Please help someone with pc eperienc: New pc and having trouble with the pba


New member
Jun 13, 2013
Please help. Really frustrated! Bought a new pc yesterday specs are.
I7 6700k 4.0 GHZ quad core
Nvidia GFORCE GTX 1080 Graphics with 8GB dedicated memory
Running Windows 10

I upgraded from a dual core 2.4 ghz with a ATI Radian HD 5770 1024 MB

I have played Doom on here this years release and it flies at max 4k settings.

Why does my old machine run PBA better than this monster? Is it a setting I am missing? I have played with turning on and off things in the confige for dx 11 like MSA and such.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.


Jan 30, 2013
Have you made sure TPA is actually running under your Nvidia card? TPA is the only game I've played on my PC that for some reason had the much weaker complimentary graphics card on my PC set as default and not the Nvidia. Go to Nvidia settings in your control panel and make sure pinball arcade dx11 is running under Nvidia. There are also some more settings you can play around with, if you want to enhance performance and stuff. I don't exactly remember what I've changed around but I just searched youtube for nvidia gaming settings and used the tips in vids.
Also resolution settings in tpa affect performance a lot. Maybe try a step down if possible.

Oh and another thing, after you started TPA in dx11 don't forget to press alt+enter once or twice to make sure you are in full screen mode. Game can have stutters otherwise.


New member
Jun 13, 2013
Have you made sure TPA is actually running under your Nvidia card? TPA is the only game I've played on my PC that for some reason had the much weaker complimentary graphics card on my PC set as default and not the Nvidia. Go to Nvidia settings in your control panel and make sure pinball arcade dx11 is running under Nvidia. There are also some more settings you can play around with, if you want to enhance performance and stuff. I don't exactly remember what I've changed around but I just searched youtube for nvidia gaming settings and used the tips in vids.
Also resolution settings in tpa affect performance a lot. Maybe try a step down if possible.

Oh and another thing, after you started TPA in dx11 don't forget to press alt+enter once or twice to make sure you are in full screen mode. Game can have stutters otherwise.

Thank you so much for replying. I will try that as soon as I get a break from work in a little bit. I will get back with what I find.


New member
Jun 13, 2013
I kept tinkering and even though my recommended resolution with my 4k monitor is 3840 x 2160 after I changed it on the desk top starting with 1920 x 1080 with all settings in dx11 on max it worked fine. So I kept raising the resolution from the desktop and then back on the DX 11 settings till I got to the 2560 x 1440 resolution with all settings on max and no slow down what so ever. Plays perfectly. Has anyone been able to achieve a resolution higher that that with the Pinball Arcade? It would slow down to a crawl when using the 3840 x 2160. Thank you so much switch3flip, out of all the people who looked at this post your the only one who offered advise. I really appreciate you for it.


New member
Oct 8, 2015
Something must be up, I've got a GTX 960 and I play at 1440p but your card should be about 200% better. I can play most tables at 4K too, just not CV or ToTAN because of all their lighting effects. (DX11)

Looks like the 'I7 6700k' has intergrated graphics so make sure the game is selecting the right device (launch config, check DX9 adapter drop down selection), I know people have complained about their Laptops with mobile gpu's in em and their game not selecting it by default. Perhaps I can find a link...

Suggestions I read were to disable the intergrated graphics in the BIOS, some have to right click the games exe and tell it to run with the 'high performance graphics' option.
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New member
Jun 13, 2013
Something must be up, I've got a GTX 960 and I play at 1440p but your card should be about 200% better. I can play most tables at 4K too, just not CV or ToTAN because of all their lighting effects. (DX11)

Looks like the 'I7 6700k' has intergrated graphics so make sure the game is selecting the right device (launch config, check DX9 adapter drop down selection), I know people have complained about their Laptops with mobile gpu's in em and their game not selecting it by default. Perhaps I can find a link...

Suggestions I read were to disable the intergrated graphics in the BIOS, some have to right click the games exe and tell it to run with the 'high performance graphics' option.

Thanks Relaxation. I have added the Pinball Arcade to the GFORCE congig. Which table it TOTAN? I figure CV is Circus Voltaire which was unplayable on my old machine but plays great as well as the other tables on this one at the 2560 x 1440. I reached out to Farsight and they are not sure about the full 4k. They said they did not have a machine there to test it on that had full 4k.

When you played at 4k what resolution did you have yours set on?



New member
Jun 13, 2013
Have you made sure TPA is actually running under your Nvidia card? TPA is the only game I've played on my PC that for some reason had the much weaker complimentary graphics card on my PC set as default and not the Nvidia. Go to Nvidia settings in your control panel and make sure pinball arcade dx11 is running under Nvidia. There are also some more settings you can play around with, if you want to enhance performance and stuff. I don't exactly remember what I've changed around but I just searched youtube for nvidia gaming settings and used the tips in vids.
Also resolution settings in tpa affect performance a lot. Maybe try a step down if possible.

Oh and another thing, after you started TPA in dx11 don't forget to press alt+enter once or twice to make sure you are in full screen mode. Game can have stutters otherwise.


I am thrilled to report, that I found the problem. The HDMI cable I was using was not strong enough to send everything through at the full 60 hrz at the full resolution of my 4k monitor. I kept researching and found were one user of the monitor to get the full 60 hrz had to switch over to the DVI cable that came with the monitor. It works perfectly and all tables even C.V. and T.O.A.N all play super smooth and beautifully in full 4k and at 60 hrtz. Thanks again!


New member
Oct 8, 2015
Forgot that Displayport can do 4K@60, while Highspeed HDMI can't push that many pixles. However my display is only 1080p, I only load the highres testures and downsample from them for a sharper image. The maximum size of a texture in this game is 4096 by 2048 so there shouldn't be any need for you to run the game at 8K.. but perhaps things like rails could be smoother.

Here's some examples I made last year in DX9 before I got a capable DX11 card
Everything off
Just AAx4*
Just Post Processing*
Just GeDoSaTo @2160x3840, bilinear
Just GeDoSaTo @2160x3840, bicubic
Just GeDoSaTo @2160x3840, lanczos

Downsampling is an alternative to AA. Use downsampling if you've got resources to spare because a lot of games don't have that great of AA to begin with or the post processing they used in DX9.
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New member
Jun 13, 2013
Forgot that Displayport can do 4K@60, while Highspeed HDMI can't push that many pixles. However my display is only 1080p, I only load the highres testures and downsample from them for a sharper image. The maximum size of a texture in this game is 4096 by 2048 so there shouldn't be any need for you to run the game at 8K.. but perhaps things like rails could be smoother.

Here's some examples I made last year in DX9 before I got a capable DX11 card
Everything off
Just AAx4*
Just Post Processing*
Just GeDoSaTo @2160x3840, bilinear
Just GeDoSaTo @2160x3840, bicubic
Just GeDoSaTo @2160x3840, lanczos

Downsampling is an alternative to AA. Use downsampling if you've got resources to spare because a lot of games don't have that great of AA to begin with or the post processing they used in DX9.

Relaxation today I received a new HDMI 2.0 cable I had ordered and after plugging it in I am now full 4k at 60hrtz all settings at max in the DX11 config and all tables are playing super fast and beautiful! Thanks for all the help.


New member
Aug 31, 2016
Why does my old machine run PBA better than this monster? Is it a setting I am missing? I have played with turning on and off things in the confige for dx 11 like MSA and such.

You never mentioned what the symptoms were. What was it running like at 3840x2160?

I had mine running at that resolution for 1.5 hours today perfectly, but when I went to portait mode, it ran like it was in slow motion. Then when I went back, it stayed that way. Now I can't make it work again.


Staff member
May 29, 2013
He did mention the solution:

Relaxation today I received a new HDMI 2.0 cable I had ordered and after plugging it in I am now full 4k at 60hrtz all settings at max in the DX11 config and all tables are playing super fast and beautiful! Thanks for all the help.

Sounds like he had similar issues.

Which kind of cable are you using?
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FarSight Employee
Nov 13, 2013
I'm using a display port with a display port cable that came with my Asus 4k monitor.
Most reports with this issue generally are solved by replacing the HDMI cable. However you could try adjusting your Vertical Sync setting which has worked for some users too.

Right Click on your desktop and open the Nvidea Control Panel > Select Manage 3D settings > Set Vertical Sync to Off has resolved the issue for some people.


New member
Jun 13, 2013
All tables were running in slow motion before I updated to the HDMI 2.0 cable. It was unplayable. Now it is silky smooth and beautiful!

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