Wasn't ours around 400mb?
The US patch (i.e. the core game datas) contains the two first DLC packs (MM/BoP and CV/FH DLC are just unlock keys in US store), unlike the EU version. That's why the patch is smaller for europeans.
? I'm confused by this.
195MB update just appeared on the Vita, downloading now. Not sure about the PS3 (yet)
Yes, it's also on the PS3
I've just checked and these bugs below haven't been fixed:
Whirlwind: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7440-DMD-on-backbox-is-only-showing-the-top-line (2 issues)
Victory: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7452-Score-display-all-wrong-amp-plays-really-slow
Haunted House: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7453-Flippers-still-work-after-tilting (Bug also on PS3 & PC)
El Dorado: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7454-Score-display-not-working-properly
Tee'd Off: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7457-SKINS!-and-GOPHER-lights-not-working
Centaur: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7469-Weird-flashes-at-sides-of-table
Class of 1812: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7476-Plunger-plate-missing?p=136795#post136795 (3 issues)
Dr. Dude: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showt...-distorted-on-the-backbox?p=137002#post137002 (This now happens on 'Elvira and the Party Monsters' see link)
Scared Stiff: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7501-Weird-flashing-lights
Creature From The Black Lagoon: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showt...f-on-backglass?p=137758&viewfull=1#post137758
Goin' Nuts: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7608-Multi-ball-light-not-lighting
Also on some tables the touch screen controls randomly pop up usually after pausing or restarting:
I'm still very happy with the improvements in the patch, hopefully these issues above can be patched easier now. (Looking forward to seeing the MM/PoB tables when the PSN store's been sorted)
Also the sound settings don't save, they return to the default settings when the game's restarted
Victory, 1812, El Dorado, T2, Haunted House, CBD, and Tee'd Off weren't patched.
Hopefully they'll get patched (and the bugs fixed) if we get any more table update patches.
I just noticed that I missed this MM bug from my list above: http://digitalpinballfans.com/showthread.php/7963-DMD-backglass-problem-since-the-EU-super-patch (It only appeared after the super patch)
Well, it seems I cannot have pro mode for Medieval Madness. As soon as I install the Medieval Madness pro upgrade, then Bride of Pinbot and Medieval Madness will go into the never-ending upgrade loop. I've tried through the PS3, through the UI on the Vita and through the download list, As soon as I upgrade, then the upgrade loop starts when I try to play BoP or MM. Even attempting to manually install over it will not fix it. Completely re-installed TPA 3 times with the same exact result. Finally on the 4th attempt I just didn't upgrade MM to pro and then it's fine. Just no pro mode for MM, that;s all.
I did get the PS3 all squared away 100% though, so that's at least one good thing.
At this point, I give up on the Vita version until they release another patch to fix the upgrade glitch. I have all 3 seasons installed, all upgraded to pro and with the ball packs and all that, just no pro mode for Medieval Madness. It's a little annoying because I like to kill Family Mode, but I'll tolerate it for now.
We're looking into the table pack one issues now. We attempted to fix it by adding the packages into the patch to force the download to complete, but apparently it hasn't worked.
We're looking into the table pack one issues now. We attempted to fix it by adding the packages into the patch to force the download to complete, but apparently it hasn't worked.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease patch the leaderboards to upload offline scores, so Kratos can be jealous of my accomplishments.
Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease patch the leaderboards to upload offline scores, so Kratos can be jealous of my accomplishments.
Hmmm... I find it highly suspicious that your best scores just happen to be while you're offline.
It's been a good while before I could log in since I didn't patch, and gotten good at the game. Screencaps coming when I get the time. Soon.