PS3 NA v2.15 Feedback & Discussion


New member
Apr 20, 2012
And packs 15 and 16 should be out for pass holders as I saw a ps3 leaderboards score for Flight 2000.

Nothing yet. I purchased the Season Two Pass, but no new tables are showing for me.

Also, they removed ALL of the balls they gave us with 2.14, and my EYEBALL ball is also gone! Not happy about that.

[TPA 2.15 Checks]
Dual Stage Flipper on/off option = PASS
Ability to play music from the Sony XMB = FAIL
Check for Stereoscopic 3D = FAIL
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New member
Jul 4, 2013
No new tables here either with SP 2
Curiously also the lack of patch notes.

Oh in progress I guess ;)


New member
Sep 14, 2012
Seems a bit odd only trophies for Whirlwind and Champion Pub were added. Wonder where Goin' Nuts and Flight 2000 are? Normally they added the trophies for 2 sets. Wondering if we need another patch before those too.


New member
May 24, 2013
grasshopper mate, we should get champion pub & whirlwind this week hopefully & goin` nuts & flight 2000 next week. here`s hoping !!!!! :)


New member
Dec 25, 2012
Seems a bit odd only trophies for Whirlwind and Champion Pub were added. Wonder where Goin' Nuts and Flight 2000 are? Normally they added the trophies for 2 sets. Wondering if we need another patch before those too.

It's not too odd considering that T2 comes out next month. A new patch is probably already submitted to release next week or so. I also wouldn't be too surprised to see Table Pack 16 delayed a week or two from traditional release (a week later).


New member
Apr 3, 2013
Was the famous PS3 lag fixed in this release?

It depends what you call "lag".

For me, the input lag in 1080i (delay between the button press and the flipper move at screen) was gone with the 2.14 (NA) / 1.10 (EU) update. But there's still the 1-frame lag (ball that "stutters") time to time ---> read this:

I got a patch today too (EU region). Now I can't access the leaderboards anymore (keeps on saying "Loading...")

Jeez... FS fixed the friend leaderboard with the last update, and now, this is all the leaderboards that are broken...:(

I didn't download the update yet, that there is already bad surprises... Well... one good surprise (dual-stage flippers setting) and one bad (broken leaderboards).
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New member
Sep 14, 2012
It's not too odd considering that T2 comes out next month. A new patch is probably already submitted to release next week or so. I also wouldn't be too surprised to see Table Pack 16 delayed a week or two from traditional release (a week later).
Wouldn't that kind of defeated the purpose of making us wait so long for Champ Pub? They went to the every other month patch to cut down on submissions I thought. Would be silly to now give us 3 patches or so in one months time, and to make us wait this long for Champ and WW if they were going to split them anyway.


Apr 12, 2012
I didn't play much but I did notice that this update reset the custom balls I was using. I didn't bother to change 'em back but it set my green ball on AFM back to the ultra-shiny regular ball.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
Has anyone noticed if the Champion Pub "smart punch" is functional? Just wondering if that was a bug that was mobile only.
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New member
Sep 27, 2012
I cant find the champion pub/whirlwind pack. I looked ingame and in the psn store.

edit: nevermind, I reset my ps3 and it popped up in the ingame season two section.
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New member
Sep 27, 2012
Has anyone noticed if the Champion Pub "smart punch" is functional? Just wondering if that was a bug that was mobile only.

I have only played a few games and it seems to be working as I remember it on the real life machine. not exactly sure which bug you are talking about. if its the bug where all your smart punches get used up at the start of the fight, that appears to be fixed on the ps3.


New member
Jul 30, 2012
I have only played a few games and it seems to be working as I remember it on the real life machine. not exactly sure which bug you are talking about. if its the bug where all your smart punches get used up at the start of the fight, that appears to be fixed on the ps3.
They don't get used up on mobile, the launch button is non-functional. I had 9 smart punches and couldn't use any.

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