PS3 - Bug Possible Bug? Theatre of Magic Multiball Jackpot?

Kong Wen

New member
Apr 26, 2012
Theatre of Magic Multiball Jackpot?

I thought I'd come here and ask since I've tried enough times that I'm not sure what I could be doing wrong. I've been trying to get the Magic Multiball jackpot wizard goal with no luck. I know you can't hit any other targets beforehand, and I know you have 5-6 seconds to do it.

I can't get a good shot with the left flipper, so what I've been trying to do is keep the right flipper up as the first ball drops. This bounces it over the right slingshot toward the right inlane. Than I drop the flipper and do a dead flipper pass to get the 2nd ball over to the left. At about this time, the first ball is coming down the right inlane onto the flipper and I make my shot from there.

Now, when I take my shot, the girl is just saying "two!" in the countdown, and I've sunk a perfect clean shot doing this twice, but I only get the 50M jackpot. It seems like I should get the 100M for that.

Have other people playing on the PS3 been able to get this wizard goal? Am I just sucking it up in a way I don't quite understand?
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Apr 12, 2012
Have other people playing on the PS3 been able to get this wizard goal? Am I just sucking it up in a way I don't quite understand?
I've gotten the goal but I have no idea what I did or how I did it. I just know that I was playing and all of a sudden it said I'd completed the goal. Yeah, I know, not very helpful :) But it can be done!


Sean DonCarlos

Staff member
Mar 17, 2012
Might be that right inlane rollover. I know that's not a major shot, but every time I've scored the 100M, it's been from the first ball dead-passed to the left flipper and shot straight up into the trunk hole, thereby hitting exactly zero switches beforehand.

Jan Duin

New member
Feb 20, 2012
The instruction says that "The countdown is aborted if you hit any other targets before shooting the Trunk Hole". Since the right inlane is a target the countdown stops. Serenseven's method works for me as well.


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Both flippers down,

Dead pass from right to left > Left flipper up > Right flipper up ( yes both flippers up )
Ignore the second ball, just keep the flipper up.

Set your right flipper shot up. If the second ball is going to roll over the kicker, it should do so after you've attempted the trunk shot. Be quick you should only pay attention to the left flipper for the 3 seconds this process should take, as soon as you can let it down let it down and pray your aim is on. With time, you should be able to hit this shot with startling regularity.

Kong Wen

New member
Apr 26, 2012
Good call guys, I totally stupidly forgot the right inlane rollover would be considered a target. I've had little success with the shot from the left flipper after the pass, but I guess I just need more practice with it. At least I know what shot to hone now. Thanks gents. :)

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