Pro Pinball


Active member
Apr 12, 2012
Good to see the Barnstorm forum created. Thanks Jeff.

Could the two Pro Pinball thread be moved there or is that not possible?


New member
Apr 25, 2014
So icade support has been added :) can some one more tech savvy than me please explain how to assign the controls to the correct buttons? Ps about to get the paid version maybe thats the key if that is the answer i will post if not thank you in advance for figuring it out!


New member
Aug 27, 2014
I have the upgrade version and I see no options for icade whatsoever - in the main menu, table menu, or operator menu...

Having an issue with blutrol - I had tried configuring the icade using the jailbreak Cynthia blutrol app - it didn't work perfectly - it could only flip one flipper at a time - if I hold the right flipper and flip the left it nudges instead of flips - this makes it unplayable - but this happens with every pinball app that doesn't have native icade support with the exception of zen - which plays perfectly with blutrol.

I am afraid the blutrol is still trying to control pro pinball even though I deleted its profile from blutrol. Is icade working at all for anyone not using blutrol?


New member
Feb 20, 2012
Here is the changelog...

Fixed crash when running on iPod 5
Added option to upgrade from the Standard version to the Deluxe version
Added slide nudge sensitivity option
Added option to display the dot matrix without the dots, to remove moire effect
Added iPad iCade support
Changed leaderboard screen buttons to show what they will do
New users are now shown the T&Cs
Create account now requires the email to be entered twice, to reduce mistypes
Stopped the launch button being visible when there's nothing to launch
Fixed pause button not responding sometimes
Added restart game option to the pause menu
Fixed crash that occurred when cancelling the play free or purchase dialog
GI level is no longer reset when leaving the GI operator's menu test, to allow other tests to be run with the GI off
Fixed problem with signing in with usernames containing non-ASCII characters
Fixed the score showing the wrong value when the score limit is reached
Fixed slowdown on iPad Mini 2 and iPad Mini 3
Enabled HDR lights on iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, iPhone 6 Plus, iPad Air, iPad Air 2, iPad Mini 2, iPad Mini 3, iOS 7 or 8.1.3 and greater
Improved text on lights legibility


New member
Jan 26, 2014
Yes there are some new options after you start a game. Don't know how the icade stuff is done though


New member
Jul 21, 2013
Maybe for Icade support you have to reach a high score level or something.
Odd and very well hidden.
Last edited:

Flipper bump

New member
Jan 20, 2014
Does anybody know when the camera presets are being added ? i was hoping to find them after this update, btw the "game over" audio sample still breaks down right after its started.

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