Problems with restore


New member
Dec 22, 2013
What happened:
  1. I bought season pass pro 1 and 2 on my iPad, downloaded TPA on my iPhone 5S, everything worked fine.
  2. Then I bought Black Rose on my iPad, which I could not get on the iPhone (downloaded the free version, did a couple of times the "restore purchases", no luck :( )
  3. So I bought BR again on the iPhone and requested a refund from Apple, which I got.
  4. Then I bought BK2000 on the iPad, which again I could not get to work on the iPhone, no matter what I did (I tried the tips I found in this forum)
  5. I deleted the app from the iPhone, keeping the game center, and installed it again -> season pass 1 and 2 are there, but still no BR or BK2000
  6. Now I deleted the app with deleting game center saves and installed it again -> only TOTAN, BR and BK2000, but no season pass 1 or 2 :mad:

Now I am at a lost with this.
Any hints how I get all the tables on my iPhone to work are appreciated.
I am in Europe/Germany if that matters at all.



New member
Aug 10, 2012
It happened to me something. I think that was solved by logging session and starting again. Try and see if it solves


Senior Pigeon
May 31, 2012
Try logging in and out as mentioned above. Make sure you have the correct version. If you bought the paid version on your ipad then use the paid version on your phone.


New member
Oct 5, 2012
I keep both versions (paid & free) installed but I don't keep any of the tables installed on the free version (no point in having duplicates on both the paid & free apps). Remember that your purchased tables are tied to the version (paid or free) through which you purchased them. For example, in my case:

I purchased Black Hole with the free version of the app. To restore Black Hole, I need to restore that one single purchase using the free version of the app. After doing so, the table is then available in the paid version of the app after restoring purchases there.

I purchased all other tables (except for Harley-Davidson) using the paid version of the app. When I restore these purchases, I do so using the paid version of the app. It's best to keep all table purchases under the same Apple ID if possible, unless you have a specific reason for purchasing under different Apple IDs. This also applies to any purchased apps and not just TPA i(f you want to use the apps on different devices).

Also beware that purchases made under different Apple IDs are tied to those particular Apple IDs. If you purchased using Apple ID #1, those tables would not be available for free under Apple ID #2 (etc.). You would have to purchase them again under Apple ID #2.
Last edited:


New member
Dec 22, 2013
Thanks for the hints, finally it worked.
I reinstalled TPA on my iPhone and had TOTAN, BR and BK2000 in "My Tables". I went to Season 1, started a table and all of season 1 went into My Tables, then I started a table of season 2 and then all of the tables appeared as purchased as well.

There is definitely room for Apple / FS to improve this in-app-business (I had similar issues with other apps, buying something in-app on the iPad and not being able to get it on the iPhone with the same apple id)

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