Request POP! / Match


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Hey guys,

Not sure if this belongs in a specific forum or if here is OK, but I have to say, as much as I LOVE these games / tables / etc, I am always HIGHLY bummed when the game ends and I pop (mathc) the table but then nothing happened! lol I mean I know what happens on a real table which is you get to save a quarter and get a free game, so on a table where we aren't putting in quarters, I know there isn't much you could do, but perhaps you could allow the table to restart with a new game with out having to go back to the primary menu first.....??? Does anyone agree? Has this been asked before? Just a thought.. I would love to hear your thoughts on this...



New member
Apr 27, 2012
Yes, this has been brought up several times. This is what I suggest to those that think that "something" should happen. When you play TPA, throw a quarter under your TV before you hit the start button. When you match, don't throw a quarter under your TV! Tada! :D

I know I would be a little annoyed at having to quit a game that I never started if I hadn't intended on playing that table again. Also would be annoying since I play with one or two other people most of the time and TPA starts a single player game every time by default. So in that case I'd be quitting every time I matched. No thanks. :p


New member
Apr 21, 2013
when i am playing a table and it matches i replay the table even if i was going to play something else as if it was a free game. that said tables that were scripted do not do a match routine like black hole , black knight, firepower , also haunted house is not doing a match routine when it should if its ROMulated. But i can't really put a bug in as that does not effect game play its just an easter egg that is lacking .


New member
Aug 18, 2013
when i am playing a table and it matches i replay the table even if i was going to play something else as if it was a free game. that said tables that were scripted do not do a match routine like black hole , black knight, firepower , also haunted house is not doing a match routine when it should if its ROMulated. But i can't really put a bug in as that does not effect game play its just an easter egg that is lacking .



New member
Dec 30, 2012
Yes, this has been brought up several times. This is what I suggest to those that think that "something" should happen. When you play TPA, throw a quarter under your TV before you hit the start button. When you match, don't throw a quarter under your TV! Tada! :D

I know I would be a little annoyed at having to quit a game that I never started if I hadn't intended on playing that table again. Also would be annoying since I play with one or two other people most of the time and TPA starts a single player game every time by default. So in that case I'd be quitting every time I matched. No thanks. :p

Geesh, ya make it sound like you pop the tables all the time! If you do, I want your luck and odds when I play real tables! LOL I hardly see how this would be a big deal to anyone if it popped and allowed you to play the table again. I mean, I am the newbie around here and I could be wrong, but it sounds like the things you say you would hate to have happen, would not happen all that often and / or on the terms of rarely. I mean I play these tables for hours at a time, and if I match once or twice in those hours, that's a lot. I have played and never matched.... And if you don't want to play a table again that matched then you just hit Escape to hit the menu. Does not sound like to much extra work to me... Again I am the newbie, and I could be completely work.... :D

As for throwing the quarter under the monitor, I have to admit, that gave me a chuckle! :)


New member
Apr 27, 2012
Geesh, ya make it sound like you pop the tables all the time! If you do, I want your luck and odds when I play real tables! LOL I hardly see how this would be a big deal to anyone if it popped and allowed you to play the table again. I mean, I am the newbie around here and I could be wrong, but it sounds like the things you say you would hate to have happen, would not happen all that often and / or on the terms of rarely. I mean I play these tables for hours at a time, and if I match once or twice in those hours, that's a lot. I have played and never matched.... And if you don't want to play a table again that matched then you just hit Escape to hit the menu. Does not sound like to much extra work to me... Again I am the newbie, and I could be completely work.... :D

As for throwing the quarter under the monitor, I have to admit, that gave me a chuckle! :)

Glad to be of service. :D

You match a lot more when you play three people. It's not just three times as much. They set the match percent higher when more than one person is playing because odds are if one person matches the others will pay to play his free game with him. And that's a tip if you're playing on a real machine and you're planning on playing several games on the same machine. Play more than one game at once to increase the odds of matching and getting a free game.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Hey now, that is a killer tip! I never knew that! Thanks for sharing that info! :) I fully understand your opposition to the change but, hey just think, if you were playing the real thing, you would run into the same problem! lol Thanks Brakel... My thought is more, well, maybe not allow the game to replay so as not to bother players such as yourself, but perhaps they could throw me a party or send me a beer or two when I pop since I rarely happens to me and it always gets me excited! When the tables pop now, it's like hooking up with the hot chick with out scoring! (I hope that is PG enough for here lol don't want to offend anyone lol!


New member
Apr 20, 2012
Hey now, that is a killer tip! I never knew that! Thanks for sharing that info! :) I fully understand your opposition to the change but, hey just think, if you were playing the real thing, you would run into the same problem! lol Thanks Brakel... My thought is more, well, maybe not allow the game to replay so as not to bother players such as yourself, but perhaps they could throw me a party or send me a beer or two when I pop since I rarely happens to me and it always gets me excited! When the tables pop now, it's like hooking up with the hot chick with out scoring! (I hope that is PG enough for here lol don't want to offend anyone lol!

I think you were past a PG rating with the prior line.
perhaps they could throw me a party or send me a beer or two when I pop since I rarely happens to me and it always gets me excited!


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Oh for the love of all things pinball!!! How I didn't get that truly does show my ignorance! lmao... sorry, and thanks netizen lol


Active member
Apr 24, 2012
I just wish the match sequences were turned off (without having to use Pro mode to do it and thus not be able to post to the leaderboards).


New member
Sep 9, 2013
I have to admit this thread does baffle me a bit.

"TPA doesn't give me my free games!"

But the whole thing is free!

Each to his own I suppose :p


New member
Dec 30, 2012
Good point smbhax, they are pretty useless in their current design as I am gathering.

Hey guys so listen.. Since I am one of, if not the newest person posting around here, I am going to hijack my own post to as a very general question of these forums.... So I am gathering that of those I have seen post here in these main forums, I notice that you guys are pretty much all "Senior Members".... Am I to understand that this title solely means that you guys are regular PA fans / users who have reached and or surpassed (x) number of posts? Do the games Dev's pay attention to these posts or just specific posts? Do the Dev's have a specific moniker that delineates them as Dev's or will they too show as Senior Member and only time allows you to know who they are?

If I happen to come across any bugs in the tables would I just post in a thread that in some way corresponds to the table and if unsure then post here where someone would help classify it to the correct forum? / thread?

Just trying to get a better idea of how things are structured in here and how to best utilize these forums. Thanks :)


New member
Dec 30, 2012
DOH! I mean that it doesn't act upon the popping of the table... Meaning nothing happens any different if you match or if you don't..... Though I suspect that once again, I look like a dumb @ss as I am sure that that was said in complete jest, I am just really haven't had a chance to get to know everyone's quirky site around here... If that is the case, feel free to just smack me upside the head! DOH! lol Sorry..... Ok, Going off to grab my dunce cap and go sit and sulk in the corner for a bit! lol



Jan 28, 2013
To the original point...

I think it would be a good idea to have an option to play in 'Arcade Mode'.

That is... you get 3 credits (for instance), any poppers would be added to your number of credits.

Credits run out... Game Over.


New member
Sep 9, 2013
Good idea, actually. I've thought of that myself before. That way you'd be able to interact with the attract mode. Lots of amusing missed quotes from not letting the user use the flippers during attract mode. Generally the machine insults you for trying to get a free game.


New member
Dec 30, 2012
I second kimkoms idea! I like that... That's exactly the way I was kind of envisioning it working when I started this thread in the first place.


New member
Apr 21, 2013
i like this idea. in this mode each table would give replays for the points as well as if in the arcade. extra balls turned off for points as there would be a replay but extra balls still awarded as shown on table. Specials a replay as in arcade in this mode and high scores replays as in arcade. match of course a replay.

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