking your car. I get that every game there isn't for everyone, and I know the spot is atypical, but for you to just bag on the whole experience....yuck. Fortunately I have a loyal core of die-hard pinheads around to soothe the burn!

For future reference, anyone who has a question or a complaint about a game can/should/does come right up to me to ask. I love nothing more than talkin' about the silverball and helping people develop their own interest and skills. I'm always there, flipping away, soldering something, or talking someone's ear off once they engage me in conversation. Not too many people have a bad time in there, it seems, and while I'm sorry your experience was unfavorable, I wish you would've talked to me instead of heading straight for the forums! Oh, well. Hopefully you find a more fun location to spend a few hours in for six dollars!

Oh, and no, don't come in with your own wrench! I have several. AND MOST IMPORTANTLY, while the In-N-Out in Glendale is closer, the one at Burbank Blvd. just east of the 5 is much faster and easier to get to. Bring me a cheeseburger with onion and a Neapolitan shake and I'll get ya back!

Pinball pinball pinball! Play more pinball!

That was....amazing. Welcome, Molly!


New member
Jun 4, 2012
Molly wanna get married? What? Some of you were thinking the same!

Welcome to the forums.

Whats our impression of tpa?

I li know for a fact syt was planning his vist for weeks, dont be too harsh on him heh

And come onnnn people surely these in and out burgers arent THAT good?


Staff member
Mar 14, 2012
I know for a fact shutyertrap was planning his vist for weeks, dont be too harsh on him heh

And come onnnn people surely these in and out burgers arent THAT good?

Yes to statement 1 and yes to statement 2!

Lookie here Irish, there's just something about an In-N-Out Burger with fries and a shake. Until you've had one, you just don't know. I've been fortunate to have one within a couple of miles my whole life, so I don't properly appreciate them, but to those that have to go out of their way to get seen Harold and Kumar Go To White Castle? That look of utter satisfaction when they finally get some? Yep, that's the same with In-N-Out.


New member
Mar 4, 2012
I think you sounded a bit more negative than was deserved, but hey, if that's what your impression of the place was, then you're entitled to your opinion. I can respect that here, even if I tend to agree with Molly 100%.

Anyhow, I thought I'd also mention that if you're in that neck of the woods again, a couple miles away from Pins and Needles there's a bar called Blipsy's Barcade on Western Ave, and they've got a pretty sweet Twilight Zone table and very nice collection of vintage video games:
And just down the way from there on Vermont Ave, there is also the Family Arcade aka Family Amusement Corporation (they sell vintage pinball and arcade machines in addition to running an open to the public arcade), where they have an entire row of Stern Pinball tables, in addition to the latest fighting & driving video games.
They've got Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Carribean, Spiderman, Monopoly, The Sopranos, South Park (sega), Playboy, The Simpson's Party Pinball, and Railroad Tycoon. And they're all in good condition with nice strong flippers. Out of the entire lineup, only The Sopranos seems to look a little rough- the safe toy in the center looks a bit messed up, but it's still pretty playable. The only downside to The Family Arcade is that the neon lighting on the walls creates some nasty reflections/glares on the glass over the tables, but otherwise it's well worth visiting.

Additionally, I'll agree, if you're in the mood for fast food, the IN & Out Burger is tops. However, there are some seriously good full service restaurant hamburgers to be had almost everywhere around Los Angeles as the LA hamburger trend continues. If you get a chance check out Umami burger (my favorite) for a completely different but memorable burger experience
Last edited:


Jul 11, 2012
Is Bulwinkles still around? Right across the parking lot is family fun about CAMELOT? Aaaahhh memories.:) I heard a news clip on the radio of a In-N-Out opening in TEXAS and the lady they interviewed was crying she was so happy to see In-N-Out again....yeah they got onions:)


New member
Jun 12, 2012
Did you guys think I was ripping on her place too?

the main vibe i seemed to get from your post, was how unhappy you were with your rl pinball skills as opposed to the tpa pinball skills... not really trashing mollys place or anything...

and as you said, you were (are) going to go back for seconds :)

actually i wanted to say this to molly yesterday, but it was really late and i was really tired so i said to myself "nyah, someone else will say sth" :eek:


New member
Jun 4, 2012
the main vibe i seemed to get from your post, was how unhappy you were with your rl pinball skills as opposed to the tpa pinball skills... not really trashing mollys place or anything...

and as you said, you were (are) going to go back for seconds :)

actually i wanted to say this to molly yesterday, but it was really late and i was really tired so i said to myself "nyah, someone else will say sth" :eek:

Sth? Im irish so im totally think shut yer hole lol, but how dare you say that to my future wife/lawsuit!

Seems like a seriously assed cool woman, quirky geeky that what catholics call the holy trinity?

Sorry couldnt help myself

Pinball Molly

Pins and Needles
Oct 1, 2012
Hahaha, I'm a complete idiot. I don't know if I was just tired or what, but when I saw "pinball arcade fans" I...I don't know how, but I didn't mean you meant the straight video pinball stuff, TPA. Not my world. I thought this was a forum for fans of pinball arcades, so I was a little surprised at the tone of Post 1. Now it makes total sense. You guys enjoy your In-n-Out; I'll be over here feasting on this big pile of crow!

Anyway, shutyertrap, I thought your tune changed quite a bit from your first post to second, but now I see you were sorta bagging on pinball rather than MY pinball. Either way, no hard feelings at all. I actually had no idea that this core of individuals who play TPA almost exclusively even existed; I suppose I never gave it much thought. "RL" pinball seems to be fully marginalized here, I see after some poking around. Amazing! I bought TPA a few times now (3?) and it only ever gives me TOTAN (a least favorite of mine) which is so glitchy and weird that I find it unplayable. Like, you flip and the ball is somehow back in the plunge lane. Onscreen pinball is just NOT my thing, but if I'm on a plane I suppose I'll get into some Sorcerer's Lair rather than TPA.

Regardless, yes, I can read; suppose I should've tried it out before opening my mouth and "mama bearing". Very embarrassing that I go on a rant like that totally spacing the obvious facts. It's like rolling a keg into an AA meeting. Oops! Hopefully no one's mad, and you guys are free to slam my space-sucking overpriced maintenance-heavy imperfection-filled beast-boxes all you like! Or just come play them with me. Ah, no, I'm not marrying anyone, ever...that's a one way ticket to losing half your machines! Obviously you've never seen a photo of me, I'm monstrous. No marryin'.

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